The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Thursday, February 23, 2012

If you are NOT happy today – you will never be happy!

No Joy In Your Salvation?

Now I know that some of you walk in joy almost daily.  My good friend Emmanuel has talked about GOD’S Joy on numerous occasions.

It was the joy of the LORD that freed some of those in our home fellowship from drugs and addictions.

Hopefully I can show you a trick/ or trap of the enemy that has been used on me (and
all of you) countless times before – robbing you of joy and fulfillment.

Let me say it again, that if you have no (or little) joy today – you will never have more.
It won’t get better! Because you need a revelation of Joy – now!

Why is that? And I thought this was going to be good news? I hear some of you ask.

Hang in there – it gets better - way better! Remember we are talking about Joy and the solution to your joyless problem.

You see, many of you have been hoodwinked (tricked) into a lie that the devil has used millions of times and you are his next victim

Here is the normal Christian life according to Romans 5 : 2-4 (AMP – which means Amplified Version)

2Through Him (JESUS) also we have [our] access (entrance, introduction) by faith into this grace (state of God's favor) in which we [firmly and safely] stand. And let us rejoice and exult in our hope of experiencing and enjoying the glory of God.

3Moreover [let us also be full of joy now!] let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patient and unswerving endurance.

4And endurance (fortitude) develops maturity of character (approved faith and tried integrity). And character [of this sort] produces [the habit of] joyful and confident hope of eternal salvation.

Breaking it all down:

We enter into this state of GOD’S favor (GRACE) and walking in this LOVE we firmly and safely stand. (See verse 2). Eric’s thoughts: “That’s good, I want to safely stand!”

Because we (experience and understand) this great GRACE we are full of Joy now – exulting and triumphing and rejoicing in our sufferings. (Verse 3)

Eric’s thoughts: “Hmm, full of Joy now”.

This pressure we are experiencing, if we see JESUS only does something good for us (not for the world) but for us.

Here it is:

It produces in us HIS Character and puts us in habitual joy and confidence (in our GOD who gives us HIS LIFE every day, not death but LIFE).(verse 4)

Ok so that is all nice and good, but how where is this trap? And how does it play out in my life? I’m still depressed and cranky!

Note: depressed and cranky is not a fruit of the SPIRIT (see Galatians 5).

In the Garden of Eden when the enemy tempted Eve (remember it says that Eve was deceived not Adam).

For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.  1 Timothy 2: 13-14

There are 2 things I wish to point out, hopefully you get it and perhaps by the SPIRIT HE can bring us all further into it.

One is a minor point (sidebar thought) the other is the main point. Note: this sidebar point I need more revelation on this all just came to me as I write, but there is meat here.

Minor (Sidebar) Point:
(new revelation I just received as I’m writing this main message to you)

First Eve was deceived not Adam. So Adam didn’t sin at first and not by deception but willingly. Do you remember the Bible talks about willful sin?

She was deceived (not him), he couldn’t live without her (they were part of each other) and so willingly sinned to be with her.

Adam wasn’t tricked here or deceived but he still sinned but in a different way.

(more on this later). .

There is a difference between being deceived in sin and willful sin, I don’t know more to say about this yet, (as this is new to me) but the SPIRIT teaches us all things. John 14:26

Boy I can hear this discussion already started.

Back to the Main point:
The devil’s trap is to deceive and tell you what you think you are lacking. “if you eat this fruit you will become like GOD, knowing good and evil”. He says. Genesis 3:5

She was already made as a daughter of GOD and she had everything and lacked nothing in the garden – which is now you (inside you) the secret kingdom.

“No”, came the lie, you need this revelation and your eyes will be opened and will become like GOD. The implication is that you are not all there yet, you are not truly fulfilled – lacking so, no real joy.

But we know that when we have HIM (JESUS) we have access to DAD (GOD) for everything. We are in the same place as Adam and Eve.

Romans 8:32 says “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all--how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?”

Here is the trap.

If you see only what you lack, then you are looking with natural (carnal minded eyes), eyes of flesh and that has nothing to do with faith.

Faith only sees what GOD has said, and promised and it trusts that this JESUS who loves me, heard my prayer and is working all this for my good.

But if you are looking to something (longing for something) and want it so bad, you are not seeing that all things are yours already. You believe a lie that only if I had this ________________ (you name it) thing/person, then I will be happy, you say to yourself.

It is all future happiness, joy someday when this ___________(something) happens.

WRONG and you are chasing a lie!

You then make wrong, rash decisions – suffering the consequences. You get hurt over and over again.

You are allowing your carnal mind (flesh) to dictate to you what you need, and not the SPIRIT which delights in GOD and puts to death the carnal mind.

Once you get the thing, (if you even get it at all) it doesn’t satisfy (like the forbidden fruit) and you fall further from the provision of GOD and certainly are not operating in any faith. Its crushing you.

Without Faith it is impossible to please GOD. Hebrews 11:6

Adam and Eve took the forbidden fruit.

Abraham went another way to have children – not trusting GOD.

Only Joshua and Caleb saw the Promised Land the way GOD saw it – the other 10 spies died on the spot of a plaque. Numbers 14:36-37

Peter took his eyes off JESUS and to the wind and waves and started to drown.

Get it?

Always wanting and never taking by faith what is already yours.
One state will leave you dry and frustrated and zero answers to prayer.
The other place will leave you refreshed, and full of joy with all your prayers answered.

Always lacking never satisfied.
Or Always satisfied never lacking?

Stop being hoodwinked.
Start recognizing that all things are yours, and that you are blessed NOW! (see 1 Corinthians 3:21 and John 17:10)

Godliness with contentment is great gain. 1 Timothy 6:6
Who wants fullness of Joy in their life? Psalm 16:11

Who wants some Great Gain in their life?

I for one do!

You won’t get abundant life in the Kingdom listening to lies and telling GOD you are not happy with this GIFT of LIFE that HE has given you.

Let me close by this question to you:

How many of you feel real good, when you give someone else a gift (or a child a gift) and they open it and toss it aside?

How does that make you feel?
Your life is a gift.
This Christian LIFE is a gift – JESUS LIFE is a gift!


Thank you DAD that I have YOU, and that you never leave me, and you are in me, working through me in your great LOVE.

Pour Your LOVE through me, that I can refresh others today – thus refreshing YOU (giving to you, through giving to the least).

Thank you that I have a home and food and family and friends and all your promises that are IN JESUS who is IN me and I in HIM.

I choose to see YOU at work here, and rejoice that this is working for my good, as only good comes from you and I have you – amen.

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