The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

If you don't see the beauty of it....

How do you know if you really 'love' someone or something?

We say that we 'love' all kinds of things and sadly we say we 'hate' all kinds of other things.
Why I say 'sadly', is because we should be like the world (the carnal nature) and see everything as only 'black and white'.  Judging by appearances the scriptures say.

No, we are to look at the heart, which is the Old Covenant way of looking with the SPIRIT (the real you connected with DAD (GOD)).

So, we are to let HIM lead us, and look at people and things from HIS perspective and not our own judgments that the carnal mind conjures up.

I remember thinking about this 'judging from the outside' bit when I was at a beach a few years ago with the family.  Now this beach was sand that could walk out for miles (up in Algonquin Park, northern Ontario), but to get to the sand that you can walk on for miles, you had to get past this 3 to 4 meter (3 to 4 yards) of hard stones and rocks.  The water there was too shallow to swim over those rocks, and some wearing water shoes, could get over, but for the many that didn't have those types of shoes/flippers even, had to traverse over these hard and un-forgiving stones.

So, this younger guy, built and for sure showing off his arms and worked on muscular body, walked to the stony area, seemingly for the first time.

I judged him, "thinks he's cool"...."watch the stony area, betcha can't get through that with that stride" were my judging thoughts.

He gets to the area, and walks through hardly breaking stride!

"think he is really tough, and strong - showing off" were more thoughts.
BTW - these thoughts are NOT really me (or you) these are carnal minded/ evil worldly thoughts that we are supposed to battle.

After he went swimming beyond the the hard area, to the endless sandy shoulder deep water, he came back.

Stepping on the hard rocky area, he stopped.
Bent over and picked up (one of the many hard stones), and examined it.
"probably a geologist and knows about every stone too" were my judging thoughts.

He picks ups a stone, and brings it towards me (I never met the guy in my life).
He shows me (there were many others sitting and laying on the beach around me) this amazing stone.
The more he turned his hand, parts glistened in the sun.
And with genuine interest in the stone, and a real like soft nature about him, I realized that he knew about nature/rocks to a degree and fully appreciated all this!

He loved it and it was beautiful to him.

Just like the LORD told me, "when you see it as beautiful, you truly love it".

And the same LORD said "judge not, lest you be judged"...I really mis-read this fine young father and young man.

See them as JESUS does, look at them in love.  And when you see them as 'beautiful', you really love them!



  1. Really for sure you cannot love the 'ugly' and most haters are those who see no beauty at all in the things they develop attitudes towards. The prayer I am making for me and those around me is that the LORD may help us to see beauty in everything. I am thinking about the woman who came with an alabaster box filled up with expensive spikenard perfume and anointed the LORD, and worshipped without really minding about feelings of others around. She makes one thief and hater called Judas Iscariot to speak out (the only time he did speak a part from the betrayal deal-time). Judas saw no beauty in anything, including his Master. He sneered at this woman, and saw no beauty in her. The Bible says others who knew her thought the LORD would never allow her to touch him due to her uncleanness. In contrast He says she would be preached everywhere the gospel would reach as a tribute to her great act of anointing His body for burial. They smelled her perfume as they crucified Him and tore that garment, sharing it among themselves. They also shared her perfume.
    May the LORD open our eyes to beauty; that we may swim in the bliss of many blessings others are in our lives. Amen.

  2. Great point made!
    I didn't see that scripture that way, thanks brother Jim!
    May the LORD open all our eyes to see...
