The disciples at one time came to the LORD JESUS and ask "teach us to pray?"
And of course you get the very well known 'prayer' often called "the LORD'S Prayer"...
"Our FATHER who art in heaven...hallowed (holy) is your name"
We all know it.
But the part I want to emphasize is the word 'ask'. You can find the prayer in Matthew 6.
When you read the prayer, and the rest of the chapter you will see JESUS use the word 'ask'.
Ask and it shall be given...
For everyone who asks, receives...
Ask so that you can receive so that your joy will be full...
JESUS goes on to talk about (in the same chapter) a friend that comes to visit you late at night, and you (the host) realize that you don't have anything to feed him. So, being in the middle of the night, you go to your neighbour who you know has bread, and knock to get some bread for your guest.
Your neighbour tells you from the upstairs window, 'leave me alone, we are all in bed, and you are going to wake the family, we will talk about this tomorrow'.
But you don't take 'no' for an answer and keep asking.
Now to the Jews, they knew the meaning of what YESHUA (JESUS) said, when HE said "ask".
Ask means to the Jews and early church a demand and insisting, a boldness a persistence.
Not 'can you give me bread'....but rather, "Hey, I'm your neighbour and have a great need that you can help me with, so I'm pounding on your door and yelling to you and will not leave until you give me the bread."
Get it?
JESUS said "the man gets up, mumbling to himself and gives fresh bread to his needy neighbour".
But JESUS lets us in on the secret.
The secret to answered prayer.
HE said "you didn't get the bread, because he was your neighbour - NO! He gave you bread because of your insisting, your demanding!"
A friend of mine that I was sharing this with looked a bit puzzled.
I said, Okay let me put it in today's light.
Its late here and the weather is bad and we get a call to pick up our good friend waiting outside the bus depot in the storm. I tell you, jump in my car I'm driving.
You think "hmm, eric looks tired and my truck is better to drive in the storm, so you insist that you are driving."
We all do this; we all at times insist when we are dealing with family or friends and it works!
This is how you pray.
JESUS (YESHUA) was wondering if the people got the message, so HE tells it another way.
HE tells them about a widow that needs help from someone who is harassing her, and so she goes to the judge who can help her.
But JESUS tells us; 'this judge' doesn't fear GOD or man. He is selfish and un-caring.
So lest you think that your prayers are answered because the neighbour gave you bread or the judge is favourable towards you - NO!
So this story talks about the judge who doesn't care about you.
But the widow woman keeps coming after the judge, relentlessly.
The judge says, "although I don't fear GOD or man, but because of her importunity (her unbending demanding) I will give her justice over her enemy"
Now YESHUA reminds us that GOD isn't like that.
HE is NOT an unjust or un-caring GOD but loves you.
But there is a spiritual war going on.
There are lots of mixed signals and downright lies in your head.
And all kinds of people and your senses telling you - it wont WORK!
That is why you have to push through.
Okay, but when do you stop praying like that?
2 ways.
1) when you see that you have what you've been praying for.
2) when you don't see it, but you know it (by faith) in you that it is done. Now you just thank the FATHER (your DADDY) and enjoy the ride because you know like know like you know!
Don't give up!
You will see miracles!
Christmas is the time for miracles too...
After all the striving, all the stress, all the religious 'rule following'. Trying to do all the 'right things' you are left with nothing but hopelessness (you're at the end of the rope) and it is right at this moment you can 'give up & surrender to the one who 'knows best' and loves you...
The Exchanged Life

"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4
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Friday, December 20, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
If you don't see the beauty of it....
How do you know if you really 'love' someone or something?
We say that we 'love' all kinds of things and sadly we say we 'hate' all kinds of other things.
Why I say 'sadly', is because we should be like the world (the carnal nature) and see everything as only 'black and white'. Judging by appearances the scriptures say.
No, we are to look at the heart, which is the Old Covenant way of looking with the SPIRIT (the real you connected with DAD (GOD)).
So, we are to let HIM lead us, and look at people and things from HIS perspective and not our own judgments that the carnal mind conjures up.
I remember thinking about this 'judging from the outside' bit when I was at a beach a few years ago with the family. Now this beach was sand that could walk out for miles (up in Algonquin Park, northern Ontario), but to get to the sand that you can walk on for miles, you had to get past this 3 to 4 meter (3 to 4 yards) of hard stones and rocks. The water there was too shallow to swim over those rocks, and some wearing water shoes, could get over, but for the many that didn't have those types of shoes/flippers even, had to traverse over these hard and un-forgiving stones.
So, this younger guy, built and for sure showing off his arms and worked on muscular body, walked to the stony area, seemingly for the first time.
I judged him, "thinks he's cool"...."watch the stony area, betcha can't get through that with that stride" were my judging thoughts.
He gets to the area, and walks through hardly breaking stride!
"think he is really tough, and strong - showing off" were more thoughts.
BTW - these thoughts are NOT really me (or you) these are carnal minded/ evil worldly thoughts that we are supposed to battle.
After he went swimming beyond the the hard area, to the endless sandy shoulder deep water, he came back.
Stepping on the hard rocky area, he stopped.
Bent over and picked up (one of the many hard stones), and examined it.
"probably a geologist and knows about every stone too" were my judging thoughts.
He picks ups a stone, and brings it towards me (I never met the guy in my life).
He shows me (there were many others sitting and laying on the beach around me) this amazing stone.
The more he turned his hand, parts glistened in the sun.
And with genuine interest in the stone, and a real like soft nature about him, I realized that he knew about nature/rocks to a degree and fully appreciated all this!
He loved it and it was beautiful to him.
Just like the LORD told me, "when you see it as beautiful, you truly love it".
And the same LORD said "judge not, lest you be judged"...I really mis-read this fine young father and young man.
See them as JESUS does, look at them in love. And when you see them as 'beautiful', you really love them!
We say that we 'love' all kinds of things and sadly we say we 'hate' all kinds of other things.
Why I say 'sadly', is because we should be like the world (the carnal nature) and see everything as only 'black and white'. Judging by appearances the scriptures say.
No, we are to look at the heart, which is the Old Covenant way of looking with the SPIRIT (the real you connected with DAD (GOD)).
So, we are to let HIM lead us, and look at people and things from HIS perspective and not our own judgments that the carnal mind conjures up.
I remember thinking about this 'judging from the outside' bit when I was at a beach a few years ago with the family. Now this beach was sand that could walk out for miles (up in Algonquin Park, northern Ontario), but to get to the sand that you can walk on for miles, you had to get past this 3 to 4 meter (3 to 4 yards) of hard stones and rocks. The water there was too shallow to swim over those rocks, and some wearing water shoes, could get over, but for the many that didn't have those types of shoes/flippers even, had to traverse over these hard and un-forgiving stones.
So, this younger guy, built and for sure showing off his arms and worked on muscular body, walked to the stony area, seemingly for the first time.
I judged him, "thinks he's cool"...."watch the stony area, betcha can't get through that with that stride" were my judging thoughts.
He gets to the area, and walks through hardly breaking stride!
"think he is really tough, and strong - showing off" were more thoughts.
BTW - these thoughts are NOT really me (or you) these are carnal minded/ evil worldly thoughts that we are supposed to battle.
After he went swimming beyond the the hard area, to the endless sandy shoulder deep water, he came back.
Stepping on the hard rocky area, he stopped.
Bent over and picked up (one of the many hard stones), and examined it.
"probably a geologist and knows about every stone too" were my judging thoughts.
He picks ups a stone, and brings it towards me (I never met the guy in my life).
He shows me (there were many others sitting and laying on the beach around me) this amazing stone.
The more he turned his hand, parts glistened in the sun.
And with genuine interest in the stone, and a real like soft nature about him, I realized that he knew about nature/rocks to a degree and fully appreciated all this!
He loved it and it was beautiful to him.
Just like the LORD told me, "when you see it as beautiful, you truly love it".
And the same LORD said "judge not, lest you be judged"...I really mis-read this fine young father and young man.
See them as JESUS does, look at them in love. And when you see them as 'beautiful', you really love them!
If you are making accuses for the sin nature - you will never get free of it.
Something the LORD (DAD) placed on my heart a few days ago.
As long as we keep making accuses for 'sin', we wont get clear of it (that particular thing, that hold us back).
"I can't stop drinking, because if you knew the job I have, and the boss I deal with!"
"I can't stop lusting (after women), because my wife rejects me."
"I can't stop telling off my parents, if you knew what they have done to me!"
"I can't stop being angry, stingy, selfish, cold"..."because I am of this nationality, we are all like that (from this ethnic back ground).
But you are a NEW creation, old things have passed away....behold all things (including you) have become new!
That is what JESUS/YESHUA said, that is what scriptures teach us.
So stop agreeing with your wrong thoughts, say "NO" to them and resist the devil.
You can't overcome this in your own strength, you need to overcome by way of SPIRIT - which is what I am sharing here.
Change your thinking from agreeing with evil and instead confess (agree with) GOD.
As long as we keep making accuses for 'sin', we wont get clear of it (that particular thing, that hold us back).
"I can't stop drinking, because if you knew the job I have, and the boss I deal with!"
"I can't stop lusting (after women), because my wife rejects me."
"I can't stop telling off my parents, if you knew what they have done to me!"
"I can't stop being angry, stingy, selfish, cold"..."because I am of this nationality, we are all like that (from this ethnic back ground).
But you are a NEW creation, old things have passed away....behold all things (including you) have become new!
That is what JESUS/YESHUA said, that is what scriptures teach us.
So stop agreeing with your wrong thoughts, say "NO" to them and resist the devil.
You can't overcome this in your own strength, you need to overcome by way of SPIRIT - which is what I am sharing here.
Change your thinking from agreeing with evil and instead confess (agree with) GOD.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
GOD'S LOVE Language - HIS native tongue...
GOD speaks in love - (Because that is HIS nature, GOD is LOVE)
Its HIS LOVE language!
LOVE is a person. 1 John 4:8
Ok, so what is love? Or, what is HIS LOVE?
HIS LOVE (and HIS Will) because LOVE is desire. So, what HE wants
is always what is best for me and you.
Note: I am not talking about our sinful nature, which is at war with the SPIRIT of GOD that is also within us.
The sinful nature is simply the devil (his nature) we are all born with (actually received it at conception) and its all the fleshy- selfish desires we have that have NOTHING to do with GOD and LOVE.
HIS voice is never pushy its leading.
HIS voice is never a burden its comforting.
HIS voice is never fearful its faithful.
HIS voice is never about self its about others.
HIS voice is never confusing its peaceful.
See James 3:17
The LORD has to be true to HIS nature just like HE said the devil acts and talks
according to his (satanic) nature. John 8:44
We tell our kids, generally if the voice or thoughts you hear are loud (yelling)
then its not GOD.
If your thought, was gentle, (it can be thought provoking from the LORD) but always tempered with peace and patience and always for your own good! (which are just HIM SELF manifesting in you anyway).
Lastly, its imposible to 'miss it' from the GOD of all patience.
If our children 'miss it' we don't tell them too late - you are out of the family.
No, if they fail or miss it, we give them another chance.
I tell you for sure, we are not more loving than GOD!
For you to 'miss it' (whatever it is) would mean GOD has given up on you and you are no value to HIM anymore. That sounds just like the devil and not the GOD of all wisdom and kindness that we serve.
LOVE doesn't use.
GOD doesn't use us.
I don't use my wife.
I don't use my children.
No, GOD loves us so much, HE wants to come inside us (dwell in and around us) to partner together and change lives and open blind eyes that live in a world stumbling in pitch darkness.
When Jonah intentionally 'missed it'. GOD still had compasion on him and the ninevites.
When Peter missed it, JESUS loved him through.
If we miss it (HE doesn't miss it) and LOVE which bears all things, will guide you through. You are not to late my friend, you are just on time.
for “‘In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your own poets have said, “‘For we are indeed his offspring.’ Acts 17:28
The Only Law Left is LOVE!
The only law that is left is love.
New testament giving is not obligation or tithing, its only motivation is HIS LOVE.
(which is HIMSELF) flowing through you.
Anything of GOD blesses all sides.
Under the old covenant, you were respondsible to keep all 613 laws and if you failed (which we all have) we had to make the right sacrifice, and doing all the right things to make restitution between us and GOD and our fellowman (if it was a sin against our brother or sister).
Tithing was one of the laws. Its an obligation - you must do it.
Just like every law, there are no picking and choosing for under the law the only answer is 'we must' - we have to!
JESUS comes along and in the beginning of the Gospels brings the law back up to its proper place. You see, we can't (nobody can) keep any of the laws and if you break one of them - then you are a lawbreaker.
So, because in our hearts we know we've all violated HIS laws (which nobody would debate because they are all good) but we have failed if but only one we have broken all. So, we pretend to keep them, and outwardly act like we do. see James 2:10
We say things like "we've never killed anyone". And "we don't steal". Or I have never commited adultery - or that person is divorced (secretly with pride in our hearts we wisper - "adulterer".)
So before JESUS can do all the things needed to free us, HE had to first put the law in its proper context. Bring it up to GOD'S level.
See Matthew 5 for example.
He puts murder into its proper place, adultery, oaths, marriage, and basically ends the entire teaching saying "be perfect, just like your heavenly FATHER".
Think you never murdered? JESUS said if you said 'fool' or in todays language maybe 'stupid' or something worse... In GOD'S Kingdom you've killed (the man you are mad at) his character and brought it down to a level of hate (no love). Murder!
You see many times, the people walked away from HIM, or the disciples would look with confusion and fear saying "who can be saved then?"
The point of the law is to show us how pittiful and sinful and terrible we are. Because we like to belive the lie that we are 'not that bad' when GOD is telling us that our good works are filthy wrags! And that we are (according to Revelation) poor, wretched, dumb, blind and naked!
Not a good state.
Stop pretending to live the christian life -because you can't.
Nobody can!
Remember in the book of Revelation, nobody in heaven could take the scroll?
John basically freaks out and the whole place is upset with the fact that nobody was worthy to take the scroll.
All but 1!
JESUS/YESHUA (the lamb) was worthy to take the scroll.
We and nobody is worthy - just worthless but loved!
If you read the first part of the Matthew 5 gospel JESUS said this amazing thing:
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. " Matthew 5:17
Bless GOD that HE did -because we can't save ourselves!
Once we realize we are in need and have violated every law. We fall before HIM and receive HIS love HIS unconditional Favor and GRACE.
That's why its called GRACE -because nothing you or I could do, could deserve it!
GRACE is undeserved!
So if you want to try to keep the laws (like any of them) according to Galatians 1 you cut yourself off of GOD'S GRACE. When you realize its all about JESUS and HE wants to live through you (in you) and will make and mold you into what both you and HE wants you to be - HE will do it.
But its only done by GRACE. Now, your life is just an overflow of HIS LOVE. Its not I have to give, I have to do, I have to go, I have to this or that...
HE puts HIS love in us and we start to 'want to'.
Not have to but want to.
How did anyone get 'born again' was it what we did to make GOD save us?
Or, did we realize we needed HIM and had nothing but believed HE came in and forgiven us?
I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard? Galatians 3:2
You can't do anything but receive. From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. John 1:16
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
JESUS said "If your eye is single"....
When staying at a hotel a few days ago, I had the chance to get up earlier than the rest of my family. And have a shower (you know when in a hotel, they usually only have 1 washroom/shower), and spend some time with the LORD.
Like most hotels and apartment's there is the security door peephole that you can tell who is at your door.
As I was walking past our hotel door, I looked at it and the LORD said "try looking through with both eyes."
You know when you look through, you often shut one eye so that you can see clearly (single) through the peephole - right? Double vision won't do, you need single vision or a single eye.
JESUS said "If your eye is single, your whole body will be full of light".
For LOVE to work, you need focus - you will love one thing and reject (hate) the other, clinging to one.
GOD'S kingdom works by faith and love, which you don't have on your own, and can't create or drum up (by yourself), they are gifts and out-flowings of the HOLY SPIRIT.
When you just choose JESUS, and give up (exchange) your own thinking, worrying, pondering for HIS thoughts, HIS are then seeing 'single eye', and can see clearly (like through the hotel door) what is right in front of you! What you need to know is right in front of you (hotel door) but you can't see it, because you are either have no knowledge of the door peephole, (so don't' use it) or you are trying to look with both eyes (double vision) and need to humble yourself and see with one only.
James says a "double minded man is unstable in all his ways" James 1:8
BTW did you know that King James changed the book of "Jacob" to "James" naming after himself?
Anyway, look only to JESUS.
Using your thoughts, ignore reject thoughts of fear, and doubt and confusion and reason.
Instead look to (thoughts/impressions) from JESUS (inside you) of peace, faith, favour, LIFE!
You, like Peter walking on the water, when he looked (single eye) to JESUS - he (Peter) was doing the impossible, he was walking on water!
Trying to look at JESUS but then looking at the wind and waves, causes doubt and drowning.
Simply put, its easier to notice the obvious - the wind and waves.
Your mind has a hard time rationalizing JESUS walking on water - can that be even true or right?
But seeing wind and waves on the water, well that is nothing new, that doesn't take faith, anyone can see and notice that!
It takes faith to let go of your foolish thoughts, and look (inner SPIRITUAL eyes) to see /hear what JESUS is saying to you, on the inside and ignore what your senses are telling you (screaming at you) from the outside - effecting your thinking!
Single vision, your entire body is full of light!
Double vision, (which in the Greek, is simply the folding over of the single to double) so its like looking through the hotel security peep hole using both your eyes!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Miracle Christmas Card - from Heaven!
Some of you know I have a very dear Aunt (and I might add, that she is an 'Aunt' to many), but a few years ago, her husband (my Uncle) died.
He was an 'old school' kind of 'tough' guy, who never even learned to read or write until he was a much older adult. Born in a time, when boys had to work and were not probably loved the way they should of been.
So, this (my) Uncle Doug was married to my Aunt Helen.
They had (like so many of us) a tough marriage at times, both looking for LOVE which only comes from GOD. GOD is LOVE.
So my Uncle never did too many of those affection things that husbands and wives usually do for each other.
And like I said, that he never could read or write too well, made it much harder.
My Uncle Doug found the LORD (or rather the LORD found him) on his deathbed and found the ONE who is the Prince of Peace.
So where is the miracle?
We've seen and heard many testimonies of those in Heaven (after death) and JESUS HIMSELF, talking or in dreams or visions visiting us on this side.
You see Heaven starts here, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand - meaning its right around you, and touching it is not far.
Ok, so my Uncle has been missed by us for many years, my Aunt Helen of course thinks about her husband and the LORD has been so good, comforting her through these years here, without her man.
So, the other day, my mother (my Aunt Helen's sister-in-law) was cleaning some Christmas stuff up. And we like many of you, keep Christmas Gift Bags to re-use again...and these bags of course fold flat and can be easily stored for next Christmas. Its funny how you can recognize the same gift-bag, being used over and over again at times.
As she is folding the bags and putting them in the Christmas storage area, she sees a small bag she never saw before but it was already folded (bags fold shut when not in use, so they lie flat as mentioned.)
When this small bag caught her eye, as it wasn't 100% flat...but nothing was in it....or was there?
She thought maybe some wrapping paper might have been stuck in there, and she opened the gift bag only to be really surprised...
Inside this small gift bag, was a Christmas Card.
She didn't recognize the card - remember she didn't recognize the little gift bag either.
The card said "To My Wife".
Wondering how this card even got there, she was utterly shocked when she opened it...
It reads:
"For My Wife, My Reason for Happiness
You've created something wonderful in my life,
something beautiful that was never there
before I married you.
Being with you has given new meaning
to each sunrise we share and each new day
we welcome together.
And in all of our love and our closeness.
I've found something within, a confidence,
a strength, I never knew without you...."
My Mother (in her own house) never saw this card, and my Dad never gave this card to her.
So she surprised wondered who the card was for and opened it...
"You are my inspiration
my reason for happiness.
You are my wife
and my joy forever.
Merry Christmas
with My Love Always."
Signed: "Doug" xxxxx
Note: 5 "X's" for kisses.
5 is the number of GRACE
Blown away and really wondering how this card got in our yearly re-used gift bags.
Uncle Doug had been gone for 4 years, but our family hadn't seen him for even more years than that.
Knowing our GOD is the GOD of all comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:3
And knowing the SPIRIT is also called "the Comforter". John 14:26
This would bring a lot of comfort to my Aunt Helen.
So my mother, feeling like something supernatural and strange yet lovely was happening, put the card back into the small gift bag, and gave it to my Aunt Helen a day later.
You should have seen their faces.
"They look to HIM and they are radiant" the bible tells us in Psalm 34:5
Seeing that JESUS by HIS SPIRIT gave a Christmas Card signed by my Uncle who never really signed anything or wrote much of anything to my Aunt from the other side of Heaven - well, we could hardly contain ourselves with great comfort and joy.
And isn't this time of year as Christmas the time we reflect on JESUS brings us "Tidings of Comfort and Joy"
See Jeremiah 31:13
Well, its not too often you get a card from Heaven.
We know of another story, of a man that lost his wife, and was so mournful over the loss and missed her to no ends.
Every night (this is also a true story) he went to bed, alone and weeping (for he really missed her).
One night he awoke, but wondered if he was dreaming, and saw an Angel at the foot of his bed.
Alarmed, and staring in wonder, the Angel told him "be at peace". The man, felt peace but didn't know what to say or do.
The Angel then asked for the wet pillow.
"Why?" asked the man in amazement.
"Because GOD holds all your tears in a bottle, and cherishes them" said the Angel.
Then the man fell into a deep sleep.
When awaking, he thought, that was the most amazing dream, only to find his pillow case was gone!
My precious friend, if you've been lonely or sad over the loss of your partner or family member.
JESUS holds your tears.
Give HIM your sorrows, and trust HIM to bring you real comfort in your time of need.
Don't be surprised that while you entertain stranger, you are entertaining Angels.
Don't be surprised if GOD comforts you with LOVE from Heaven in ways you can't describe.
As HE is the GOD of ALL COMFORT!
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