After all the striving, all the stress, all the religious 'rule following'. Trying to do all the 'right things' you are left with nothing but hopelessness (you're at the end of the rope) and it is right at this moment you can 'give up & surrender to the one who 'knows best' and loves you...
The Exchanged Life

"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4
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Sunday, February 28, 2010
When GOD says "No".
Note: although this isn't the purpose of this post, but each piece of armor is JESUS! You put it (HIM) on by believing, and you are never told to take it off or that it falls off. Simply recognize HIM for every piece of the armor. Even on a per need basis.
Back to my main point:
God tells us to put on armor...
Have you ever told a child to put on his coat or hat before going out? Its a command but really its only for the good of the child (Mom and Dad don't really benefit by someone else wearing a hat).
Its the same as GOD's commands, they are all motivated by LOVE (which is only for your own good).
HE can not think or act otherwise HE is true to HIMSELF & it benefits you and us - because it is LOVE.
Since LOVE is always about the best interests for someone else (its never about me first).
When GOD commands or gives orders they are not for HIMSELF. They are all about you, or the greater good (the Church) HIS body.
At times we may give (as parents) certain demands or expectations on our children but they are either for their good or the good of the whole or entire family, which obviously includes them too.
GOD is just like that!
Now sometimes when you pray, you don't receive because you are praying or asking too low (too small). Like one of our kids wanting (requesting /praying) to Dad/Mom that they would like to munch on some potato chips.
Parents answer "no".
Why? The child doesn't know that the family is going out to eat and they are going to eat well having a great feast, but the child is asking to small, so the answer is no.
Keep in mind that everyone that talked with JESUS as HE walked about was all prayer.
It was all asking, talking, requesting - prayer!
When you ask a request in prayer, and you believe it's for the sake of LOVE and a legitimate request and you still get a 'no' (because the result didn't go as you suspected) then we quote from Norman Grubb who said "GOD'S "No's" are greater "yeses"!"
If you are asking too small and not getting then ask for larger! Or ask the LORD "what should I ask"? Looking for larger!
see 2 Kings 13:15-19 for one example, when they would've received way more but didn't.
Other times we ask too big and the answer out of love (its always out of love) is 'No' .
A parent wont allow something that will either destroy their child or hurt their sibling.
Either will GOD.
The answer is no.
In our family one brother may ask Mother (they ask some outrageous things sometimes but then again so do we, with GOD).
Son asks "Can I have all of my brothers _________ (insert item name). Candy, Cake, Toys, Baseball Cards
One of our sons once asked for his allowance and the allowance of his brother (because he reasoned he did more work).
My answer to them, "No".
The disciples and people asked JESUS some crazy things at times; like if they (James & John) could sit on JESUS left and right. See Mark 10:36-40
Huge request at the expense of everyone else - Answer 'NO'.
And many times we simply don't receive because we don't even bother to ask. "You have not because you ask not" see James 4:2-3
Lastly we need to learn when to ask and when to take.
Our authority as GOD's kids, is to take what HE already promised us. When my boys were younger, they asked us for everything. Now, as they get older, they know what they can take and usually what still needs asking for.
They don't ask, if they can have a drink or an apple or sit down and read a book. They often go into the kitchen and just take. They will often speak at school when other kids are tempting them to do or say something wrong. If they speak with confidence about what they know NOT to do, they don't come home and ask us first, they already know and speak.
I believe therefore I've spoken. 2 Corinthians 4:13
Many things we already know what GOD wants. And many things you already have, you just don't have the eyes to see it yet!
There is a time to ask GOD in prayer. There is another to use the authority HE has given you over evil.
I learned this lesson in a vision GOD gave me about 5 years ago.
Vision on authority and prayer
In my vision, I was in my home (my old house) and heard a sound by my front door.
When I went to check it out I saw a thief standing in my front doorway. In my hands I held 2 things.
In my right hand I had a loaded pistol. (Note: I don't own any guns this was a vision)
I had my title deed to my house (Note: they don't really give those things out like they used to)
Ok, so with loaded gun and title deed I was armed.
I pointed the gun to the thief and demanded that he leave!
He tried to speak and convince me (very well I might add) to give up the gun and title deed and hand them over to him instead!
And in my vision I was tempted to and felt pressure to give in to his crazy request.
Then my vision was over.
The LORD spoke: "the pistol was MY power and the title deed MY authority. You have both MY power and authority over the enemy".
I knew the devil was the thief.
Here's what I learned:
its my house, not the enemy. (this is my Fathers world).
the gun is loaded (HIS power is very real for the situation).
the title deed proves its my rightful place of authority, not the thief's.
the power of the thief (his doubts and lies are very convincing) to almost get me to put down my gun and hand it over with the title deed to him.
if the vision would have continued, I might have given in - it was that tempting.
the devil has no authority or power over GOD's kids (you and me). He's been defeated already at the cross. Colossians 2:14-16
Using our own family as an example we constantly see GOD heal us and give peace. We don't beg GOD to do it, as HE already told us to 'lay hands on the sick' or anoint with oil. If it persists, we can ask GOD to show us what we are missing or what else to do.
But we have to at times keep demanding the devil, or sickness or pain to leave.
It always does!
Because of JESUS we've have not had to take medications, or go to hospitals. From our kids getting nightmares and demonic attack (no more praise GOD) to pains and sickness, bumps, lumps and headaches to sprained (painful) hands, feet, legs. JESUS has healed all.
HE has filled teeth, taken pain away so many times. HE is Amazing LOVE.
We've seen cancer go, heart problems to good hearts, and answers to prayer for financial aid and victory over sins. What a champion!
I can't even begin to remember all the things HE has taught us and the many lives 100% changed by HIS GRACE - Amazing Grace!
HE is an ever present help in the time of trouble. Psalm 46:1 and we need HIM all the time!
pray without ceasing...1 Thessalonians 5:17
Remember HE is a GOD of faith, you must believe before your receive! Mark 11:24 and Matthew 21:22
Don't bother, if you wont believe HE hears and will answer specifically what you are praying for, as long as its motivation is LOVE. Isaiah 65:24
I will end with this story:
One of our best friends is a Christian Jew, (a complete Jew) and he said this:
(BTW: GOD healed him of cancer and his is in his 80's!)
"The Jews had no problem believing that JESUS would heal them, but for HIM to forgive sins, that was blasphemy. We Christians, on the other hand, have no problem believing HE forgives sins but not for healing!"
Satan continues to divide HIS word, and deprive the children.
But, HE loves to answer prayer! Rest in HIM, HE is holding on to you!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
What the LORD just did for this little Greek waitress...
Read on...
A few weeks ago, I was visiting this same restaurant with our favourite Greek waitress, when she served us, I asked "How are you doing?"
She pointed to her neck and looking very sad, said that she had lost her cross necklace that she has had for over 30 years and never takes off!
She told us she never lost it before and it doesn't leave her neck - it was valuable, but more for sentimental reasons than its value as gold jewellery.
I told her that she should ask the LORD to show her where it is and that HE would reveal it to her.
Although she believes in JESUS she looked surprised by what I told her.
I reminded her that the Word says "You have not because you ask not." James 4:2
And told her a story about how I first learned that when my oldest son was about 5 or 6 years old and I had lost my drivers license.
I couldn't find my drivers license anywhere and never take it out of my wallet. I had my wallet but the only thing missing was the license? I looked everywhere, then asked the LORD to help me find it.
Note: 1 Isn't it funny we don't think to ask HIM first?
Note: 2 Also, when you ask you must believe - being desperate is helpful in prayer.
what I mean is don't make 'lip service' to GOD in prayer -either mean it or don't pray!
Anyway, I related this story to the waitress and told her that I couldn't find my license and prayed about it. The next day our oldest son, came to me and said he knew my license was under our stove.
Amazed I asked him how he knew it was there and he told me 'GOD told me'.
Because he was so convinced, I moved the stove (which is always a bit of a hassle) but low and behold it was there! Missing license!
Now, my son reminded me (because the LORD reminded him) that one day I was carrying my wallet and tripped in the kitchen, we have ceramic tile and the license popped out of my wallet and slid under the stove!
My son didn't see the license slid under the stove when it happened nor did I. GOD showed him. (if we saw it slid under the stove, we wouldn't need to pray about it).
Wow, through the 'mouths of babes' I thought.
Anyway I shared this story to our friendly waitress who had lost her cross/necklace.
She said "I have goose bumps, when you told me this story".
Of course she has met my family including my own 2 boys many times so she knew everyone in the story as I told it.
Well what happened?
Many days later I was back in the restaurant when she came up to me very excited.
"I have found my cross!" she practically shouted. And continued to tell me the place that she found it was not at home (where she thought it went missing) but near the garbage area at work on the floor in the restaurant.
JESUS got a little closer to her that day.
She told me when we were leaving that although she is now single - JESUS is her husband!
That is what GOD wants - enter HIS family, come to HIS table - enjoy HIS life!
How I learn what 'Saved' meant from a Greek restaurant waitress.
But what this Greek restaurant waitress shared with me, really put it into perspective.
Here's how it happened (a few years ago)...
My Dad and I frequent this restaurant by our offices and over time have gotten to know some of the staff, including this little grandmother Greek waitress that has worked in this restaurant for many years.
Being there so many times, and joking around with her, one day I asked her what the word 'sozo' means?
She thought for a moment, un-sure how to answer.
I said, it was a Greek word in the new testament and she nodded like she now knew what I was getting at.
She put her arms (don't forget we are in a restaurant) but she put her arms pretending she was holding a baby and said...
"This is what that word means, it means a mother nurturing her baby".
Then I knew it!
When GOD saves you, HE loves you like a mother with her baby.
Feeding, nurturing, providing, protecting, holding, singing, comforting, healing.
Are you believing the whole Gospel or just parts of it?
Is JESUS only fire insurance to you? or is HE your 'all in all'?
Afraid to let HIM hold you?
Don't know that HE is in you?
Living through you?
So afraid of LOVE...
Only Believe -
LORD open their eyes to see.
'HE will quiet you with his love,
HE will rejoice over you with singing.' Zephaniah 3:17
Saturday, February 20, 2010
True Riches! How do you get it?
But here is what I am getting at; (without mentioning names, because we are all guilty before GOD when we stand without HIS covering, 'Righteousness' by GRACE.)
A golf player admits to problems, a Halfpipe bronze medalist in the Olympics has to leave the Olympics because of some embarrassing photos.
Both well decorated in medals, worldly honor and sport victories but disgraced.
I am not going to talk about people doing bad things and point fingers (the devil does a good enough job beating everyone up) but rather point to JESUS.
Here is what JESUS said: "So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?" Luke 16:11
We are reminded, of Esau, who couldn't care less of his 'birth right' and exchanged GOD's glory for worthless bowl of soup. See Jeremiah 2:11 and Romans 1:25
Note: the Birth Right represented 'JESUS'!
Yes, you might be saying, but how does that compare with these sports guys and their troubles?
Its all of us, it effects everyone.
How can we enjoy and participate in 'True Riches' when we don't handle worldly things properly?
Note: This is a great scripture that those money hungry tithe teachers throw at us to get us to give more but they can't be further from the truth!
Its not about giving more. Its about what do you love more?
or what loves you more? or who loves you more?
True Riches what are they? The better question is 'who' are they?
Riches don't necessarily mean money in the bank but an abundant life is a life walking with JESUS experiencing HIS love, hearing HIS voice and walking in HIS power.
Actually HIS abundant life or Kingdom is one of being blessed in every way. Not without our battles, or tough times, but with our GOD constantly delivering us, healing us, keeping us and providing for us!
True Riches - is JESUS and when you have HIM - you have all things, they are all yours in HIM. 1 CORINTHIANS 3:21—23
If you are foolish with the worlds values or other peoples things, then your attitude is wrong and how do you expect with that attitude to partake of GODLY riches, like the Fruit of the SPIRIT and the Gifts of the SPIRIT?
You see what is high valued among men is detestable in GOD's eyes and if you can't handle what GOD calls detestable (worldly things) properly, then how can you handle what is of real value? Luke 16:15
GOD loves you so much and HE is weeping over the state and shortness that we live in as we put our ideas and faith in things that HE says not to.
Not because "He wants it that way". NO and again NO!
Its because HE has a broken heart (sad heart) to see HIS kids live without HIS help, Provision.
You want to know what is GOD's wrath?
It is a loving Dad or Mother seeing her 2 year old take an end of a spoon and try to shove it in the electrical plug on the wall. Mother screams and dives for her little one pushing their little hands away with some force, knocking the spoon on to the floor. The little one, startled, starts to cry and Mother picks up her 'babe' and they hold each other as Mother whispers her thanks to "GOD" for protecting her little one.
That's Mothers Wrath!
That is what GOD wrath is like.
Not wishing any perish but all come to the truth. John 3:16-17 also 1 Timothy 2:4 and 2 Peter 3:9
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Repentance - Have you done it?
God exalted him to his own right hand as Prince and Savior that he might give repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel.
Repentance is often taught that it is something we must do.
The command is 'repent and be baptized'.
So, its something I must do...Right or Wrong?
No, its a gift. That HE might give (gift) repentance. Its a gift (like everything else GOD gives us). All we do is choose it, or accept it!
Here is the Greek word for repentance "metanoeó"
meta is the first part and it means "with or after"
noeó is the second part and it means "consider, or understand"
Or, after understand.
We get the idea of re-thinking our position and turning around.
Problem, its a gift - nothing we do!
Malcolm Smith uses a great word picture of the act of repentance and I will try to capture what he says to you.
Picture the great story of the lost sheep. Matthew 18:12-14 and Luke 15:3-7
Ok, you are that sheep (so am I) as the scripture says 'all we like sheep have gone astray' Isaiah 53:6
So, we are sheep but not only that we are, you are, a lost and missing sheep. Now, sheep dont run away (like a dog or cat) they aren't like that, but they meander. They see what seems like better grass just a little bit 'over there' and slowly make there way to it.
They don't know, but they are leaving the best grass (because the Shepherd, knows the best watering areas and grassy fields) but the sheep are not willfully leaving the Shepherd but slowly by small wrong choices drifting further away.
But this loving Shepherd knows HIS sheep and realizes that one is missing (thats you) and risks everything to go look for you. Leaving the others behind safely in the pen looking for the one that is in danger, although not perhaps realizing the extent of the danger. Here is the sheep, alone, afraid, confused, in the dark and crying for help, crying for love.
Are you like that sheep - not knowing what went wrong, or what is wrong, but you know its dark, and its not supposed to be like it is.
JESUS the Great Shepherd is looking for you.
Here is what happens next (its repentance in action). The Shepherd with great joy finds HIS missing one and doesn't scold it, but picks it up and as Shepherds do, wraps it around HIS neck (so that their legs are hung over the shoulders of the Shepherd). The Shepherd doesn't say 'Sheep, go home, now that I've found you!'
He so identifies with the fearful, lonely sheep HE carries him around his neck.
Speaks to the sheep ever so softly - they are closely connected, in fact the Shepherd is bound to the sheep as HE carries him.
Is the sheep with the Shepherd - Yes!
Is the Shepherd with the sheep - Yes!
The sheep doesn't know what happened, nor is it smart enough to turn and go home when it was lost. It doesn't have to - the Shepherd knows!
When the Shepherd picks up and carries the little lost lamb, HE Repents!
Remember its a gift right!
He turns around and carries the lost lamb home!
Does the lamb turn around and head for home - Yes!
By letting the Shepherd, who knows the way, who knows whats best, who loves and is willing to risk HIS life for this one, repents and turns around and goes home!
Are you trying to repent?
Or are you letting go, and letting HIM direct you and carry you into HIS arms,
into the FATHER and into HIS kingdom itself.
The Kingdom of LOVE, The Kingdom of Power.
Stop running little lamb and let the Good Shepherd carry you home! John 10:11
Simple Words
Just a refresher on a few biblical words and what they mean.
Faith in the greek πίστις translated pistis means 'Assurance' but it comes from the word peithó which means 'to put your confidence' or 'put your trust' in.
A child excersizes faith in Mother, knowing what she is like and what Mother already has said and done in the past. A child knowing Mother loves them, has confidence (Faith) (Trust In) what Mother said she is going to do.
Obey in the greek ὑπακούω translated hupakouó means 'Listen or Hear'
Sometimes when our kids do the wrong thing, we may say "You aren't listening!" In short, you are not being obedient. Paul makes a very unique statement in Romans 6:13-18 that its your choice (you are free not to) use your various body parts (members) to listen to the voice of what they call you to do (sin) which results in failure.
Everything has a voice and is calling you. JESUS is calling you, but so is temptation and its our choice not to listen (obey) the wrong voice but listen (obey) what GOD is saying to us at this very moment.
Sin in the greek ἁμαρτία translated hamartia means 'Failure'
The word Save or Saved is שַׁע
in hebrew and translated as yasha means to 'deliver or avenge'
In the greek Save or Saved is σώζω in greek and translated as sozo means 'to heal, restore, make well, deliver'.
Here is the word 'Saved' in OT and NT.
Psalm 44
5Through You we will push back our adversaries;
Through Your name we will trample down those who rise up against us.
6For I will not trust in my bow,
Nor will my sword save me.
7But You have saved us from our adversaries,
And You have put to shame those who hate us.
Who are our enemies now? Other nations? Is this our fight? Ephesians, 6:12
I think our enemies are GOD's enemies. Our enemies (GOD's and mine) are:
The World not the people in the world. 1 John 2:15-17
Religious Institutions not the people trapped in these institutions. Matthew 23:1-4
Sickness, Disease, Demonized not those who are victims of them. Luke 13:16 & Acts 10:38
Death not those that die. 1 Corinthians 15:26
Also Luke 9:56 ...for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to
save them.
Here is why the more I give up - I gain.
When we don't see JESUS alone as our 'all in all' then we are adding to HIM. There is nothing that can be added to complete perfection. HE is complete and everything is made for HIM and is IN HIM.
see John 1:3 and Colossians 1:16
Ok, now some of you know we have 2 boys.
Here is my question, are they our boys because of what they do?
Or, do they lose their standing as our sons because they've done something wrong?
No! They are simply our sons and we love them.
In fact we already loved them the moment they were born, and prayed over them when they were inside Mom (before they were born).
We loved them first! Sound familiar?
Let me explain...
(don't make your own judgements, read on and ask the HOLY SPIRIT
to reveal JESUS to you)
We are not trying to make enemies here but trying to show you the freedom you already have in JESUS! Galatians 5
Ok, here it is:
If its...
JESUS plus my bible reading - sin (which means failure)
JESUS plus church attendance - sin
JESUS plus my tithe or giving - sin
JESUS plus my own good works - sin (I am not like other people out there) see Luke 18:14
JESUS plus my prayer time - sin
JESUS plus my bible degree - sin
Here is the Divine Formula:
JESUS plus anything = failure
JESUS alone = success
Because if its not LOVE its sin!
If its not done for the good of (others and JESUS) its sin.
Here's the deal...
When you receive HIS love and realize its nothing to do with you
and only HIS love that keeps coming to you then...
You will have fellowship and not have to.
You will give and bless others not have to.
You will pray not have to.
You will witness effectively not have to.
You will do good not have to.
What made the difference?
You stopped everything you were doing and put your attention to JESUS alone.
We stopped tithing and GOD has blessed us to give as HE directs.
We stopped going and doing church and GOD has given us sweet fellowship with other believers and seeing the power of GOD.
We stopped trying to read the bible everyday and now can't put the book down.
We stopped praying (because its what we are supposed to do, doesn't the bible say to pray without ceasing ...pray without stopping?) 1 Thessalonians 5:17
What a joy to be continually talking with and about the ONE you love who is in LOVE with me.
Here is the key:
The bible talks about, over and over again about Law and GRACE.
Moses gave you the law but GRACE and TRUTH came through JESUS! John 1:17
The law means something fixed - it cannot be changed or broken. Everything that GOD says is law, since it is unchangeable and cannot be broken.
There are laws of the SPIRIT of LIFE and the law of FAITH but more on those later. There are also physical lessor laws GOD has created in nature but we are not discussing that here either.
But the law the bible talks about (over and over again) is the levitical law, meaning you must keep it or die!
We sort of sum them up into 10 commandments. But the purpose of the law is simply show you GOD's requirement and mans in-ability to keep it.
JESUS said that "Don't think I came to destroy the law but to fulfill it" Matthew 5:17
(HE is the only one who can)
Because HE is the only real 'Christian' (if I can put it that way). You can't, by your own efforts, keep or get to HIS standard - impossible! Every religion, cult, self help, church denomination tries to keep there own interpretation of the law (rules and requirements) and if you keep these you are in 'good standing' or upright. But its a lie! You are not good - but evil and have cut yourself off of GRACE trying to live that frustrated, angry, sin heaped, cursed life.
Because JESUS isn't good enough for you, you need HIM plus something more...
I beg you, challenge you, dare you to ask GOD to prove it and try HIS way.
Which is JESUS only.
When you read 'law' in the bible change the word to 'self effort' and you will see the meaning more clearly because that is what the bible warns you not to do! Live your life by your own effort.
What was JESUS big fight all the time because it wasn't with the freaks, bikers, outlaws, gangsters, thieves, prostitutes or outcasts - but it was to the good people, the church going, the sabbath keepers, the law abiding.
Only the sick need a physician - if you are good, then you obviously aren't looking for help.
Mark 2:17
But for us, that know we are nothing (in me dwells no good thing Romans 7:18) and know that our good deeds are filthy rags (don't even get me started on our bad deeds, if our good deeds are already filthy). Isaiah 64:4-9
Then we are poor, wretched, dumb, blind and naked on our own. Revelation 3:17
Galatians 2:21
I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!"
Trying to do it on your own - puts you in a place where you set aside GRACE and CHRIST's death has no effect for you.
As we say around here "hurry up and die already".
Sunday, February 14, 2010
What if we prayed like:
What If We Prayed Like, We Knew...
- HE heard us the moment we prayed.
- HE 100% knew the situation or trouble we were in.
- HE loves us enough to do something about it to help us.
- HIS answer to us would be 'YES'.
- And we would trust HIM to do something about it.
- We would be confident that HE would answer back in LOVE.
- And we would wait in expectation until the situation resolved.
Because all of this is summed up in the word 'Believe'!
Didn't I tell you that if you believe, you would see the Glory of GOD!
John 11:40
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Olympics and a Word from the LORD
the opening ceremony of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic games.
The opening presentation was both entertaining and amazing,
and it also successfully try to display the many different places
and peoples that make our great land so great, which is a gift
from GOD.
But sadly, the games came at a HUGE COST. We are not talking about
the politics and budgets that bureaucrats like to argue over. The loss
was about the life of a fellow Olympian and fellow human which over-shadowed
and rightly so, the opening grand ceremonies.
The terrible news was of the death of Nodar Kumaritashvili,
a 21-year-old Georgian luger on his practice run, attempting
to fulfill a dream to participate for his country and family
in the Olympics.
We saw the Georgian Team, participate in their order of countries announced
and came in wearing black scarfs and arm bands to mourn the loss of their friend.
The stadium did the right thing by giving them a standing ovation as they
toured the track and announced the Georgian Olympic team was leaving.
I have now heard, that they might in fact stay and compete instead, but
Love allows them to make the right choice, which is what is best for them.
May the PEACE of the LORD, heal and comfort Nodar's family and friends
and their nation at this difficult time.
And of course the Olympics did the right things, by having a moment of
silence and mentioning Nodar many times in their speeches.
Finally it came to the highlight of the night, the lighting of the torch
and the only talk in Canada on every radio station was, who was going to
light the torch?
There was a delay and one of the Olympic Torch Arms didn't rise. In fact
the whole thing delayed a few anxious moments to get it going. If you didn't
see it, these 4 arms were to rise out of the floor and ignite the middle
pillar. Only 3 of the 4 arms lifted up!
The LORD spoke...
"The reason the 4th arm didn't rise during the 'torch lighting' ceremony
was to remind everyone of fellow brother who didn't rise yesterday but
died tragically. Light represents life, and by it not rising, it shows
that the Olympics is about unity and that is what I am about. You feel
a loss of unity with death - which is separation"
"It couldn't rise - when one of your stars didn't rise"
If we can remember that these are 'games' and as we say at home, games
are supposed to be fun. If they are not fun anymore - why do you play it?
But life is not a game, and the loss of medal or a match isn't something to get
angered about, when someone just lost their life.
"So it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of
these little ones perish. Matthew 18:14
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Covenants - What's your part?
PAPA said, "In the old covenant the way it worked
was that you would do all that is required (keep all the laws),
then I would do what was required at MY end."
Note: there were 613 laws required to keep. Summed up in the
10 commandments. JESUS is the only one that kept them.
PAPA continued, "Now with the NEW Covenant the way it works
is that you do what you are required to do (just like before),
but your part to do, is simply believing, and I will do
what needs to be done at my end (to fulfill)."
This was a great reminder to me to simply 'rest'.
Faiths highest pinnacle is 'rest'.
Leaving it in GOD's hand, and then declaring the outcome
before it manifests and resting.
That is the walk of faith.
That is the life of abiding.
Isaiah 64:4
Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived,
no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf
of those who wait for him.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Want To See More Miracles - check your heart!
(By the way, you can ask the LORD to teach you when
you sleep - simply ask and believe!)
I will bless the LORD who has counseled me; Indeed, my mind
instructs me in the night. Psalm 16:7
Anyway, here it is:
Me standing up with a big pencil and huge eraser in each arm.
The pencil was the size of a hockey stick and the eraser
the size of a pillow. Huge items.
Then I awoke...
I asked the LORD, "what does that mean".
(note: I am getting more and more used to living my life
asking the LORD, "what does this mean" or "what is YOUR take
on a given subject". You need to hear HIS voice to lead you.
Most of you have already heard HIS voice, you maybe didn't
recognize it or the devil stole HIS words away. Remember the
devil does this very thing!
As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path,
and the birds came and ate it up. Mark 4:4
As soon as the word is scattered - immediately as GOD gives
you HIS word (HIS take on a situation) the devil eats it or
takes it from you.
- we explain it away
- we say it can't be GOD its too good!
- we can't remember it too well
- we hear it but another thought crowds it out.
Remember the seed is GOD's WORD. Luke 8:11
We use the term when speaking of 'planting a seed' when
someone shares a little idea or drops a thought on someone.
But the seed is originally GOD's thought in you, or to you.
Here's the meaning the LORD gave me.
The pencil relates to what I write (meaning what I add, like add to a conversation etc..)
The eraser relates to what I erase (meaning what I 'take away')
We have the power and authority to bind and loose. Matthew 18:18
Bind means to "Add"
Loose means to "Take -Away".
What we speak, or what we don't allow in our speech
is what is Added or Taken -Away.
When we speak what HE says, or don't agree with what someone
or the devil may say. We are Binding or Loosing.
JESUS looked at Peter and said "Satan, get behind ME..."
see Matthew 16:23
HE spoke to the fig tree and said "May fruit never grow on
you again" Matthew 21:19
He commanded the storm or sickness. What HE said was the
higher command over the situation.
HE also told everyone that their sins were forgiven (bless the LORD)!
Matthew 9:2 also Mark 2:5, Luke 5:20 & Luke 7:48
We have the same opportunity.
JESUS said; "If you forgive any one's sins, they are forgiven. If you do not forgive them,
they are not forgiven." John 20:23
We have the power to speak and say (our only requirement is to believe)
what JESUS said and it will manifest. We also have the power to take
away and forgive like sins, or take away and erase lies people say or believe
and it will be done.
1 Peter 4:11, the apostle says: "If any man speak, let him speak
as the oracles of God;"
The key?
You must enter into the life of GRACE. The GOSPEL is GOOD NEWS - its
all about HIS AMAZING GRACE (and nothing more).
Secondly, once you enter this kingdom of GRACE, you must believe
and speak it.
2 Corinthians 4:13
It is written: "I believed; therefore I have spoken. With that same spirit
of faith we also believe and therefore speak,"
Have you entered into HIS Kingdom by GRACE?
Now start getting to know JESUS better, lean on HIM for little
things and see HIM come through. Never basing it on your own
'good works' or things you've done, but simply on HIS GOODNESS
Once you see all HIS love for you, its easy to believe.
Because Faith (or believing) works only through love!
Galatians 5:6
Lay your own 'good' and 'bad' down.
Take HIS GOODNESS and LOVE (by believing it and not trusting your own)
Speak what your heart is believing, based on what HE says!
This is the way, miracles occur!
Dont doubt only believe!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Bike Riding Vision...(July 18, 2009)
I was re-reading one of my older prayer journal and
thought I would add this one to the blog.
When we realize that we are really nothing and
that HE (JESUS) is everything and all you really need
and crave (is a person - JESUS) and nothing else.
And believe HE speaks.
Through people - yes.
Through bible - yes.
Through stories - yes.
Through dreams - yes.
Through visions - yes.
Through thoughts - yes.
Now, not every vision or dream or thought or person
or bible verse is nesessarily speaking to you.
You could pick up your bible and read the first thing
it says - and it may or may not be a word for you.
Lets not forget that JESUS is the WORD (so of course
HE knows HIS own WORDS). But the devil (who isn't obviously
the word) knows scripture too. And quotes it.
There was a time in the bible, where a woman poured
expensive perfume on JESUS feet and was told off, because
that perfume should be sold and the money given to the poor.
Mark 14:5
Nobel and seemingly good advise - right?
Nothing could be more sinister and wrong!
So don't believe everything you hear and as the scripture
encourages - test everything!
1 Thessalonians 5:21
But, be open to the fact that GOD speaks to you.
My sheep hear my voice JESUS said! John 10:27
And also, the only reason you don't hear my voice is
because you are not one of my sheep!
John 8:47
He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not
hear is that you do not belong to God."
So, its important to hear.
Some of you already do, and just can't differentiate
between the devils thoughts/voice, your own and the LORD
JESUS's voice and thoughts.
Some don't hear, because sadly they do not belong to GOD.
Ok, so what was the vision?
Read on...
Bike Vision and Word from the LORD
Papa spoke to me: "Are you disappointed with ME?"
I was stunned by the question, and many times HE has
had that sort of impact on me.
Eric answerd the LORD: "I never really thought about it
like that, but YOU know all things, and I guess in some
areas I thought there would be some greater improvement.
So, I have some disappointments, but I guess not really in YOU."
Then the LORD showed me a vision of myself learning to ride
a bicycle (as a youngster) and I was wobbling and teatering
and now almost falling!
Then Dad (PAPA) would grab hold of me and steady me.
(I couldn't see HIS face, because in my vision I was to
nervous of falling of this shaky bike).
PAPA (The LORD spoke to me): "That was a vision of you
in the spiritual!"
"So, here is MY question, (the LORD continued), when your
little ones were just learning to ride their bikes, in there
un-steadyness/wobbling, was it success or failure?
Satisfaction or dissapointement?"
What I learned was this:
HE loves you - big time and as you are just learning to walk or
ride or do all these new and little things in HIS KINGDOM,
HE (PAPA) is so proud of you.
The wobbles,
The teatering,
The almost falling...
Oh, you said you've fallen.
Thats OK, as long as they are lessons learned
in the progress of improvement.
(if you stay down there and don't want to change
then thats a different blog - not this one).
PAPA is watching you. (out of love)
PAPA is catching you.
PAPA is holding you.
Though our ups and downs of this CHRISTIAN journey.
The JESUS Journey!
Here is the Lesson, get back on the bike! Wobbles and all - PAPA is with you!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Lies and how they work.
lies, damage you. If lies continue long enough and are believed,
then they become 'truth' to the person believing the lie.
Meaning you start to live your life believing the lie to be true.
Note: Real TRUTH is a person - again, its JESUS.
JESUS said "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE"...
John 14:6
They believe a lie for so long, they can't see or handle
the truth because they are under great delusion.
Like the old line from the movie "You can't handle the truth",
spoken by Jack Nicholson in a 'Few Good Men'.
In fact MOST people have a hard time believing the TRUTH,
many who claim to be Christians don't believe what GOD says.
If they did, it would change their thinking.
We are expected to 'Renew our minds' - Romans 12:2
Romans 12:2
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed
by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to
test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Renewing your mind is something you choose to do - your choice.
You have to start to believe what GOD says in a world that is contrary
to everything HE says.
When you believe (for example) that it is all about HIS GRACE
and not anything you do or can do, and you throw yourself at HIS feet
and take HIS LOVE, GRACE then as you believe that your mind starts
to be renewed.
When that happens you can test and approve (see and experience) GOD's
will for your life. Scary will? Fearful will?
NO - Good, Pleasing and Perfect (just like JESUS!)
Most in the world, don't believe what GOD has said (and don't
receive HIS super abundant life) because they just don't know.
Its up to us (JESUS leading us by GRACE) to share the 'Good News'
with a world, that just doesn't know.
But, if you believe a lie then you naturally oppose the truth.
We say in our family, that the 'lie becomes like truth to the
Here's a real life current example:
Its the same in parenting. We have 2 boys and they act
like brothers do. But sometimes when mother disciplines
one of them, they might say "mother doesn't love me".
The devil likes hearing that (he can't read your mind) but
he can hear you. The devil will back that lie up with something
to prove your belief in the lie is true.
Note: If you want to know why the devil can't read minds
(although he can sure talk and run you down) but he can't
read minds. email or ask me to share why I believe that,
and am working on a little blog on that note as well.
So, our son mildly believes that Mom, doesn't love him.
The next day, Mom is handing out dessert and accidentally
gives one son, more or seemingly gets more than the
disgruntled one.
The devil whispers - 'see, I told you she loved the other more
than you'.
He re-enforces the simple lie.
The next day both boys have a great day and Dad (me) walks
in and sees their rooms are clean, and homework done and
praises both boys equally for good work.
The devil again piles the lie a little bigger and deeper and
whispers to the one doubting Mom's love. "You know you
did more work cleaning your room and more homework then
your brother, but you got only equal praise from Dad. "
Satan continues, "See they (Dad & Mom) are always in agreement, and
see, they are both against you now".
This isn't just a funny story, it happens to all of us and if not
diffused and over come with the TRUTH in LOVE, the lie gets to (some
point down the road) what the Bible calls a stronghold.
Note: We are supposed to speak the TRUTH in LOVE. Ephesians 4:15
In this case the lie was already taking some root and
it started to change our sons behaviour a little bit.
How do we diffuse it? What always works?
Sitting son down with the entire family. And calling the lie
out...Dad says "Son, we have a feeling because you've been angry lately
at everyone especially Mom, that something bothering you."
Dad continues the mini talk " We love you dearly and are so proud of you."
Mom, leans over and gives (hurting son) a hug/kiss and says
"I love you very much". (affirms the truth).
Then reminding him that the devil tried to divide you from us
again. The devil's only trick is lies and he is an expert at
spinning them. He's been doing it for a very long time.
The devil also likes to 'divide what GOD wants to unify'
and 'unify what GOD wants to divide'.
"He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not
gather with me scatters." Matthew 12:30
If we can, we usually try to get in this case, our son to affirm
out loud the truth. "Mom, I know you love me", would be a good thing
for him to say.
Now this can take a while, there are no 'set words to say' because if it
doesn't come spontaneously with love - it wont work.
Why is like that? Why can't it be arranged and predicted?
GOD is SPIRIT, and like the wind, you can't forecast how HE moves
or how HE does it. (Real LOVE is like that too).
But if you are open to love, and spontaneity,
because HE moves like that, then you will walk 'the love walk' and
leave the 'hard stuff' to HIM.
Love is spontaneous, Faith is spontaneous, Worship is spontaneous.
John 4:24
God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."
How do we worship, spontaneously!
Read my (LORD WILLING) next blog on the Spontaneous life of worship!
The LORD asks : 'Who believes our report' - who trusts our message?
Isaiah 53
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
999 Good Things!
James 1:17
And we've been told, since we were kids, to count our blessings.
Well here is the question, the LORD gave me this morning.
(Because many times, HE teaches you starting with a question.)
Why do you receive 999 good things from ME (JESUS)
and you focus on the one thing that you don't have!
Or, you look at, think about, worry about, focus on
your one thing (1 out of 1000) that you feel the prayer hasn't
been answered (yet).
Thinking that there is still lack in your life in that one area.
This focus on the one thing does something to all of us.
It makes us fearful, worried, anxious and then we usually start
to murmur and complain.
The problem with the complaining is that GOD has to be
trusted without seeing.
Complaining creeps in.
Then you doubt GOD!
To our Jewish friends, they've been brought up to
'Thank GOD' (or as many of them would write it
'Thank G_D' feeling that HIS name alone is so
amazing, so mighty that you couldn't even spell it out!)
They would Thank the LORD, for everything in life
and develop an attitude of gratitude!
They would thank GOD for things we might not,
such as:
lungs to breath with,
a bathroom to go to,
water to drink,
a cup to drink it with,
Its an attitude of seeing GOD in all things.
Knowing HE is with you and is helping you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's
will for you in Christ Jesus.
Now we all go through seasons of our life that
is, what the Bible calls, the wilderness.
Its a place where only faith survives and
everything dies.
Faith lives there, the sin nature (the all me) part of me dies.
Love lives there, doubt and complaining die there.
Provision lives there, your own effort dies there.
Truth lives there, all the lies you believed, die there.
Or the opposite happens, you live there and everything of
GOD begins to die there and then you die there -never getting
to the promises HE wants you to have.
There are 2 great contrasts of the wilderness life
in the children of Israel going to the promised land
leaving Egypt behind and JESUS being baptised and being
led by the SPIRIT into the wilderness to be tempted by
Note, GOD doesn't tempt but leads you there.
The wilderness isn't bad, of itself but its what you
make of it and know in the wilderness that could
make you or break you.
Exodus 14 we see the Jewish people led by Moses through
the Sea (type of baptism) and on through the wilderness into
the promised land.
Who was leading them into the promised land? - The LORD!
The way to get there? - Through the Wilderness.
Jesus in Matthew 3 and 4 was just baptised in the Jordan river
and the SPIRIT descended and the LORD spoke, "This is my
beloved SON, in whom I am well pleased". Matthew 3:16
The next verse is this:
Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to
be tempted by the devil. Matthew 4:1
Note: This will help you to discern the LORD's voice
in your thoughts, is this:
'The LORD leads you, and the devil drives you.'
You must go through the wilderness to get to the promise.
Abraham went through the wilderness,
so did Isaac and Jacob (living for years with Laban).
What about Joseph? (sold into slavery -sent to Egypt)
And Joshua, what about the prophets, or David?
Wasn't David running around from cave to cave knowing he
was to be the next king, but Saul (the current king) didn't
like the idea so hunted him down to kill David.
Later David again, left his throne and castle when his
evil son Absalom wanted to take his dads (Davids) throne away.
Of course the apostles all did, Paul was set aside for about 10
years before he could really be the man (GOD and himself) wanted him to be.
But our 2 examples are the children of Israel and JESUS.
The Bible tells us that the children of Israel and how they
handled the wilderness time of their life are examples to us all!
1 Corinthians 10: 1-6
For I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact, brothers, that our forefathers were all under the cloud and that they all passed through the sea. They were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ.
Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them; their bodies were scattered over the desert. Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did
The children of Israel made the testing time last for 40 years.
JESUS got through it in 40 days. You will make it if you do it JESUS way.
Notice though that we feel we are being tested, but when we complain
and murmur we are testing GOD in the wilderness!
do not harden your hearts
as you did in the rebellion,
during the time of testing in the desert,
where your fathers tested and tried me (GOD)
and for forty years saw what I did. Hebrew 3:8-9
Both temptations were really to put doubt on the fact that
they were not GOD's own.
To the Jews 'you are really not GOD's child, because all HE wants
to do is kill us'
To JESUS, 'if you are the SON of GOD'.
The Jews said things like, 'I guess there were not enough
graves in Egypt'.
GOD's boast was always, that HE can prepare a table
in the presence of our enemies. Psalm 23:5
And that GOD can prepare a table in the wilderness.
The children of Israel tested the LORD saying HE couldn't
See all of Psalm 78 especially 18 and 19
Not trusting and complaining about their part in life.
Not understanding that it is through this time if they
would just throw out everything else and believe HIM
that HE would make a way, and they would progress to
HIS promised land.
JESUS called it the KINGDOM.
We get there, by Thanking HIM for the good things.
And seeing JESUS and trusting HIM (who loves us) to
provide for us and Thanking HIM in advance for doing it.
Knowing that your salvation (deliverance) is close at hand.
Don't be like the Jews in the wilderness that became
what we call unbelieving believers.
But GOD called 'wicked hearts of unbelief'. Hebrew 3:12
Jesus said to them, "Only in his hometown, among his relatives
and in his own house is a prophet without honor." He could not do any
miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them.
And he was amazed at their lack of faith.
Mark 6:4-6
Complaining is the first step to apostasy.
Thank the LORD for forgiving you for complaining
and thank HIM for giving you a believing heart
that wants to trust HIM (even in a dark time).
By FAITH, you will receive a heart that trusts the LORD!
Monday, February 1, 2010
I Don't Know... (Part two)
I am persuaded...
I am convinced...
I am sure...
I know...
How do they use language so solid, so strong, so sure,
so confident?
Their faith and our faith are 2 different things.
To the western world (gentile world) our knowledge
is based on learning facts. Its logical learning.
We think that if we learn enough facts about something
then we know something about it.
If I read about a subject enough and understand it then
I am qualified, and know something about it.
If I asked you what 'pancake bay' is, most of you, if you
thought the question was important enough, would read up
on it. Maybe do a google search, go to the library and
read books on the subject.
We are taught to learn like that.
*Pancake bay info on the end of this blog.
Unfortunately, we use this way of study with GOD and
trying to understand our Christian walk!
This may be the way we have to learn in school,
but that is NEVER the way the
Jews learned or GOD expects us to learn HIS ways!
But to the Jew or those in the early church,
they would NEVER think about knowing something
without experiencing it.
Experience trumps logical learning any day.
If you were needing plumbing repair, water was starting
to flood your floor and 2 different guys came to your
home. One said, he has studied plumbing for 5 years in school
and the other said he has worked as a plumber (for 3 years)
and has fixed your exact problem before for others.
Who would you choose?
Paul said 'to know HIM and the power of HIS resurrection'
Know HIM - how???
Normally the Church says they know GOD but they really
only know 'about' GOD - and fearfully many don't know HIM!
We would say we know about GOD, because we read the Bible,
went to Church (building), went to Bible school,
read christian books and heard hundreds of sermons.
But I think most of what we call 'Christians' don't really
know their GOD (although HE is desperate for them to know
HIM). They have studied the scriptures, attended services,
listened to preaching and STUDY, READ and More STUDY!
John 5:39
You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that
by them you possess eternal life.
These are the Scriptures that testify about me,
My own father as I was growing up was a drunk and without
getting into a long story, it was hard on the entire family,
him included!
Nothing worked, and my parents almost came to divorce
had the LORD not intervened. Bless GOD!
Anyway, long story short, my dad finds the LORD and in a
fairly dramatic way our entire life gets changed. (and still
HE is changing us)
We were in 'awe' (and still are, when we think about it) seeing the
changes GOD's GRACE did for my dad and family. (My dad hasn't
touched alcohol for over 30 years now and lives his life knowing
JESUS loves him).
If someone came to me for help/prayer over their addictions
(like being a drunk) I would have 100% faith, knowing that GOD
would definitely help them. They will be 'set free' and all they
have to be is willing. GOD who really loves them, wont violate their
'free will' and love doesn't force - it lets go, if it has to.
So, if willing, GOD will do a miracle (like HE has done so many times
with others) and set the captive free!
I am confident that if you are in addictions like drinking, GOD
will 100% set you free if you ask HIM to and believe HE is doing
it (even if you don't see it at first).
My faith is based not on reading the Bible and seeing HIM set the
captives free as HE walked recorded in the Gospels but based on
knowing my LORD, who has done it before! Its not hard, HE
will do it for you - whatever the addiction, are you willing?
Did you ask HIM?
It may be harder for you, in the sense that faith grows when you
see GOD, come through again and again.
The trap we are in is this:
You hear about GOD doing an amazing thing in scripture. You then
decide to study it (reading bible, or books). You never see
change because your faith is intellectual faith not
experiential faith!
Faith is a person - JESUS!
Every time, you pray about something and leave it in HIS hands
alone and 'trust HIM' to do it - and HE does, then your faith
is based on the experience you have in a real GOD a 'real person'.
I trust my wife, not because of all the love letters she wrote
me when we were teenagers, or because of what I've learned her
family told me about her when we were dating. No, I trust her
completely because I know her!
Now to someone who loves GOD (or really has come to realize
GOD loves them) but they never ventured out and see GOD deliver
them or a family member/friend then they haven't experienced HIM
(in that way).
So, their faith is mostly mental exercise. If you asked them if
GOD was going to definitely deliver the drunk on the street that has
asked GOD to deliver him, they might agree, (logically) but never
come to real faith - experience. And can not say "I am persuaded",
or "I am confident"!
When David went to kill Goliath, he said a strange thing he said
1 Samuel 17:36
Your servant (David) has killed both the lion and the bear;
this uncircumcised Philistine (Goliath) will be like one of them,
because he has defied the armies of the living God.
David understood 2 things in this amazing passage.
1) David has seen and experienced GOD delivering him and his sheep
before from attack from lion and bear.
David didn't learn that GOD would come through against lion, bear
or now Goliath because he read them in books (scrolls) but
lived to see GOD deliver him before!
Faith soars and is easy seeing a present GOD who delivered
him before and will do it again!
Like the child who knows, his mother will feed him - why stop now?
2) Uncircumcised Philistine (not in covenant)
GOD is a covenant keeping and covenant creating GOD. Either to
HIM you are in HIS new covenant or you are not. (I will LORD
willing type a blog on Covenant soon).
We also have Elijah and Elisha in 2 Kings chapter 2.
Elijah is the powerful prophet and he had a number of
disciples, those being trained including young Elisha.
Elijah has done great things including using his prayer
shawl (mantle) and dipping the corner in the river to part
it. Elisha is living with the ongoing experience of seeing
and hearing everything Elijah does.
Elijah is a type of CHRIST. The bible talks alot of
those that 'foreshadowed' the MESSIAH -JESUS.
Anyway, in this story, Elisha should be like us. Us
watching the Master Elijah at work with the power of
2 Kings 2:9
When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha,
"Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?"
"Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit," Elisha replied.
Anyway, when Elijah is taken away in a chariot of fire,
he throws his prayer shawl (mantle) to Elisha below to catch it,
to now have it.
When Elisha, gets Elijah's prayer shawl, (everyone watching) he
walks over to the Jordan river and like his master Elijah had
done before, he dips the corner in the river and parts the river!
What happens next?
2 Kings 2:15
The company of the prophets from Jericho, who were watching,
said, "The spirit of Elijah is resting on Elisha."
And they went to meet him and bowed to the ground before him.
It was simply a living faith. A GOD who was present in Elijah
and doing wonders through his prayer shawl, or Moses' staff
or Davids sling, they had all experienced a real vibrant
relationship with GOD, by seeing HIM do the impossible before
and then watching HIM do it again!
Didn't JESUS say, I only do what I see my FATHER doing?
I only say what I hear my FATHER say?
Faith works simply (as long as you have received JESUS).
You already have it (if you have HIM, JESUS).
You are not trying to ask for more.
Don't you get it, if you've got HIM (JESUS) you got FAITH?
But your faith works, by seeing GOD come through for you
again and again.
If you've never seen a miracle of GOD (like a healing)
you would be hard pressed to have faith for that.
But if you've seen HIM come through for you personally
or for a close family member and you experienced the LORD
and HIS GREAT LOVE and Commitment to you (covenant with you),
then you rest in that LOVE, and faith really works.
It goes to work, while you are resting!
HE works, you rest.
Can't you see - its all about a person, its all about
HIM for you (not against you).
When you experience HIM more and more, speaking to you,
answering your prayers, giving victory to your troubles,
then your faith soars and its easy!
When Adam said he knew Eve.
Or Mary (before she was going to give birth to baby JESUS)
said 'she knew no man'.
Means the same thing - Adam experienced his wife.
or Mary never experienced a man in a 'marriage, intimate'
Its not about learning intellectually.
Studying and thinking you know something.
Its all about knowing and trusting your GOD.
Can you trust your spouse, or mother when there
is 'tough times'?
Then why can't you lean back and trust the ONE
that you've committed yourself to?
Maybe your faith is more intellectual belief.
The Bible says that demons believe and shutter.
James 2:19
I expect you want your faith to grow and
be more like bible type faith.
Try praying for something you need from HIM
and know that there is no way you can fulfill it!
Watch GOD, your GOD come through!
Then watch faith grow!
Pancake Bay
By the way, here is the place Pancake Bay in Ontario
that my family and I have been. Far from most places
but because of it, its very natural and beautiful.
You can read about it at the link below and know about it,
I have spent time there and enjoyed it and know it! (by experience)