The Exchanged Life

The Exchanged Life
"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4


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Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas and Lets Eat.

Really hopelessly lost and wretched, we are, without JESUS.  GOD says our ‘good works, are filthy rags’.  Isaiah 64:6  Not telling us  yet about our bad works, but good works.

In the New Testament (New Covenant in JESUS) by Great Exchange.

Paul said it this way; ‘in me dwells no good thing’.  Romans 7:18

Apart from JESUS we are spiritually bankrupt.

Interesting that when JESUS came, HE came as an insignificant baby born with the world rejecting HIM, and no place in their homes/lives for HIM (no room in the inn).  Luke 2:7

 Then born in a manger – a feeding trough for animals.  Very lowly, very sad, very pathetic, very helpless place.

The word comes from the French manger (meaning "to eat"), from Latin manducare (meaning "to chew").

So, I don’t know about you, but to have my children born in a barn feeding area is not my idea of the best place to have a child or to keep it.  But that is the place the KING OF KINGS decided to be born.  And that place was also used as a sign to the shepherds who heard the angels say that; “This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." Luke 2:12

The LORD showed me 2 things about this scene just this morning and they are this:

1)      We who are interested in hearing from GOD, hearing HIS voice better (which is a prayer of mine), keep in mind that when GOD came as JESUS, HE went to the least, almost nothing place and to shepherds, who weren’t nobility or the intellectual.  No but only the ‘pure in heart see GOD’ Matthew 5:8.  Those without a divided heart, or a hard heart, but a pure heart (it doesn’t say a heart without sin) but a heart that wants only HIM – not HIS gifts, but HIMSELF!

2)      Placed in a manger, which is the place animals slop their food and eat.  But JESUS later said to ‘eat HIS flesh’ and ‘drink HIS blood’, (see John 6:54-56) because HE is the ‘manna from heaven’ the bread of life (see John 6:35, and John 6:48) and the ‘sacrificial lamb’ that the Jews were instructed to eat at Passover (see 1 Corinthians 5:7).  Cook and eat the entire lamb (see Exodus 12)  You see, if you take JESUS (not religion, not churchianity, not Sabbath keeping, or pew attending but real hunger to eat and take from JESUS only, understanding that  HE is the ‘last supper’ meal, the ‘communion’ of GOD with man – take HIM and HIM only, and when HE fills you, you won’t have room for anything else!  Open your mouth so HE can fill it! (see Psalm 81:10)

What a GOD!
What an Amazing Journey and seeing miracles! HE is our life!

This is the season that reminds us that HE comes to us, and that is the greatest miracle, that HE cares and comes even now to each of us!

HE is the gift.
Heaven’s best for us.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How Do I Find A House/Home Church?

This question comes up fairly often.

How do I find a home church (in my area)?

Recently this question was asked again, and below is our response, hopefully it can help and bless you as well.

Dear "can't find a home church"

Note: you are looking for an invisible/visible thing.  Not so much a place but a people!

I've noticed that for many who can't find a local 'home church', that they don't pray to find one, and lean on JESUS to lead you, part of HIS true church, into fellowship / unity.

Or, they don't think for a moment (so, they can't pray about it,) that maybe they should be starting one (under prayer and the LORD'S leading) rather than finding one.

Because really you are part of it (the true church) right now - already!
Part of the answer to your question is you...


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Questions Posted "How do you baptise in a home church?"

Question came "How do you baptise in a home church?"

The answer may shock you....

Are you ready....

Here it is....

"Just add water"

(and that is what we seriously wrote)

Note: we think they got the message. Its not complicated, or a ritual, or pretend somber and humble attitude.  But its a 'heart thing', simply someone who realizes that they've died and only live in/for JESUS.

Keep it simple.
Keep it a matter of the heart (make it real).



Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Prayer in the Exchanged Life/Grace Life

Prayer - whats the big deal?  Does it work or how should it work?

"They all met together and were constantly united in prayer"...Acts 1:14

"All the believers devoted themselves apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals and to prayer."  Acts 2:42

The disciples (you and me) "will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word."  Acts 6:4

The LORD woke me up yesterday, with this verse;
"All things are yours..." 1 Corinthians 3:21 and similarly John 17:10

And then this question "How would your prayer change if you believed this scripture?"

Complaining prayer? or Praise and Thanksgiving?
Frustration and Fear? or Boldness?

How would you pray, if you new all things were already yours?

And why would the disciples and early church so easily pray, and willing to pray?
Why could they devote themselves to work? to church attendance? to their jobs? NO - prayer!

JESUS often prayed all night or for long periods.  Luke 6:12 and Mark 1:35

Paul said "pray without ceasing".  1 Thessalonians 5:17

Why would they spend all this time and effort just for the religious thing to do?  Or its a special occasion so we should say a prayer. 

NO, it was a HUGE part of their lives and the early church life.

You want to know why?

Because it always got results - often miraculous results!

The LORD spoke to me again, " Do you think they would spend all that time in prayer because it didn't work?"


They spent so much time doing it, because it was so enjoyable and the results 'blew them away'!

Is your prayer life like that?
Have you asked JESUS to teach you how to pray?

Many times you have heard HIS still and gentle and loving voice before, but didn't know it was JESUS talking to you - so you ignored it, or acted on it, but took the credit for it being your own idea and not HIM.  Don't flatter yourself!  HE is speaking to you, even now, in love and edification!
Helping you in the position and predicament you are in.

One of the keys is knowing how much HE loves you.
Second key is you have to 'ask' and 'come'. Being strangers doesn't help does it?
Third is to realize " all things are already yours", so that should effect your prayer life/approach.
and how you approach HIS throne of judgement? and thousand times no, you are approaching a 'throne of GRACE', so how does GRACE accept you? In anger or gentleness?  Hebrews 4:16

All things are yours....

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


It is crazy with all these people promoting themselves or others as kings.

From the Lion King
to the King of Rock and the King of Pop.
To the "royals", of whom are a history of Kings and Queens.
To various Kings of tribes and countries through time, to many to count.
The King of Swing, and the King of the Hill.
To the King of queens and King Kong.

But there is a shout of a King among us.

No misfortune is seen in Jacob,
no misery observed in Israel.
The LORD their God is with them;
the shout of the King is among them.
Numbers 23:21

When you start to enter into the Kingdom and as mentioned in our
fellowship many times, you can NOT enter the Kingdom without
knowing (experiencing) the KING, this KING changes everything
around you.

Your life, will start to change.

A new confidence will overtake you.

A peaceful boldness will come out of you.

There is a shout of the King among them.

This KING is what scripture calls the KING OF KINGS. Revelation 19:16
By the way, the book of Revelation isn't much about future events as it
is a Revelation of JESUS CHRIST -the KING of KINGS!

Revelation, reveals JESUS CHRIST - JESUS and HIS Anoiting of Power
that is towards and IN us, who believe.

Who believe that this KING lives and breathes through us.
HE will give you thoughts (impressions of LOVE, of leading, not retreat,)
to help the sad and sick world around. 

And this KING and Kingdom, conquers by LOVE.

A LOVE that does not fail!


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pride Before A Fall but what comes after!

We know the old saying "Pride goes before a fall", which is actually a quote from the Bible.  Proverbs 16:18

But this is something a couple days ago, I heard from the LORD while watching a reality TV show, where this guy was being chased through country side.
As the chase continued, and the one fleeing would stop and hide among trees since they were in a forested area, you could tell his 'swagger' and pride about not being caught.  He was better, and would never be caught, just watch me!

But as the 'cat and mouse' chase continued, the boastful one, (being chased), made a sudden quick dash because he thought he heard his enemy (the guy hunting him) just nearby.  So, this cocky guy makes a fast move and while looking back, running through forest and trees, he trips and lands in a small gully that has accumulated water and is now mostly fairly thick mud.

He is a mess!

His face was covered with dripping mud and as he looked up, while wiping the mud and gunk from his eyes, he noticed he was at the feet (remember he was in a small gully) was the guy that he bad mouthed, the one that was chasing him - caught him!

As I was enjoying this show, the LORD spoke to me and said; "You know pride goes before a fall, but do you know what comes next?"

In my Spirit (remember that if you follow JESUS, then HIS SPIRIT (HOLY SPIRIT) is joined to your Spirit and they become ONE Spirit (no longer 2 but 1), I answered the LORD and said "No, no I don't know what happens after the pride." See 1 Corinthians 6:17

DAD (The LORD) answered and said to me, "pride will also make you fall at the feet of your enemies.  And the enemy of pride is humility, so pride always bows to humility."

Your pride, will make you fall and that falling is at the feet of what you hate, of what you 'run from'.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

You are Dead - so choose LIFE!

No Joke...

As I saw the 'road kill', the LORD spoke and said
"That is what you are, without were once that!"

I didn't like what I saw, but knew DAD was right, scripture makes it clear, lest we boast and think we are something without HIM.

As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins.
Ephesians 2:1

You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins.
Colossians 2:13
You see, Christians really don't live their lives, because its NOT their lives anymore. Like in a
good marriage, each one starts living for the other. So, the Christian life is no longer "I" but "CHRIST" who lives in me. Galatians 2:20
You can't live the Christian life - its impossible!
It was never designed to be lived out by humans, everything is 'stacked' against you to do it.
You will end up, and many of you have already experienced this, frustrated and hurt, crying out because you just can't do it.
That is exactly where you are supposed to be which causes you to throw yourself at the feet of
JESUS. Not a the church doors or altar, not the prayer group or confessional but directly to
the SOURCE - the ONE who is LIFE (not has life), the ONE who is LIGHT (not having light).
It is there, where you throw off the shackles of religion, yes even the christian church one, and
take HIM, who is All in All. Like dead grave clothes, it may take some time, but as the SPIRIT
reveals the deep things of GOD to you, you will experience abundance, and peace and love like
you've never seen before.
JESUS said "Without ME you can do nothing."
John 15:5

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Choose Life!

Ok, hear what the LORD is teaching here:

See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction.
Deuteronomy 30:15

This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. Deuteronomy 30:19

But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die. Genesis 2:17

The other day, I had to wait in my office parking lot, for a truck bringing a delivery, whose driver didn't know the way into our office building complex. So, to make matters easier, I waited in my parking lot for this big truck to arrive.

The only thing I didn't know, was he was caught in a traffic jam, so my short wait became longer than anticipated.

So, while waiting, I amused myself watching the birds and squirrels running around the little green area amidst this concrete jungle parking lot and busy road around me.

So, waiting and waiting, sitting in my truck, I asked DAD, if there was anything I could learn, while sitting there?

My mind started to reflect and think about GOD'S creation, and seeing life around this very busy industrial/business section of our city, I also was shocked to see this...

Just a few feet away - death around!

Not shocked because I saw a beer bottle or 'road kill' (like I've never seen that before), but shocked that around these little birds, and squirrels was both life & death!

And I didn't even notice it!

Sorry, to those perhaps offended, I am not trying to be graphic or sensationalize this post.

Its just that, life and death were together and DAD (GOD) has lots to say about all that for our benefit.

My own family life (and my wife's too) was plagued by drinking, addiction and trouble. You see GOD our Perfect Parent - DAD is warning us to "choose LIFE" so that we can really live!

Its a choice.

Note: When you understand the meaning behind JESUS calling HIM FATHER you will see it is the equivalent of 'DAD' or 'DADDY'. The LORD'S prayer really should start "Our DAD, who is everywhere around us (Heavenlies), YOU are HOLY and AWESOME..."

Get the idea?

It is a much closer relationship, then you would have thought, and GOD who is your DADDY wants the exact same closeness and family tie with you!

To often the christian religion (institutional church) has made it harder to connect with GOD making them the 'go between' or worse 'kidnapped' us, so that we can't get back to our DAD and find rest and peace which is in HIM ALONE!

Ok, so what about LIFE and Death.

They are persons.

You must choose.

This DAD that really Really loves you, will never force this relationship, or 'make you' love HIM. Because LOVE is never forced, it doesn't insist on its own way. 1 Corinthians 13:5

HE is waiting...waiting for you!

Are you coming to HIM? Are you choosing HIM?

The choice of "LIFE and Death" is simply put HIS way or my way. Like a child that is too young to know, would eat what he shouldn't, go where he shouldn't and do what he shouldn't, all these things could seriously harm the child and if not guarded and loved it could be worse.

GOD is saying that. HE is simply saying "There is a right way to go, you were created to have fellowship/live with ME".

"I MYSELF AM LIFE, you can't find LIFE in any other way, because there is death around you".

Now this Death, is the Devil himself, Death is your enemy. 1 Corinthians 15:26 and this spirit/demon is out 'hunting' and seeking to destroy. Giving you what you are tricked into thinking you need, slowly poisoning, until death happens.

It doesn't have to be so, everyday you have the same choice Adam and Eve had in the Garden. There is a 'tree of LIFE' and a 'tree of knowledge of good and evil' (its not called a tree of death). You either (in vain) serve yourself, and make yourself god. You are really doing the Devil's business and are a slave to Satan and to your sins though and are Not a god. The LORD refers to Satan as the 'god of this world'. 2 Corinthians 4:4

This 'god of this world' has blinded the eyes of many, either by rebellion or religion. They can't see that the only way is JESUS. Jesus answered him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life!" John 14:6

JESUS doesn't point to a way, but points to HIMSELF!

HE doesn't point to the church, or the bible, or to any prophet or preacher, but points to HIMSELF.

Want to choose life?

Want to avoid death? and all of deaths friends, like pain, loneliness, burden, guilt, fear?

Choose life, and you will live!

Choose JESUS, who is your very life! Colossians 3:4

Leave christian religion, church going, tithing, and the effort, and building your own religion to worship yourself all by your own effort (that was the tower of Babel you know).

And say, to the LORD, I can't do it, I am Not Good (like YOU), and I am frustrated and have ruined this Christian life, realizing that I can't live it, but YOU who is LIFE can, and you do it through me/ in me. Without me even trying, but by simply coming to you, you will never push me away, I take JESUS. Live through me, its YOU and all I want is YOU!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Past Fellowships Here:

We've been enjoying 'Home Church' or 'Generic Church' or 'Home Fellowship' for a number of years, and have had many great /fun times. As well as grown incredibly both in size and quality of life, as we follow our JESUS!

The JESUS Journey.

The Exchanged-Life is really, all of my crap, my mess, my effort for the wonderful life of JESUS living HIS LIFE within me.

Here are some of our past events:

Sunday Nov 14th 2010 Faith sharing and bowling (you guys were great!)

November 20th 2010 fellowship/ birthday that ended around 2 AM (and we would do it again too!)

December 19th Regurgitated Christmas Gifts & Fellowship was tons of laughs.

New Years Eve - We also had our 4th annual New Years Party, some of you never left, but we all went to sleep around 4:30 AM. WOW! What a Blast, and JESUS was lifted up again! The theme was Fast Food New Years, and we enjoyed each other and edified one another as well as eat, eat and eat! (both Spiritually and Physically)!

Also Jan 15th 2011 "Open House At Rob & Sue's!" We skated, drank hot apple cyder and shared.

Also had fun January 29th 2011, called; "Can He Blow Them All Out?" in one word - "No", No he didn't, but we had a blast anyway!

February 5th another Fantastic Skating Fellowship! again at Rob & Sue's home.

February 11 to 13th - Blue Mountain Skiing Fellowship! We went skiing, ate, shared JESUS and want to do it again - next year (LORD willing). Talked a little about 'family troubles & parenting' also shared healing stories and testimonies.

Saturday March 12th - good time bowling in Aurora and fellowship talking about the 'gifts of the SPIRIT' and hungering for more..."earnestly desire the SPIRITUAL" Paul encouraged. I think more study in this area is going to happen!

See the freedom we have in JESUS?
This is what Home Fellowship or Simple Church is all about!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Loving Souls or Loving People? Its all the same - right?

The other day, I was reading (one of my favourite authors) and what he said, changed my thinking.

You know its a good thing to challenge your thinking, because most of your thoughts are probably not right. It seems that we have many thoughts that we've simply accepted over time, that don't line up with TRUTH.

TRUTH is a person.

JESUS is TRUTH! John 14:6

But here is basically what Norman Grubb said: 'that we are too busy loving souls and not loving persons. '

Many church buildings and christian institutions are trying (by keeping numbers) how many souls saved, how many have been counted in the kingdom. And missing the bigger picture!

When we do that, (which isn't GOD 'S way), we lose sight of the fact that we are in the business of LOVE. And these are people, who are desperate for LOVE, desperate for HIM. They, like JESUS said; 'Are sheep without a shepherd'. Mark 6:34

GOD warned King David not to count (census) his people. 2nd Samuel 24

You see the world already does this, they have their customers in many cases as numbers, not treating people as customers, or real people. Reducing us to often just numbers.

After all its simply a numbers game. Right?

Governments do as well, counting their army size.

And the Institutional Church often falls into the same trap.

The sin is two fold:

  1. We are 'counting souls' and not 'loving people'. No one can do both!

  2. Then we put confidence in our numbers and not our GOD.

    This is what the LORD says: "Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the LORD. Jeremiah 17:5

You take the compassion and love and humanity and throw it out the window.

JESUS who is LOVE, and showed us LOVE told us to give our LOVE away to a world
dying for it, who are trying to 'fill in' the emptiness, with sex, money, booze, drugs, fame, power and things, which don't fulfill us. Its only the LOVE of JESUS which can satisfy.

Friend, are you ready to have JESUS fill you with LOVE - with HIMSELF?
Church, are you ready to simply 'love people'? To be like your FATHER who simply 'loved the world' that HE gave?


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Home Fellowship, House Party, Simple Church, Organic Church

GOD is doing a super new thing... And its OUT with the OLD and...

IN with the NEW...
And really, its not a New Thing (although new to us) its the original plan, HE is building HIS Church, just like HE promised. See Matthew 16:18
This is how it was revealed to me...
The LORD (a few years ago), told me to "leave the church".
I was getting ready one Sunday morning when I heard HIM speak. Shocked and not knowing what to do, I asked the LORD "where do you want me to go?"

No answer from on HIGH - yet...

After some time, I was amazed to hear my wife heard the same message and with that confirmation we started on a JESUS Journey that grows and grows.

It was when we were obedient to HIS last word, which was to leave, when we got HIS next word, which was to 'be the Church'. That was another eye opener, and took time to understand, and even after many years here, I still am learning by HIS SPIRIT.

So as many of you already know, GOD by HIS SPIRIT led us into what many call "House Church".

Otherwise known as 'Simple Church' or 'Organic Church' we call it often 'Home Fellowship' or when we get real excited in the things of the LORD might call it 'House Party'.

But to make your 'House Church' grow and have life in it, you have to get rid of all your Christian Religious Views and what JESUS called 'Traditions of Men'. Because either it will be your way (which is simply man's way) or it will be JESUS way, and you won't have control as the control belongs to HIM.

Our fellowships have anywhere from 20 to 35 at a time and they last for 10 to 15 hours on average. We always do some fun things like sports or games, then eat which is real important to true fellowship and discussing and talking with one another. You cant hope to 'carry one anothers burdens', if you dont' know them.

Then as the SPIRIT leads, we have a time of worship, or prayer, or opening the word where we are banking on the fact that the SPIRIT will lead us, and teach us all things - showing us more of JESUS.

As this happens, you are getting closer and closer to what the early church and apostles did.
But if you don't really understand GRACE yet, and HIS un-conditional love, then you are under legalism and a trap of the enemy. This will keep you from the freedom you are supposed to have.

The message is GRACE, the conduit is the Fellowship of Believers with the SPIRIT!

Anyway, to get a real good perspective in a global way, what JESUS is doing to liberate HIS people and build up this HUGE group of saints to 'real church', then watch this neat video explaining what is happening globaly in the "House Church" movement - you will be amazed.

For Freedom!

It was for freedom that CHRIST has set us Free! Galatians 5:1

Watch this 'cutting edge' video (about 30 minutes) of what the SPIRIT is doing around the world building Home Churches. See the video here:

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Can your Christian Life be Wonderful?

But the angel of the LORD said to him, "Why do you ask my name, seeing it is wonderful?" Judges 13:8
If you were anything like me, you might recall as a child, the excitement and wonder of Christmas, or summer holidays. It was an exciting time, everyday filled with joy and hope. You might have dreamt about it, certainly talked about it and lived with the anticipation of the time finally arriving that almost made your heart explode with gratitude!
Or, as the years went by, it might be your first date, or starting to spend time with a special person, that makes you burst, counting the days, for your next big date. Everything in life was perfect, and full of wonder and excitement.
Later in life, it might be a new job, or a new house or finding some new income stream that gets you going. You can't help to think about it - and dream. You discuss it with everyone you know, and can't wait for the next day, because you are living the excitement and each day just keeps getting better.

Well that is exactly how your life in CHRIST will become (if you believe enough and will it).

When the LORD appeared to Samson's family, (in the book of Judges) they wanted to know the LORD's name. Now I know that some translations show it was 'the Angel of the LORD', but that is the LORD JESUS himself visiting them.

So, the family asks the name and the answer is that HIS name is full of Wonder.

You know, when you are going on your first dates, with someone who has 'smitten you'. You can't talk enough and think enough about them.

Out of the abundance of the mouth the heart speaks. Luke 6:45 This applies to both 'good' or 'evil'.

We always talk about what we love. For some of us, this alone should bring about some deep thinking and heart searching.

But when the LOVE of the LORD JESUS, overtakes you, you see HIM everywhere, you see perfect everywhere because HE is in everyone, and HE is everywhere. And then when you see HIM answer prayer, and speak to lead you into TRUTH (more of HIMSELF, because TRUTH is a person) John 14:6 you get so excited, that you have to talk about HIM to everyone.

  • Compelled by LOVE as Paul writes. 2 Corinthians 5:14

  • Everyday is JOY

  • Each new month is a celebration of LIFE into MORE LIFE - abundant LIFE as JESUS said. John 10:10

If its not growing like this, then you are looking at things from your own point of view. Wait on the LORD, let HIM lead you and speak to you.
Because when HE does - its wonderful.
But the angel does not say it was secret, but hoo pailee, `it is wonderful;' the very character given to the Messiah: ` His name shall be called pailai. Wonderful,' Isa 9:6 taken from (a great Bible website with original greek as well).

So, GOD gives a command in the OT (Deuteronomy 11:18-21)

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land ...

You can EASILY do this, when you find the LORD to be your delight. When you see HIM as your actual SOURCE for everything you need.

You will always talk about what you LOVE!

And what you LOVE will always excite you!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Warning Dreams and the Discernment.

Over the years the LORD has started to teach me part of the prophetic, and dream interpretation. (which is part of the prophetic gifts).
I am a work in progress, and without the LORD who is WISDOM, I have nothing, I am nothing.

1 Corinthians 1:24

Want wisdom?
Want true power?

You need the ANOINTING - you need HIM! (and it comes only by HIS GRACE).

Ok, where does that leave us with Warning Dreams?

A few months ago, my wife had a dream warning her not to take a particular job offer.
How did we discern it? How did we know? (we didn't take the job, and we are glad now).
In the same way, when we get nightmares, or seemingly dark or warning dreams, how do we discern them or understand them? Are they all warnings? Or was it too much spicy dinner from the night before?

First off, to understand dreams properly, you need a full reality check in your understanding and experiencing HIS GRACE. Because HIS anointing teaches us ALL THINGS! 1 John 2:27

As you let go of religion, yes even Christian religion and church attending, and sit at DAD'S feet
and learn directly from the source, you wont get too far along. Because HE (HOLY SPIRIT) will
start to take away the garbage of christianity or churchianity and give you 100% JESUS.
Pure JESUS without contamination or anything added.
Because if you add anything to perfection, you pollute it - you contaminate it!

Ok, so lets talk dreams.

The LORD spoke to me today saying: "When you get a true warning dream from ME, it
will come in 2 ways".

"First, there is the warning dream about NOT doing something or going somewhere that you have been praying about. Asking should I do this, or should I not, should I go here, or should I not".

"These dreams, that are answers to your query about going, or doing, will come as an encouragement to 'go ahead', or a encouragement as a warning 'not to go ahead'. The warning dream, will make you thoroughly NOT want to go ahead. It will put such a taste in your spirit, that you really desire NOT to go ahead, NOT to do it."

The LORD continued, "The warning dreams about your future or some wrong behaviour or habit you may have, are always with the understanding, of what you need to realize, (understand) that you have to 'give up' to ME. These dreams always show you the way out! They are not just 'bad or scary' dreams without an upside towards or back to ME - who is your deliverer, your escape!"

Other than that, many dreams can be from the enemy, just as you have thoughts during the day that are from the enemy (not from ME, and not you either).


Lean on LOVE, let HIS LOVE for you, be the benchmark, the place where you discern right or true from wrong or un-true.

This anointing comes by GRACE. You have nothing to do but just believe!

Burden Bearing and NO Elbow Grease!

No, this is NOT some horror picture.

But I will be the first to admit it kind of looks strange. But hang with me here, and I guarantee it will make sense shortly.

The other day while showering, the LORD spoke to me and said: "Son, wash your right elbow with your right hand".

Of course instantly I said "LORD that is impossible".

DADDY (the LORD) continued: "Do you have some sort of defect? Are you hurting or lame, that is limiting you from washing your right elbow?"

"Not at all, LORD" wondering where HE was going with all this.

"So," the LORD continued, "how will you wash your right elbow?"

"Easily with my left hand" I answered.

"Exactly!" as HE seemed pleased with my answer, and note, HE always seems pleased with me. That is called GRACE.

Then the LORD said; "And so it is with your fellowship, your family. There are some in your group, with burdens, troubles that they can not clean up or fix. Like the right hand, washing the right elbow. But there are those in the family, in your fellowship of believers that can without any effort do the job. Like the left hand to the right elbow, they don't even think about it, but easily do it."

"This", HE carried on with saying, "is what it means to bear one anothers burdens". Galatians 6:2

"There is no way for one to carry it, as they were NEVER meant to carry it, and simple for others to carry it, as they are gifted in other ways to be strong and to build up what is missing in the other. Fill the others need, yes easily carry the others burden. "

"Impossible for one - Easy for the other".

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How To Receive MORE from GOD!

Ever been in a restaurant, and ordered and the food either wasn't what you ordered, or not right at all?

So, you had to 'complain' to make it right.

Now the Bible says to not complain, because we usually only complain because we are selfish and not getting our way. So that is sin of course.

Sin being the opposite of LOVE.

LOVE only wanting what is best for others, and only rejoicing in the truth. 1 Corinthians 13:6

Sin being only wanting for the best for self (me) and not holding on to what is right or true - just what self wants.

Ok, so what does this have to do with getting more from GOD. Or experiencing more from GOD, might be better said.

Here is the scripture: (JESUS speaking)

If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!" Luke 11:13

Now that is ok, but doesn't really bring us the urgency and expression of the original language.

Here is how I see it and getting most of this quote from: Jonathan Mitchell's superb Greek Expanded New Testament.

JESUS speaking:
"If then, you folks, continuously subsisting being inherently worthless and evil, have seen and know to be habitually, giving good gifts to your children, then how much greater and extent will the FATHER - the ONE from out of Heaven (the atmosphere around you that you can't see) give you the SPIRIT (HOLY SPIRIT, or BREATH-Effect of GOD) to the people who habitually keep asking HIM.

That word asking HIM, according to Brad Cullen (another great author I've read) is more
of a demand for what is right.

Like you in the restaurant with the wrong order.

You don't usually just accept it, because it wasn't what you paid for.
You don't usually make a huge fuss about it, because generally you don't have to.

You are insistent, and a tad demanding in getting what you paid for.
You don't give in, and don't give up until you get your order right.
Its done politely, insistently, persistently and kindly.

As Brad Cullen says "the word 'ask' in the original language is a financial term meaning demand on due".

Don't give up and don't stop asking, until you see evidence that you have more of the HOLY SPIRIT and HIS gifts operating in your life.

Remember Paul in 1 Corinthians 14:1 said " Earnestly desire the SPIRITUAL gifts"?

You must never give up and request and insist that you get more and more.

That is, if you want more...


Monday, May 16, 2011

Question on Screaming/Begging GOD in prayer?


My wife and I attend a pentecostal church that we really enjoy. We both have been going for some time and really enjoy the church.

However there are times when certain situations become distractions and even make it hard for us to concentrate on our own prayer.

For example some of our church members shout and scream almost at the top of there lungs during certain alter calls and prayer request. Some even pray openly in such and excited or raised voice that is sounds very angry.

My wife and I have both admitted that we have had trouble concentrating on our own prayer at times due to hearing this or seeing this and becoming distracted. It has even at times made me feel a little uncomfortable.

I know our denomination is one that speaks in tongues and OPENLY gives praise....that I have become more use to (having not been raised pentecostal) .....however the individuals who are doing the above have really made it hard to not be distracted.

Is this a personal problem of our own...that we need to just get use to?

I feel that when I go to church I should be excited and comfortable...and I do lots of times...but when these situations happen (its only a few people in the church) it makes me feel uncomfortable and awkquard feeling. I have prayed about this and I dont' want a couple of people to make me feel this way. I know these people outside of church and they are the type of people that no matter what they are doing they tend to be loud and overbarring at times.

I don't want to judge them for praying like they do outloud...but I am just being honest of how it makes me feel.

What should I do?


Answer that was received:

Remember the prayer "show down" between Elijah and the prophets (false) of baal?
1 Kings 18: 16-45

These (false prophets) are screaming and yelling to their god.

Elijah only spoke to the LORD.

Prayer is known as simply 'talking to GOD' nothing more required.
GOD asked the rhetorical question
Psalm 94:9
Does he who implanted the ear not hear? Does he who formed the eye not see?

Simply the ONE that created us and made our ears also easily hears us!

In fact, HE hears us before we even say it!
Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O LORD, You know it all.
Psalm 139:4

You don't need to yell, HE already knows!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Old News vs. New Revelation

As I got up this morning and sauntered into our kitchen.
I was surprised by the plate of old withered fruit, that was left from the day before.

Where is the appeal that it had, just a day before?

Then the LORD spoke to me:
"See that plate son?"
"Yes", I said. (speaking in my Spirit, answering the LORD).
"Old fruit isn't grabbed and consumed by your family is it?" the LORD asked.
Not waiting for my answer, the LORD JESUS continued, "Its because everyone knows in your family to expect new fruit, thus discarding the old".
"Its the same with revelation, I give 'fresh Manna' (which is MYSELF -JESUS), to your family everyday - and to all families that want it or desire it".

"I am beginning to see" I replied.

JESUS paused in my Spirit, and then continued "No one who tastes new bread, or new fruit wants the old, they are expecting tasty, fresh fruit. That is one of the keys to fellowship, where the brothers and sisters can share fresh fruit with each other. New revelation to be shared with each other. NO OLD FRUIT, NO OLD WINE, NO DEAD BRANCHES - NEW! NEW! Behold, I am doing a new thing says the LORD" (see Isaiah 42:9)

Luke 9:62 Jesus replied,"No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."
So, that is the new wine, I received from the LORD this morning.
I leave this post, with some scriptures backing all this up.

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19

"From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you." Isaiah 48:6

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Little Things.

Ok, I admit it, I am a bit of a sports fan, and I can almost hear my wife cry out "Only A Bit"??

But when you watch sports, or taking a small shot at my wife, who likes to keep up on some of the 'entertainment world', particularly the 'stars' walking the red carpet.

Something the LORD has been teaching me, reached me.

You know the world, makes a big deal about these 'little things', such as movie stars and baseball.
For example, the catcher who works with the pitcher to get the batter out. Together they form what is called 'The Battery'. And, sports guys talk about the catchers, skill in 'calling a game', where the catcher suggests (using his fingers with sign language) to the pitcher, what pitch to make, to get the batter out.

They also talk about the catchers skill in blocking balls that are thrown, by the pitcher into the dirt; sometimes intentionally and sometimes by accident.

These sports guys, and us sports fans, go on and on about these things. Like did you know that this particular catcher has a great throwing arm, he has thrown out 39% of the base runners that try to steal (a base) on him.

Or the famous walk of the 'red carpet', as the commentators rave about the dress, color, designer, flow, etc... It becomes BIG NEWS, and is all over the newspapers by the next day. Sometimes, it could be her dress and the cost, but also the necklace she is wearing or broach or even the hair do.

My point,(rather the LORDS point) are that these are really little things that the world makes BIG out of. They go on about it, they spend millions on these athletes and movie stars as the cameras click away. Writing pages and pages of expression and explanation.

JESUS turns things around a puts it this way: "for that which is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God." Luke 16:15

You see GOD notices and loves the little things that are matters of the heart.
Because the heart, is where everything gets its motivation. LOVE or a wrong heart
with lust, is simply desire or wrong desires.

What the LORD really notices and is touched by, are the little acts of LOVE, carelessly ignored by the world.

HE sees the child, who folds little hands to pray.
HE sees the twinkle of the eye, of Grandpa teasing Grandma.
HE sees the tireless work of Mother, preparing laundry and lunch 365 days a year.
HE sees the teenager, walk away from temptation, when it was pushing all the buttons.
HE sees the strong Dad, carry the little one all the way to bed, and tuck them in.
HE sees the little girl, for the first time putting on makeup, dreaming of the red carpet.
HE sees the litte boy, grabbing a glove and trying to make a catch thinking of the big leagues.

Its the 'heart' issues that are things JESUS notices.
HE noticed the old poor lady, putting her last few coins to give to the poor. Mark 12
HE noticed the faith of the disciple JESUS loved, and put him in care of his mother.
HE noticed the offering of 5 barley loaves & 2 fish of a small boy. John 6:9

HE always notices faith with love. Its all about, the little offered in love.
That is great faith. That is the act of GOD - everything else is commentary actually detestable.

Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please GOD. Hebrews 11:6

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Easter?? Really its a pagan name.

We as Christians really preach the crucifiction and resurrection of JESUS.

The term "Easter" is really pagan, and nothing to do with Christianity.

Paganism gave us the English word "Easter" which comes from the word " Eostre".
From this we get the term 'estrogen', from which we get all the ideas
of easter eggs, and bunnies and baby chicks.

This was named after the pagan god of 'fertility', and we get Easter.

But its not anything to do with all that junk!

Its all about HIM, the ONE who is the KING of Kings and Risen LORD.

And if Christ wasn't raised to life, our message is worthless, and so is your faith. 1 Corinthians 15:14

It is all about JESUS coming back to life, (as death can not hold the
ONE who is LIFE).

Do you know that LIFE is a person - JESUS is LIFE!

And the resurrection proves that everything JESUS said, and did
is all true. HE didn't die like an ordianary man to be buried, but
JESUS said "No one takes it (HIS own LIFE) from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again."
John 10:18

No man can say these words!

Everyone, needs to come to this time of passover and resurrection.

JESUS is our passover lamb, crucified for our well being, and by
HIS shed blood washing away every sin.

Now when that truth is received, and believed with humility HIS RESURRECTED
LIFE flows into us, and gives us a heart to believe in miracles and
see what HIS LOVE can do through us to a needy world around us.

Everyone - EVERYONE needs an encounter with the LIVING LORD.

Everyone needs HIS LOVE, HIS LIFE, HIS WISDOM, HIS JOY (thats unspeakable)!

What are you waiting for? How long do you want to live in fear and questions?

HE is the risen LORD, and wants to help you, deliver you and answer all
your questions!

Everyone, absolutely EVERYone needs JESUS!

Walking through the mall with my wife the other day, I saw this
poor easter bunny.

No little customers.
No happy faces.

Nothing but sitting around in boredom.

Where is the joy? Where is the victory?

I said to my wife, "I think even the easter bunny needs JESUS!"

Everyone needs HIS LIFE - abundant life - everyone needs JESUS!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

2 Revelation Dreams (Part 1) - Dad's Dream - Rats & Garage.

Dad had a dream, where he was with (a friend) in a field with a rough gravel type old driveway to a garage. There wasn't really a house, just this garage with a closed garage door. Not dark yet.

The friend told Dad to be careful as there are rats in the garage. The friend excuses himself, telling Dad that he would be right back.

Dad carefully opens the door, and sees a garage virtually empty, and not deep enough to even park a car inside. He did see one dead rat, and then one scurrying around on the inside.

It (the rat) was trying to ignore Dad but Dad didn't trust it, and was keeping his focus on it. Somehow, Dad, through a little effort injures the rat on its side. The rat lunges and attaches itself to Dad's left arm. He tries to detach it from himself, and even tries using a stick to unpry it.

Not of course happy about a rat connected to him, but with a strange peace and confidence, he continued to un-hook the rodent. Finally the friend arrives, with the entire group of our fellowship, who fairly quickly detach the rat from Dad and killed it.

Dad awoke.

So, we asked the LORD, if there was something more to learn from it.

Here is what came to my spirit. Which is joined to the LORD, isn't that wonderful?

The LORD explains:

Field - journey, through wilderness into promised land (more of JESUS in life).

Garage - a place (any place, is ok to have fellowship with the SPIRIT and one another). The garage isn't even suitable for its proper use, but with ME it takes on Real LIFE (JESUS).

Rat - devourer, eats food, destroys the grain to make bread. Destroys the fresh bread of a revelation WORD glorifying JESUS. Takes away the Rhema word, the current word the LORD by HIS SPIRIT is speaking today.

One dead, one alive - they are crushed in the head, by the power of the SPIRIT in the unity (fellowship) of the saints.

Rat attack left arm - you were annointed on the head, the right shoulder (down the arm), and right toe. The annointing covers the entire you, but the enemy tries to attack in areas to make you think you are not covered (left arm). If the devil, can take your mind off JESUS and HIS full armour, that will disarm you and potentially destroy you.

Friend - Angels among you, don't at all be surprised, they constantly seek the face of the FATHER on your behalf.

Strike rat - war against principalities that insist on undermining and destroying the current WORD. Its a natural thing for saints to wage war against the enemy - natural, like a 'knee jerk' reaction.

Power - in the fellowship and prayer of unity easily crushes the enemy.

Don't give up, don't forsake the assemby, the unity, the fellowship of the brothers and sisters.

The victory and territory is yours (garage is yours). Pray together, pray in unity, pray confident, pray expecting victory, don't take no for an answer.

You are more than conquerers through ME who is LOVE and who continually loves you.


2 Revelation Dreams (part 2) - Katja's Dream - Dead Forest - Beach House

If you are reading this post first, please read, the other revelation dream from Dad first, then this one. It will make more sense if you do.

I had a amazing dream last night and I know that this is from the Lord and that He gives us it goes I was with our fellowship group in a dim, dead, void of colour forest. We were walking through it and I so distinctly remember seeing brown dead leaves all over the ground and all the trees were completely dead.

As we were walking through this forest we were scared, had the feeling that we were in despair.

Then all of a sudden we were walking into a huge beach house. This place was amazing, a big kitchen and lots of bedrooms.

I remember seeing a lot of double doors throughout the beach house and beautiful gauzy type curtains that blew in the warm winds. I went to the balcony of the house and saw the most incredible sight, a turquoise blue ocean. I remember seeing the posts that were in the ocean holding up the beach house. I also saw these lava rock formations in the water as I was looking over the balcony.

It was truly an amazing sight, it was like we were really there. We were so free there, so contented it was like heaven.

When I woke up I felt so encouraged so free.

The interpretation of the dream came to me as I was telling Eric about it.

The forest represents the frustrations, fears and the hardships in life (wilderness)as this is not how Jesus wants us to live, but we all go through it.

The beach house represents promised land. Jesus want us to live in total freedom, He brings us to the place of rest. We just need to take it in faith!

If you read Lauri (Eric's Dads dream first) then this one, you will see a progression. It is a walk through the wilderness, (our own flesh) into the promised land of JESUS. HIS Kingdom, in us, flowing through us all around us.

Let your will be done as it is in heaven.

Heaven is around us, and we can experience the heavenlies around us. Not wait for it, seize it, take it by force.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Had enough of the Christian Religion?

Christian Religion or JESUS only?

I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy. I will shepherd the flock with justice.

Ezekiel 34:16

Is this you?

Do you feel lost? Feel like you've strayed?

As a Christian, do you feel like there must be more? Lost in religious circles, jumping through all the hoops that your church or denomination puts on you.

The burden, the effort, the helplessness of all the need around you, as well as your own problems and nobody lifting a finger to help. No answers from ther place that is supposed to have answers - all you hear is silence.

Whether you have never heard too much about JESUS, or have been in church here and there before, you have come to the end of the line.

JESUS is looking for you, but HE is looking for the lost, those that have strayed. If you think, "I am good", "things are going well for me", then You will miss it, because JESUS is looking for the lost.

Friend, are you lost?

Church goer, are you busy "serving the LORD", but wonder where the LORD is? Because if this is serving, its not "Joy Unspeakable", the burden is supposed to be light, it is supposed to be easy!

HE is actively looking for you. The reality - what is real is CHRIST!

Had enough? JESUS is wanting to heal you, rescue you. Because HE loves you

Friday, April 1, 2011


The LORD woke me up to this little revelation, this morning. This is what I heard:

That which is born of flesh is flesh, but that which is born of SPIRIT is spirit. John 3:6

The SPIRIT gives birth to spirit.

When you were created, because that process begun before you were born, you were given a heart and breath spirit.

All through the holy scriptures, the word spirit actually means breath.

So you were born with heart and breath.

Nothing new there.

But when you are born again, or born from above, (see John 3:3) you are given a new heart, one that is capable to really love. And a new breath, as you receive the very life of GOD in you.

A life of grace and favor, a life that is able to receive, and then display and distribute the very life of GOD to a world around you!

The first breath and breathing you got when you were a new baby, gave you life to enjoy and receive, and take in the world around you. Similarily the breath you receive the second time, (Breath of GOD - SPIRIT) allows you to receive and take in the new Kingdom around us, the invisible yet greater world because its ruled by GOD. This kingdom of GOD is the Kingdom that created the world that you see. It is before all and is above all, and sets uts influence to every area it touches.

Dare ye enter?

Do you want this kingdom?

You need to be born again, to enter in. You need to be born from above to enter in.

Then he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit" Receive the HOLY BREATH!

The Breath of GOD! John 20:22

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tenderness - Says the SPIRIT of GOD!

I just came back from a family vacation to Florida, and my 'better half' and I were getting our boys 'back on track' as our March break or sometimes called Spring break was over.

You know its not easy getting the first day (after a holiday) going, everything seems like you go from 'stop' to 'start' with little easing in to it.

As my mind was still fresh with the warmth of the southern sun and thinking of the great family moments we had together, those thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the SPIRIT of GOD, who whispered "tender" and then calmly gave me a revelation on tenderness.

The neat thing, is when GOD teaches you something, HE lets you experience and understand it deeper - its not just 'head knowledge', as you mediate on it, it goes into the heart, and it becomes you. This is what is called real biblical knowledge - experiencing the supernatural, the Spiritual!

So, this is what I am going to share, by the SPIRIT and HIS fellowship with you, to you as HE showed me and began to teach me about tenderness.

The vision I got, was when someone has a toothache or an injury. As that pain and discomfort threatens, we always touch those areas very delicately, very carefully. When I played soccer more competitively in my younger years, and got an injury, I couldn't be as 'rough' or casual about that part of my leg as I normally would simply take it for granted. Now, I had to walk gingerly on a sore foot, or had to bandage up a sore leg and not overly walk or put strain on it.
Because when something 'hurts', the only response is 'tenderness'.
If our feet our simply sore, and someone messages them for us, they do it gently and tenderly.
Well what if, (with sore feet) someone starts hitting them, or if you had a sore toe, and then if you banged it again, "WOW", that would hurt. So, what do you do?
You resist doing anything hard or even normal with your hurt toe or foot or whatever body part we are talking about. You might possibly bandage it up, to protect it and you would resist anything coming too close, unless coming with gentle and loving motives (like a massage to a sore back or neck) or a nurse gently binding an injury.
That is the word tenderness.
Now, we have an aching world all around us. There are tons with painful and damaged hearts, lives and they will resist anyone coming at them too hard, they will get angry and do whatever possible to 'protect' their ache/ their pain.
The only sure way to get in, and to help it get healed is with 'Tenderness'.
I have to admit, I am not always Tenderhearted as the scriptures say.
Its only the LOVE of JESUS through me that can be that tender, because I am not, in and of myself - but what a Tender Lover our LORD JESUS is!

JESUS said:
“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Matthew 24:32
What happens when, our branches/twigs because we are the branches (John 15:5) get tender?
The leaves come out - summer is here! Life is here!
So, who cares about the leaves? Big deal - right?
Wrong! The leaves and this process is very important.

And the leaves are for the healing of the nations. Revelations 22:2

Want to experience greater growth?
Want to bring healing to others?
Want to make a difference to everyone who comes around you? (because leaves provide not only beauty, and shade but are a major part of photosynthesis which in turn provides oxygen to everyone).
How is all this done?
Allowing the LORD to make you tender, and when this is manifest in you, change comes!
You can't do it on your own, but you can be willing to HIS leading and HIS LOVE which will make you tender to others as you get tender yourself.

God would give a heart of flesh, a soft and tender heart...Ezekiel 36:26

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
Again, this is something only JESUS does by HIS SPIRIT in us.
Next time you want to make change in someone's life, or if you are wondering why they are so downcast or angry all the time, then the only way in (otherwise they will resist you) is tenderness. GOD'S love and tenderness, working through you - will you let HIM?
LORD thank you for teaching me about tenderness, and thank you for making me tender hearted. Teach me, as I can't do this on my own. Because if YOU JESUS, are not "Tenderness" through me, then I will NEVER be Tender, as I can not on my own!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'll Do It - I've Done It!

Its boasting about the good you will do, or have done
-that brings pride/destruction and defeat.

Want to go down fast?
Want to frustrate your life?

Think, or say to yourself, "I will do _________ (add something good, that you will do).

Or conversley, say or swear or affirm that you will NOT ever do that _______ (you fill in the blank) again!"

The elder son in the prodigal son, who said "I've never left Fathers side, alwaysbeen right here with Dad", that is bitter talk and a defeated life. (no love, no joy).

Its a boast in the ability to keep or do the law - which is an impossiblity!

The rich young ruler who says: "all these things I've done since my youth". He stumbles on the law, and it makes him defeated, no victory, no joy as it exposes him to his coveting ways and not the loving sharing way of Life that GOD created.

Peter himself boasted that he would fight for JESUS and ends up attacking the assistant high priest ear, and getting reprimanded by JESUS. The rebuke by JESUS to Peter reminds us all that we don't boast in our own ability to handle the situation - that is pride, and JESUS reminds Peter, that to live like that will bring a short lived, destruction life.

JESUS said "Put the sword down, don't you know that if you live by the sword you will die by the sword".

If you live with man's answer to the problem, you will end up being consumed by what you try to fix. The method you use to try to solve the problem will now become your problem. Peter's sword, (what he is using to solve the fight/problem) would later on become his problem if he doesn't resist in man's best answer, and relies on the SON (JESUS our LORD) and live by faith (what he can't see) instead!

Peter had to re-learn the lesson, when Peter boasted that he would die for JESUS and never forsake JESUS. JESUS shakes Peter's world, when HE tells him that "before the rooster crows, you will deny ME 3 times". Peter ended up, getting into huge arguements and even called curses upon himself, trying to deny the fact that he (Peter) didn't even know JESUS. In effect Peter was saying "I've never met the man, don't know at all what you are talking about".

Peter was using his words to defend himself, and it was words of a little girl who questioned Peter's accent, being that similar to someone who would be from the area, and a follower of JESUS.

We also have the story of the poor sinner who prayed in the temple, but the rich church going pharisee also boasted in his ability to tithe, and fast and do what was right all the time, distancing himself from the poor sinner's that didn't know GOD.

JESUS warned that it was the poor, lowly sinner that got his prayers answered not the other way around!

Absalom, one of King David's sons, was a very handsome young man. The Bible states it like this:

In all Israel there was not a man so highly praised for his handsome appearance as Absalom. From the top of his head to the sole of his foot there was no blemish in him. 26 Whenever he cut the hair of his head—he used to cut his hair once a year because it became too heavy for him—he would weigh it, and its weight was two hundred shekels by the royal standard. 2 Samuel 14:25-26
Note: His hair weiged 5 lbs.

Later, we find Absalom uses his 'looks, charm and charisma' to begin to 'take over' his fathers throne. Now remember David was King, and David learned that the throne belonged to the LORD, that he was just GOD'S man and not no self-made man.

Absalom thinks different, he wants to reign.
He is confident in his own glory.

The time finally comes, he comes to the place where his popularity explodes, and he is the talk of the town. He thinks to himself, that he can't fail and now is in greater popularity than my own father David. If you remember David was and still is, the star of Israel and Israels greatest king (next to JESUS of course).

But Absalom, starts to gain numbers, and through a series of events, takes over his Dad Davids throne and castle and even sleeps with his fathers servants, and boasts about it by doing it on the roof of the castle, so that everyone knows.

Do you think his charm, good looks and ego (about self) had gone too far?
Absalom even erected a statue of himself, as he said it was because he had no children. See 2 Samuel 18:18

David is forced out of the castle with a few of his closest friends and leaders.

Absalom initiates civil war and is out to kill his father.

David, realizes that if GOD (who originally gave David the throne) doesn't want David to have it anymore, then that is GOD'S decision. Like JESUS later, will we find the words of Philippians when it says : "Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Philippians 2:5-7

Basically the Kings, didn't assume their Kingship, but would willing take a lower place, until GOD would lift them back up! For David's reaction see 2 Samuel 15
Remember it was this David earlier in his life that was annointed king by Samuel the powerful prophet of GOD. But even then, David waited as Saul, the present king, would be disposed of by GOD. This king Saul, Israel's first king, was bent on David's destruction and tried many times to kill him. David could have killed Saul but wouldn't stating that it was GOD'S throne and plan that would prevail and not man's and certainly not his own.

Absalom does die in battle, trying to kill his own father king David, but he dies by catching his own hair in a tree, and basically dies by his own hair, the same hair and charm that he had put his confidence in, trapped him, ensnared him in the end.

You are trapped by the words of your mouth. You are ensnared with the words of your mouth. Proverbs 6:2

Its best to simply belief and recohnize that you can't, and only JESUS can through you. Own up to your weakness, so that GODS strength can be revealed.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Is this dream a sign? Or is this sign a dream?

You know when you are in a retail store, or shopping
plaza, they have these small indoor sales signs all
over the place - like in the picture.

Either showing you a 'sale' or enticing you to a further discount, if you would only buy now!

Well, I had a sign-dream 2 nights ago.
After the dream I asked the LORD for the interpretation so here it is dream and all!

Sign Dream - Dream a Sign?

So, I am in this large retail store, and the store is owned by a friend. In my dream, it seems I am there simply to 'help out' for the day.

The store was busy, that day and there was nothing unusual about my dream at this point. I was simply standing in a retail store, on a busy day.

Then I saw a young tall/fairly thin blond man, dressed well with a long beige overcoat seem like he had 'stuffed' something in his pocket! The overcoat, of course giving you ample space to hide something.

I thought, "is he trying to steal something"?

The man had a long thin face, clean shaven and protruding chin. He didn't look sinister or the type to take anything, but here I was staring at what looked like him removing something from the store shelf!

Since I seemed to be working in the store, assisting my friend on this busy day, I made a move toward the guy who was taller than I and younger than I.

"Excuse me" I asked as I approached him about 10 feet away.

Then I noticed he had something large partially hidden under his trench coat.
He started to run!

I chased him, and before he could get away, he stumbled and I caught up with him, mall security was a few steps away. He had no where to run!

I asked him to admit what he did, and he did.
I asked him to hand back what he took, and he did.

But this is where it got interesting, as he opened his trench coat, he handed me a broken store display sign, sort of like pictured above. You know the clear acrylic signs that they can change to whatever sale they are promoting at the time, the signs that stand up on merchandise.

This is what he stole!

He apologized, and gave me the broken store display sign.

I awoke....

Note this scripture:
But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him.
1 Corinthians 6:17

In my spirit (which by the way is joined to the LORD), I asked the LORD in my usual soft way I asked "Dad, what did that mean"?

Note: as you grow in the LORD, you often move from calling HIM "GOD", to perhaps "FATHER", then for me it went to "PAPA" and finally "DAD"/"DADDY". The Bible makes it clear that when JESUS referred to the "FATHER" all the time, the term is much closer to "DADDY" rather than the formal "FATHER".

Anyway, in my spirit (which is joined to the LORD/DADDY) I heard this:

The store represented GOD'S storehouse - HIS bounty! Which is our inheritance.
The guy tall blond guy, represented the average christian.

The sign, represented signs/ miracles. We seem to be chasing the signs instead of chasing the goods, which the signs point to.
The chief 'goods' we are after, is the LORD JESUS HIMSELF!

HE is our reward.
All good things flow from HIS hand to us, who believe!

The LORD said "I AM your exceeding great reward" Genesis 15:1

Why was the sign broken?

We are so desperate for signs and miracles, that we will take anything - even broken ones.
Instead of resting at JESUS feet, and letting HIS LOVE flow through us. Spending time in prayer/meditation on JESUS - just taking HIM alone.

Then like anything we break, we try to cover it up, and not bring it into light to be healed.
We don't admit our shortcomings, as we live in pride and darkness, not bringing things to light.

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. 1 John 1:7

Paul said that he would boast about his shortcomings so
that GOD'S GRACE would be revealed.

If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.
2 Corinthians 11:30

Are we hiding our faults, shortcomings - acting as 'cool' Christians.
Chasing miracles and signs, going from one 'anointed church service' to another, when we have the GOD our DADDY, right inside us!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


LOVE always refers to the other (never self).

If a wife, is constantly praising and putting her husband in good light - she loves him.
If a child, who grows up and constantly talks about his parents in positive ways - they are loved.

Self, only talks about self, it praises myself, it magnifies me.

LOVE does the exact opposite.

For a real good example, look at JESUS.
JESUS only referred to the FATHER in everything and what we find is
the FATHER doing the exact same thing!

Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does." John 5:19

Next verse!

For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, and he will show him even greater works than these, so that you will be amazed. John 5:20
There are tons more, but to keep this brief, we will show just a few verses.

Then the FATHER only looks at the SON:

And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”
Mark 1:11

There are other verses as well, like when JESUS was on Mount Transfiguration, but you can look them up on your own, I think you are getting the idea here.

What you find is TRUE LOVE, only looks at others, and not self. So, what happens when the SPIRIT comes? The same thing! The SPIRIT only refers to JESUS!

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. John 16:13-14

How do you judge if something is from GOD or not?
How do you judge if it is a true work of GOD or not?
How do you judge if your thoughts were from GOD or not?
How do you judge if your vision, or angel experience was from GOD or not?


Follow LOVE!

Do they talk about themselves? Do they elevate themselves? Do they boast of themselves
or elevate man? Because its supposed to be all about JESUS!
The angels when they came to the shepherds and Mary/Joseph didn't herald their own agenda, or talk about themselves (except to introduce themselves) but always talked about JESUS and HIS KINGDOM (a Kingdom of GRACE) and shared the GOOD NEWS to them, all of what the FATHER had planned and what JESUS will do!

We've seen so many (so called) ministries, crusades, healing revivals, and although can't speak for all of them, many of them elevate man, money, healing, angels - not JESUS! Oh, they may refer to HIM once and a while, but they prefer to tell you what the angel says or what the preacher is saying (and often its himself, or his ministry, or his lack of money).

No, LOVE doesn't have its own agenda, LOVE speaks about others, and elevates/lifts up the other.

LOVE does not boast. 1 Corinthians 13:4

If its any other Jesus, or any other gospel (see Galatians 1), or even an angel giving you something other than LOVE, specifically lifting up / exalting the GRACE of JESUS, the LOVE of JESUS - run!

Because the True SPIRIT (SPIRIT of TRUTH), will not talk about HIMSELF, no, HE will take from what is JESUS and make it known to you - HE talks about JESUS and HIM only!

Let love be your wisdom, its the key to the spiritual gifts too.

The Gift of wisdom flows out of LOVE. (see 1 Corinthians 14)
