I just came back from a family vacation to Florida, and my 'better half' and I were getting our boys 'back on track' as our March break or sometimes called Spring break was over.
You know its not easy getting the first day (after a holiday) going, everything seems like you go from 'stop' to 'start' with little easing in to it.
As my mind was still fresh with the warmth of the southern sun and thinking of the great family moments we had together, those thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the SPIRIT of GOD, who whispered "tender" and then calmly gave me a revelation on tenderness.
The neat thing, is when GOD teaches you something, HE lets you experience and understand it deeper - its not just 'head knowledge', as you mediate on it, it goes into the heart, and it becomes you. This is what is called real biblical knowledge - experiencing the supernatural, the Spiritual!
So, this is what I am going to share, by the SPIRIT and HIS fellowship with you, to you as HE showed me and began to teach me about tenderness.

The vision I got, was when someone has a toothache or an injury. As that pain and discomfort threatens, we always touch those areas very delicately, very carefully. When I played soccer more competitively in my younger years, and got an injury, I couldn't be as 'rough' or casual about that part of my leg as I normally would simply take it for granted. Now, I had to walk gingerly on a sore foot, or had to bandage up a sore leg and not overly walk or put strain on it.
Because when something 'hurts', the only response is 'tenderness'.
If our feet our simply sore, and someone messages them for us, they do it gently and tenderly.
Well what if, (with sore feet) someone starts hitting them, or if you had a sore toe, and then if you banged it again, "WOW", that would hurt. So, what do you do?
You resist doing anything hard or even normal with your hurt toe or foot or whatever body part we are talking about. You might possibly bandage it up, to protect it and you would resist anything coming too close, unless coming with gentle and loving motives (like a massage to a sore back or neck) or a nurse gently binding an injury.
That is the word tenderness.
Now, we have an aching world all around us. There are tons with painful and damaged hearts, lives and they will resist anyone coming at them too hard, they will get angry and do whatever possible to 'protect' their ache/ their pain.
The only sure way to get in, and to help it get healed is with 'Tenderness'.
I have to admit, I am not always Tenderhearted as the scriptures say.
Its only the LOVE of JESUS through me that can be that tender, because I am not, in and of myself - but what a Tender Lover our LORD JESUS is!
JESUS said:
“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Matthew 24:32
“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Matthew 24:32
What happens when, our branches/twigs because we are the branches (John 15:5) get tender?
The leaves come out - summer is here! Life is here!
So, who cares about the leaves? Big deal - right?
Wrong! The leaves and this process is very important.
And the leaves are for the healing of the nations. Revelations 22:2
Want to experience greater growth?
Want to bring healing to others?
Want to make a difference to everyone who comes around you? (because leaves provide not only beauty, and shade but are a major part of photosynthesis which in turn provides oxygen to everyone).
How is all this done?
Allowing the LORD to make you tender, and when this is manifest in you, change comes!
You can't do it on your own, but you can be willing to HIS leading and HIS LOVE which will make you tender to others as you get tender yourself.
God would give a heart of flesh, a soft and tender heart...Ezekiel 36:26
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
Again, this is something only JESUS does by HIS SPIRIT in us.
Next time you want to make change in someone's life, or if you are wondering why they are so downcast or angry all the time, then the only way in (otherwise they will resist you) is tenderness. GOD'S love and tenderness, working through you - will you let HIM?
LORD thank you for teaching me about tenderness, and thank you for making me tender hearted. Teach me, as I can't do this on my own. Because if YOU JESUS, are not "Tenderness" through me, then I will NEVER be Tender, as I can not on my own!