But the angel of the LORD said to him, "Why do you ask my name, seeing it is wonderful?" Judges 13:8
If you were anything like me, you might recall as a child, the excitement and wonder of Christmas, or summer holidays. It was an exciting time, everyday filled with joy and hope. You might have dreamt about it, certainly talked about it and lived with the anticipation of the time finally arriving that almost made your heart explode with gratitude!
Or, as the years went by, it might be your first date, or starting to spend time with a special person, that makes you burst, counting the days, for your next big date. Everything in life was perfect, and full of wonder and excitement.
Later in life, it might be a new job, or a new house or finding some new income stream that gets you going. You can't help to think about it - and dream. You discuss it with everyone you know, and can't wait for the next day, because you are living the excitement and each day just keeps getting better.
Well that is exactly how your life in CHRIST will become (if you believe enough and will it).
When the LORD appeared to Samson's family, (in the book of Judges) they wanted to know the LORD's name. Now I know that some translations show it was 'the Angel of the LORD', but that is the LORD JESUS himself visiting them.
So, the family asks the name and the answer is that HIS name is full of Wonder.
You know, when you are going on your first dates, with someone who has 'smitten you'. You can't talk enough and think enough about them.
Out of the abundance of the mouth the heart speaks. Luke 6:45 This applies to both 'good' or 'evil'.
We always talk about what we love. For some of us, this alone should bring about some deep thinking and heart searching.
But when the LOVE of the LORD JESUS, overtakes you, you see HIM everywhere, you see perfect everywhere because HE is in everyone, and HE is everywhere. And then when you see HIM answer prayer, and speak to lead you into TRUTH (more of HIMSELF, because TRUTH is a person) John 14:6 you get so excited, that you have to talk about HIM to everyone.
- Compelled by LOVE as Paul writes. 2 Corinthians 5:14
- Everyday is JOY
- Each new month is a celebration of LIFE into MORE LIFE - abundant LIFE as JESUS said. John 10:10
If its not growing like this, then you are looking at things from your own point of view. Wait on the LORD, let HIM lead you and speak to you.
Because when HE does - its wonderful.
But the angel does not say it was secret, but hoo pailee, `it is wonderful;' the very character given to the Messiah: ` His name shall be called pailai. Wonderful,' Isa 9:6 taken from http://www.bible.cc/ (a great Bible website with original greek as well).
Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land ...
You can EASILY do this, when you find the LORD to be your delight. When you see HIM as your actual SOURCE for everything you need.
You will always talk about what you LOVE!
And what you LOVE will always excite you!
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