Had a question thrown my direction more than once on sexual sins
in a Christian family.
Either its been, homosexual or adultery, lust, porn or fornication and
what the proper response is to the Christian believer that has a loved
family member that is 'caught up' in such a mess.
We tend at times as people to jump on and attack only sins that
we don't ourselves do. (Making us self righteous, because we think
that because we don't do 'that sin' we are better than others).
GRACE forgives sin but it is a stench to the self righteous.
So, in this question received (many times, but in different ways)
here is how I see it for now...
Q. Help us stop this family madness!
A. First let us understand what 'sin is'.
The reason sin is sin, is because it is only about 'self' which is the
devils nature. This Satanic nature is all about himself,
and it ONLY thinks and acts; 'me, me, me'.
They way things work in this world is through covenant.
Covenant is all about 'representation'.
Who the covenant representative is.
At the fall, we all (through our representative Adam) took on the 'devils nature'.
The bible calls it the sin nature, or flesh.
Each person at conception, receives this 'virus' in us as the 'sin nature'.
Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.
Psalm 51:5
GOD didn't create it, it is in fact Satan's nature, and it is opposite
of GOD - opposite HIS ways, of:
Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith
and Self-control
Note: if you hear what you think might be GOD's voice, or you hear
some 'pastor, prophet', give you a "word", check it against GOD'S own
Nature (HIS SPIRIT). Does it sound "loving, joyful, Kind & Good, does
it produce Faith or doubt? Would it put you out of control or self-controlled?
In this Amazing New Covenant, we switch to a new representative - JESUS,
and gain all the promises and glory, provision, healing through that representative
in the new covenant! (more on that at another time)
Anyway this sin nature makes us do what it wants.
Paul said, in fact "so that you can't do what you want"
See Romans 7 and Galatians 5.
When it tempts us, we agree stupidly thinking its us doing and wanting it and it
does the sin through our agreement - manifesting all kinds of sins.
They are sins, because they are all to do with 'self'.
Love esteems others better than it self (see Phil 2:3)
Love does no wrong to his neighbour
Love is the fullfilment of the law (see Romans 13:10)
Love of course covers all the sins, (see 1 Peter 4:8)
because it only wants what is good for others.
It asks, How can I please GOD?
This will make my Mom, my sister, my __________pleased so I do it.
NOT, the self nature saying ' I did it my way'.
No, its all about others and that is how GOD thinks of you.
Good thoughts, loving thoughts (about what is best for you) etc...
That is exactly what GOD is like. That is JESUS'S nature.
When you are saved, you die to the old nature
(it dies with you at the cross) and you are raised with HIS life, in us.
Actually the very GOD HEAD dwells in the believer!
(that is something to mediate on)
JESUS said, 'the FATHER and I will come inside you'. (John 14:23)
When we get saved, we become united with JESUS in HIS AMAZING LOVE.
That love makes us act and think different
(it is the 100% opposite of self or the sin nature, which is
really Satan himself manifesting through us - if we let him).
Those natures oppose each other. Galatians 5:17
JESUS' love in you, makes you NOT want to sin or listen to the
devil through the sin nature.
Then by giving the problem to the LORD, HE (and HE alone) will
take the desire out of you and give you a proper loving desire.
This is the method of GRACE, and it works for every sin!
If you don't want to give up your sin, you might not be saved.
Because the saint, may sin, but he knows its
wrong - and doesn't want to live like that.
GOD alone does the restoration
Your job is to be willing/believe HIM to do it.
Then put your focus on JESUS - not on your self, or sin again.
If you are not willing, although you know you should be, ask
the LORD to make you willing and take the desire away replacing it
with HIS love.
Really sin is a love issue. Because its love turned inward, when it
is something that only works outward!
Love turned inward is lust. Its perverted from its normal way.
There is only 1 Savior, HE is 100% able to rescue and your
family isn't the first family with this situation that GOD can't restore.
The first step - are you willing?
The last step - Resting in HIS complete work!
After all the striving, all the stress, all the religious 'rule following'. Trying to do all the 'right things' you are left with nothing but hopelessness (you're at the end of the rope) and it is right at this moment you can 'give up & surrender to the one who 'knows best' and loves you...
The Exchanged Life

"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4
Our Email Address:
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Is all lying sin?
All lying just like all anger isn't sin.
There were and are times both in the Bible and
probably in our own lives where its not a sin!
But how do we know, when is it a sin and when is it not?
Now Rahab the prostitute in Joshua 2 lied to her government (and could have been killed) if you read the first few verses of Joshua 2.
She blantanly lies to government police (or what we would consider 'official' people).
Yet she is lifted up and praised in Hebrews 11:31 and a great great grandmother of JESUS
see Matthew 1:5 (also see James 2:25).
Rahab was hiding spies.
We have all known about Corrie Ten Boon and her family hiding Jews during those terrible, evil, dark days of Hitler.
Sin only becomes what it is (like in lying) if its not for the 'well being' of the other person.
Love always protects (1 Corinthians 13).
Love is the standard or benchmark.
A mother with her baby in arms wouldn't let a kidnapper take her child from her, she would probably fight to death to protect her little one. Is that sin? or Love?
Because it can only be 1 or the other.
JESUS got angry some times (moneychangers, Pharisees)
And scripture many times calls anger a sin!
See 2 Corinthians 12:20
also Ephesians 4:31 and Colossians 3:8
How do we know?
We tell our 2 boys that most of the time anger and lying is sin, because all it does is try to defend self or make me look better. it defends the sin nature (the "I") in me.
Which is the nature of Satan.
If you are defending GOD or saving people (out of love) then its not sin to lie.
The lie (if I can put it that way) must be spoken in love (what is best - not for me, but for the other person).
Interesting side note, one scripture says :
Ephesians 4:26
"In your anger do not sin" : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry"
So its possible to have 'righteous anger' or 'right anger' and I think we see that from time to time especially over in-justices in the world - gets us angry.
Or someone controlling, manipulating someone - could cause us anger.
Its not the best for that individual - its not love.
Same with a lie. How does it better the situation if I speak it? How will it build you up, or encourage or bless you? That is the question!
Love covers a multitude of sins! 1 Peter 4:8
There were and are times both in the Bible and
probably in our own lives where its not a sin!
But how do we know, when is it a sin and when is it not?
Now Rahab the prostitute in Joshua 2 lied to her government (and could have been killed) if you read the first few verses of Joshua 2.
She blantanly lies to government police (or what we would consider 'official' people).
Yet she is lifted up and praised in Hebrews 11:31 and a great great grandmother of JESUS
see Matthew 1:5 (also see James 2:25).
Rahab was hiding spies.
We have all known about Corrie Ten Boon and her family hiding Jews during those terrible, evil, dark days of Hitler.
Sin only becomes what it is (like in lying) if its not for the 'well being' of the other person.
Love always protects (1 Corinthians 13).
Love is the standard or benchmark.
A mother with her baby in arms wouldn't let a kidnapper take her child from her, she would probably fight to death to protect her little one. Is that sin? or Love?
Because it can only be 1 or the other.
JESUS got angry some times (moneychangers, Pharisees)
And scripture many times calls anger a sin!
See 2 Corinthians 12:20
also Ephesians 4:31 and Colossians 3:8
How do we know?
We tell our 2 boys that most of the time anger and lying is sin, because all it does is try to defend self or make me look better. it defends the sin nature (the "I") in me.
Which is the nature of Satan.
If you are defending GOD or saving people (out of love) then its not sin to lie.
The lie (if I can put it that way) must be spoken in love (what is best - not for me, but for the other person).
Interesting side note, one scripture says :
Ephesians 4:26
"In your anger do not sin" : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry"
So its possible to have 'righteous anger' or 'right anger' and I think we see that from time to time especially over in-justices in the world - gets us angry.
Or someone controlling, manipulating someone - could cause us anger.
Its not the best for that individual - its not love.
Same with a lie. How does it better the situation if I speak it? How will it build you up, or encourage or bless you? That is the question!
Love covers a multitude of sins! 1 Peter 4:8
Question: Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
why God created 'tree of the knowledge'
If GOD didn't give a choice, then we would be robots -forced (programed)
to love or do whatever GOD said.
I don't think anyone here believes their computer loves them?
The 2 trees represent 2 wills/ 2 people.
One is the Tree of LIFE (which they never got to it) it is JESUS. (HE is LIFE).
The one you discuss, is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
GOOD is a person and Evil is also a person.
The only temptation that could work, was for the devil to offer, what man didn't have (and that was to be god)
Because man had everything! Food, Family, Safety, Health, Life, and he walked with GOD (nothing lacking). Unless you think you can be God?
Which we can't -but that was the lie. In taking from the tree of knowledge, we learned evil (and we took on the nature of evil) which in Romans is called the 'sin nature'. Its really a satanic nature, that opposes GOD.
But in CHRIST, we start to eat from HIM. HE Is the manna, HE is the bread and the wine, HE said 'eat my flesh, drink my blood'. Sound weird?
Not really, HE is LIFE, so partake or stick with HIM, and you will be given
life and life more abundantly.
Get to understand how by GRACE this is achieved, because you don't do it
you receive it. Also, how the covenants work, I will explain more about them
If GOD didn't give a choice, then we would be robots -forced (programed)
to love or do whatever GOD said.
I don't think anyone here believes their computer loves them?
The 2 trees represent 2 wills/ 2 people.
One is the Tree of LIFE (which they never got to it) it is JESUS. (HE is LIFE).
The one you discuss, is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
GOOD is a person and Evil is also a person.
The only temptation that could work, was for the devil to offer, what man didn't have (and that was to be god)
Because man had everything! Food, Family, Safety, Health, Life, and he walked with GOD (nothing lacking). Unless you think you can be God?
Which we can't -but that was the lie. In taking from the tree of knowledge, we learned evil (and we took on the nature of evil) which in Romans is called the 'sin nature'. Its really a satanic nature, that opposes GOD.
But in CHRIST, we start to eat from HIM. HE Is the manna, HE is the bread and the wine, HE said 'eat my flesh, drink my blood'. Sound weird?
Not really, HE is LIFE, so partake or stick with HIM, and you will be given
life and life more abundantly.
Get to understand how by GRACE this is achieved, because you don't do it
you receive it. Also, how the covenants work, I will explain more about them
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?
Can I throw you some possible new thoughts your way?
First, when we say that 'bad things happen to good people' that is not a true saying in fact its a lie.
JESUS made it clear that no one is good except GOD. Luke 18:19
In fact our 'good deeds' are filthy rags. Isa.64:6
You see 'good' is not a character trait its a person - its GOD HIMSELF.
And I certainly are not GOD. (But through JESUS we can participate in the Divine nature) and we are in HIS image. More on that another time.
JESUS further teaches this lesson when HE talks about the tower of Siloam crashing killing people in the process. see Luke 13:4
HIS point, don't think you are better, then the ones that died in the tower collapse. There is none good except GOD alone. Mark 10:18
So, if we say good people are getting hurt, its not true in fact without JESUS GRACE - nobody is good!
JESUS said "how can you being evil say anything good?" Matthew 12:34
You see the law was given to Moses but GRACE and TRUTH came through JESUS. (see John 1:17)
The Law came to show us GOD'S standard and our extreme depravity and wickedness!
(its not even close). It makes it crystal clear GOD'S holiness (HIS LOVE) and our selfishness.
Their is no problem with GOD'S commands / laws, the only problem is when we pretend to keep them (hypocrites) lowering the real meaning of the laws (613 OT laws) and live a lie in our own effort.
That is the wicked sin of un-belief. That produces the curse, that was the orginial sin (doing it my way). Religion, even the Christian one, is us doing things our way. Now, we don't really admit to that, we say we are doing it GOD'S way, but we are only fooled.
We are in fact 'trying' to be good Christians.
The Gospel is recognizing the truth that I am nothing (actually less than nothing) a wicked sinner deserving hell. But seeing GOD'S kindness and love, that HE worked salvation with HIS own arm (Isaiah 63:5) by living perfectly then taking all that I deserve and taking the sin nature on the cross (becoming Sin) not only forgiving my sins but crushing the sin nature in the process. Setting me free from the law of sin and death.
Galatians 2:21 "I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly."
There are different laws, but the law most talked about in the Bible is the Laws Moses gave. There is a contrast between Law and GRACE throughout scripture.
On one side you have 'law' meaning the laws of Moses that you MUST keep.
On the other side you have 'GRACE' meaning JESUS keeping every law and you benefit like you kept them (when JESUS does for you).
So Law basically means 'self effort'.
GRACE basically means 'JESUS effort' for me.
You have all the worlds religions (including the christian ones) and all the clubs,
denominations, churches, temples all one one side...
The other side - JESUS alone.
Secondly, many christians are under the curse (see galatians 1).
They are under the curse (not because GOD put them there) but they put themselves there.
We know in Deuteronomy 28 there are tons of blessings and curses. The blessings when you read that part of scripture sound amazing while the curses sound like reading the newspaper or seeing many of the problems in your own life.
Paul talks in Galatians of JESUS becoming the curse for us.
"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us; for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13
Remember in the garden, man sinned (also Eve and the Devil) and a curse was a direct result.
We are under a curse, if we try to live our christian life, by our own self effort that cuts us off of CHRIST (leaving GRACE) putting us under satan and the curse.
The tree of knowledge of good and evil was man trying to live the 'God Life/christian life in their own way - not GOD'S tree of LIFE (which is JESUS)
JESUS is the life - John 14:6 also John 1:4
If we listen to the sin nature (which is satan himself) that operates in our members see Romans 7 and Ephesians 2:2 where it says: "the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient." We will continually try to make our Christianity work, in the endless cycle of trying to overcome the 'sin nature' (which we think is us, but its not) and trying to do right and really it boils down to 'me, me, me'.
That is independent self effort - is under the curse.
Read Galatians 1
6I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel;
7which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.
8But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!
This different gospel (which is really no good news at all) was around in Paul's time , JESUS time (on earth) and our time but it goes all the way back to the garden.
Its simply the one ingredient of all religions (including the Christian religion) and it opposes the TRUE GOSPEL (which is good news and news is past tense, we are telling you what already has been done) and that TRUE GOSPEL is JESUS' GRACE and that alone!
All your own effort curses yourself.
The only thing that matters is HIS LIFE flowing through you.
Christian means 'CHRIST in' - meaning HIS LIFE flowing through me, based on me believing (receiving) everything from HIM.
Galatians 3:2-3
This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?
3Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?
Finally vs 5
5So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?
Works of the Law - what you do?
or Hearing with Faith - beleiving what JESUS has done?
One produces the curse the other blessing.
Real curses, Real blessings.
Real death, Real life.
Real burden, Real Comfort.
Believe the Gospel -
Believe JESUS.
First, when we say that 'bad things happen to good people' that is not a true saying in fact its a lie.
JESUS made it clear that no one is good except GOD. Luke 18:19
In fact our 'good deeds' are filthy rags. Isa.64:6
You see 'good' is not a character trait its a person - its GOD HIMSELF.
And I certainly are not GOD. (But through JESUS we can participate in the Divine nature) and we are in HIS image. More on that another time.
JESUS further teaches this lesson when HE talks about the tower of Siloam crashing killing people in the process. see Luke 13:4
HIS point, don't think you are better, then the ones that died in the tower collapse. There is none good except GOD alone. Mark 10:18
So, if we say good people are getting hurt, its not true in fact without JESUS GRACE - nobody is good!
JESUS said "how can you being evil say anything good?" Matthew 12:34
You see the law was given to Moses but GRACE and TRUTH came through JESUS. (see John 1:17)
The Law came to show us GOD'S standard and our extreme depravity and wickedness!
(its not even close). It makes it crystal clear GOD'S holiness (HIS LOVE) and our selfishness.
Their is no problem with GOD'S commands / laws, the only problem is when we pretend to keep them (hypocrites) lowering the real meaning of the laws (613 OT laws) and live a lie in our own effort.
That is the wicked sin of un-belief. That produces the curse, that was the orginial sin (doing it my way). Religion, even the Christian one, is us doing things our way. Now, we don't really admit to that, we say we are doing it GOD'S way, but we are only fooled.
We are in fact 'trying' to be good Christians.
The Gospel is recognizing the truth that I am nothing (actually less than nothing) a wicked sinner deserving hell. But seeing GOD'S kindness and love, that HE worked salvation with HIS own arm (Isaiah 63:5) by living perfectly then taking all that I deserve and taking the sin nature on the cross (becoming Sin) not only forgiving my sins but crushing the sin nature in the process. Setting me free from the law of sin and death.
Galatians 2:21 "I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly."
There are different laws, but the law most talked about in the Bible is the Laws Moses gave. There is a contrast between Law and GRACE throughout scripture.
On one side you have 'law' meaning the laws of Moses that you MUST keep.
On the other side you have 'GRACE' meaning JESUS keeping every law and you benefit like you kept them (when JESUS does for you).
So Law basically means 'self effort'.
GRACE basically means 'JESUS effort' for me.
You have all the worlds religions (including the christian ones) and all the clubs,
denominations, churches, temples all one one side...
The other side - JESUS alone.
Secondly, many christians are under the curse (see galatians 1).
They are under the curse (not because GOD put them there) but they put themselves there.
We know in Deuteronomy 28 there are tons of blessings and curses. The blessings when you read that part of scripture sound amazing while the curses sound like reading the newspaper or seeing many of the problems in your own life.
Paul talks in Galatians of JESUS becoming the curse for us.
"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us; for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13
Remember in the garden, man sinned (also Eve and the Devil) and a curse was a direct result.
We are under a curse, if we try to live our christian life, by our own self effort that cuts us off of CHRIST (leaving GRACE) putting us under satan and the curse.
The tree of knowledge of good and evil was man trying to live the 'God Life/christian life in their own way - not GOD'S tree of LIFE (which is JESUS)
JESUS is the life - John 14:6 also John 1:4
If we listen to the sin nature (which is satan himself) that operates in our members see Romans 7 and Ephesians 2:2 where it says: "the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient." We will continually try to make our Christianity work, in the endless cycle of trying to overcome the 'sin nature' (which we think is us, but its not) and trying to do right and really it boils down to 'me, me, me'.
That is independent self effort - is under the curse.
Read Galatians 1
6I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel;
7which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.
8But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!
This different gospel (which is really no good news at all) was around in Paul's time , JESUS time (on earth) and our time but it goes all the way back to the garden.
Its simply the one ingredient of all religions (including the Christian religion) and it opposes the TRUE GOSPEL (which is good news and news is past tense, we are telling you what already has been done) and that TRUE GOSPEL is JESUS' GRACE and that alone!
All your own effort curses yourself.
The only thing that matters is HIS LIFE flowing through you.
Christian means 'CHRIST in' - meaning HIS LIFE flowing through me, based on me believing (receiving) everything from HIM.
Galatians 3:2-3
This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?
3Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?
Finally vs 5
5So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?
Works of the Law - what you do?
or Hearing with Faith - beleiving what JESUS has done?
One produces the curse the other blessing.
Real curses, Real blessings.
Real death, Real life.
Real burden, Real Comfort.
Believe the Gospel -
Believe JESUS.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Why I left the building when I realized we are the Church!
A few years ago, the LORD gave me this dream:
The setting was my home and we were in the middle of having a huge party with lots of guests.
I knew everyone in the dream (although when I awoke, didn't really know them all) but in my dream I knew everyone, after all they were all in my house.
We were all talking and having a good time, when a friend asked me if I had met a girl named _________________ (I don't recall her name).
I said "No, but I would like to welcome her into our home and to the party."
In my dream, the weird part was, I knew everyone in the house but not her!
So, I go with my friend and to my surprise, he brings me to a young girl, maybe 13 years of age, sitting in the back room. I then extend my hand to shake hands with her to welcome her to our home and party.
She was dressed in an over sized wedding dress that hung on her. And she wouldn't shake my hand (pulling hers away). She didn't say much, kind of like some young teenagers when they meet strangers, they answer in one word soft, hushed answers only, they don't really communicate.
She looked awkward, clumsy and 'out of place' at this party.
After that I woke up.
It took time, but the LORD showed me that this girl was the church - the bride.
HE is coming back for a woman and HE is seeing only a girl want-to-be bride.
A girl playing house.
She lacked grace trying to play the part without being grown up and being the part.
She didn't fit in with all the people around me (there were saved and un-saved at my party). She was alone - un reaching and unreachable.
Like the teenager that wants to have the 'freedom' (or so called freedom) of an adult without paying the dues, and maturing over time into what you were called to be.
As a married guy, I think men are looking for a bride that loves them, that keeps in step with them, that knows what (husband) is thinking and they act as a team working together. Someone that HE can't wait to be with because LOVE is complete with the sum of both parts.
That is the Bride - JESUS wants.
That was a few years ago, and now we do 'home fellowship' with lots of food and sharing - loads of fun and growth.
I am more convinced then ever, that HE wants HIS bride!
What man doesn't?
The setting was my home and we were in the middle of having a huge party with lots of guests.
I knew everyone in the dream (although when I awoke, didn't really know them all) but in my dream I knew everyone, after all they were all in my house.
We were all talking and having a good time, when a friend asked me if I had met a girl named _________________ (I don't recall her name).
I said "No, but I would like to welcome her into our home and to the party."
In my dream, the weird part was, I knew everyone in the house but not her!
So, I go with my friend and to my surprise, he brings me to a young girl, maybe 13 years of age, sitting in the back room. I then extend my hand to shake hands with her to welcome her to our home and party.
She was dressed in an over sized wedding dress that hung on her. And she wouldn't shake my hand (pulling hers away). She didn't say much, kind of like some young teenagers when they meet strangers, they answer in one word soft, hushed answers only, they don't really communicate.
She looked awkward, clumsy and 'out of place' at this party.
After that I woke up.
It took time, but the LORD showed me that this girl was the church - the bride.
HE is coming back for a woman and HE is seeing only a girl want-to-be bride.
A girl playing house.
She lacked grace trying to play the part without being grown up and being the part.
She didn't fit in with all the people around me (there were saved and un-saved at my party). She was alone - un reaching and unreachable.
Like the teenager that wants to have the 'freedom' (or so called freedom) of an adult without paying the dues, and maturing over time into what you were called to be.
As a married guy, I think men are looking for a bride that loves them, that keeps in step with them, that knows what (husband) is thinking and they act as a team working together. Someone that HE can't wait to be with because LOVE is complete with the sum of both parts.
That is the Bride - JESUS wants.
That was a few years ago, and now we do 'home fellowship' with lots of food and sharing - loads of fun and growth.
I am more convinced then ever, that HE wants HIS bride!
What man doesn't?
Lying - is it always sin?
All lying just like all anger isn't sin.
But how do we know, when is it a sin and when is it not?
Now Rahab the prostitute in Joshua 2 lied to her government (and could have been killed) if you read the first few verses of Joshua 2.
She blantanly lies to government police (or what we would consider 'official' people).
Yet she is lifted up and praised in Hebrews 11:31 and a great great grandmother of JESUS
see Matthew 1:5 (also see James 2:25).
Rahab was hiding spies.
We have all known about Corrie Ten Boon and her family hiding Jews during those terrible, evil, dark days of Hitler.
Sin only becomes what it is (like in lying) if its not for the 'well being' of the other person.
Love always protects (1 Corinthians 13).
A mother with her baby in arms wouldn't let a kidnapper take her child from her, she would probably fight to death to protect her little one. Is that sin? or Love?
Because it can only be 1 or the other.
JESUS got angry some times (moneychangers, Pharisees)
And scripture many times calls anger a sin!
See 2 Corinthians 12:20
also Ephesians 4:31 and Colossians 3:8
How do we know?
We tell our 2 boys that 99% of the time anger and lying is sin, because all it does is try to defend self or better put, defend the sin nature (the "I") in me.
If you are defending GOD or saving people (out of love) then its not sin to lie.
The lie must be spoken in love (what is best - not for me, but for the other person).
Interesting side note, one scripture says :
Ephesians 4:26
"In your anger do not sin" : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry"
So its possible to have 'righteous anger' or 'right anger' and I think we see that from time to time especially over in-justices in the world - gets us angry.
Or someone controlling, manipulating someone - could cause us anger.
Its not the best for that individual - its not love.
Same with a lie. How does it better the situation if I speak it? How will it build you up, or encourage or bless you? That is the question!
Love covers a multitude of sins! 1 Peter 4:8
But how do we know, when is it a sin and when is it not?
Now Rahab the prostitute in Joshua 2 lied to her government (and could have been killed) if you read the first few verses of Joshua 2.
She blantanly lies to government police (or what we would consider 'official' people).
Yet she is lifted up and praised in Hebrews 11:31 and a great great grandmother of JESUS
see Matthew 1:5 (also see James 2:25).
Rahab was hiding spies.
We have all known about Corrie Ten Boon and her family hiding Jews during those terrible, evil, dark days of Hitler.
Sin only becomes what it is (like in lying) if its not for the 'well being' of the other person.
Love always protects (1 Corinthians 13).
A mother with her baby in arms wouldn't let a kidnapper take her child from her, she would probably fight to death to protect her little one. Is that sin? or Love?
Because it can only be 1 or the other.
JESUS got angry some times (moneychangers, Pharisees)
And scripture many times calls anger a sin!
See 2 Corinthians 12:20
also Ephesians 4:31 and Colossians 3:8
How do we know?
We tell our 2 boys that 99% of the time anger and lying is sin, because all it does is try to defend self or better put, defend the sin nature (the "I") in me.
If you are defending GOD or saving people (out of love) then its not sin to lie.
The lie must be spoken in love (what is best - not for me, but for the other person).
Interesting side note, one scripture says :
Ephesians 4:26
"In your anger do not sin" : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry"
So its possible to have 'righteous anger' or 'right anger' and I think we see that from time to time especially over in-justices in the world - gets us angry.
Or someone controlling, manipulating someone - could cause us anger.
Its not the best for that individual - its not love.
Same with a lie. How does it better the situation if I speak it? How will it build you up, or encourage or bless you? That is the question!
Love covers a multitude of sins! 1 Peter 4:8
Thursday, March 4, 2010
First off, lets distiguish between temptation and sin...
Temptation is NOT a sin, because you are being tempted to sin. It becomes sin (if you agree with it/give in to it).
Lust simply means a wrong desire for someone or something. It is a sin because it does one of two things:
It either raises something up to a level its not or
it lowers someone down to a level they are not.
Let me explain:
You can lust for money, or power or fame for example. Its a sin because you are raising up 'things' (money, power, fame) above people and above GOD HIMSELF!
Someone may say the General 'lusted for power'. Lust in this case is a sin because it puts 'things' and raises 'things' (like money, power, or my new car, fame, things) above people. They become more important than people. That is why some people kill for money or try to sell their soul (if you really can) - for more!
You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel. see James 4:2
But lust is often spoken of in terms of sexual sin. Remember 'lust' is putting something in its wrong place. So in 'lust for women', you are putting women (or a woman) down into a position of a 'thing' or an object to be used. She is there for my satisfaction.
I don't really care that she is a princess in GOD'S family, or that she is someone's daughter, or someone's wife or someone's mom - she is my lustful play thing (even in my mind - imagination).
She's a possesion - something to be owned and used.
JESUS said: "but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." see Matthew 5:28
Why do we love things and use people
when we should use things and love people?
Love on the other hand, says "you are here, so how can I bless you, help you, nurture you."
There is a way out of lust- you can start to live the conquering life over sin that is why JESUS came to destroy the works of the devil!
1 John 3:8
But remember, its not you trying to live this life - the secret (or mystery Paul talks about) is Christ in you - JESUS living through you and 'as you'.
So, in a nut-shell, love is what its all about, and love is always for someone else (not you). Love can only be for the well being of the other person.
Lust is (love perverted, turned inward) and is only for ME! (never others) only ME!
Temptation is NOT a sin, because you are being tempted to sin. It becomes sin (if you agree with it/give in to it).
Lust simply means a wrong desire for someone or something. It is a sin because it does one of two things:
It either raises something up to a level its not or
it lowers someone down to a level they are not.
Let me explain:
You can lust for money, or power or fame for example. Its a sin because you are raising up 'things' (money, power, fame) above people and above GOD HIMSELF!
Someone may say the General 'lusted for power'. Lust in this case is a sin because it puts 'things' and raises 'things' (like money, power, or my new car, fame, things) above people. They become more important than people. That is why some people kill for money or try to sell their soul (if you really can) - for more!
You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel. see James 4:2
But lust is often spoken of in terms of sexual sin. Remember 'lust' is putting something in its wrong place. So in 'lust for women', you are putting women (or a woman) down into a position of a 'thing' or an object to be used. She is there for my satisfaction.
I don't really care that she is a princess in GOD'S family, or that she is someone's daughter, or someone's wife or someone's mom - she is my lustful play thing (even in my mind - imagination).
She's a possesion - something to be owned and used.
JESUS said: "but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." see Matthew 5:28
Why do we love things and use people
when we should use things and love people?
Love on the other hand, says "you are here, so how can I bless you, help you, nurture you."
There is a way out of lust- you can start to live the conquering life over sin that is why JESUS came to destroy the works of the devil!
1 John 3:8
But remember, its not you trying to live this life - the secret (or mystery Paul talks about) is Christ in you - JESUS living through you and 'as you'.
So, in a nut-shell, love is what its all about, and love is always for someone else (not you). Love can only be for the well being of the other person.
Lust is (love perverted, turned inward) and is only for ME! (never others) only ME!
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