Ok, how about a little silly story (parable maybe) the LORD gave me at 4:25 am Saturday January 22 2010 in a hotel room on a little family vacation.
We don't do this (or do we)?
Here's the story:
Two brothers named Jack and Wayne, always enjoyed their summer holidays and part of their time off consisted of them spending time with their loving grandparents at their cottage.
These two boys knew their grandparents treated them well, and looked forward to the time they could all be together. Their parents joked by saying things like, "we think Grandma and Grandpa spoil you, they are so good to you" and "when you return to Mom and Dad, we have to deprogram you".
Anyway the two boys only about 1 year apart usually made the trek up north together and being a long ride, would talk.
One of them, it was Jack, who said "I know of a way to get more out of Grandma and Grandpa".
"What?" said Wayne.
"Yeah" continued Jack, you know that Grandma and Grandpa ain't poor, and we don't see them too often, but I have some formulas that worded right, will get them to give even more to us.
Confused, Wayne asked, "More of what?"
"More ice cream, staying up late, more fishing and getting them to even drive us into town and buying us stuff." said Jack.
Seeing it was a long trip up, Wayne said, "Ok, Jack, what's your great plan"?
Jack pulled out a sheet of paper and began to share the planned out way of being able to speak with Grandma and Grandpa and get more out of them.
"Alright, Wayne", Jack continued, "here it is, the first thing is when we are in a store or the ice cream parlor, get real loud and 'pushy' when making your demands, make sure everyone in the store can hear you, and that will increase your chances of getting more."
"Loud and pushy?" questioned Wayne.
"Yeah, it makes sure they hear you" answered Jack. "It increases your chances of getting more".
Wayne asked, "More what, what are we getting more of?"
"More ice cream, how about that? And more of everything else and how about even getting little extras, things we normally wouldn't get, like a trip into town and having Grandma and Grandpa max their credit cards for some new fishing equipment even." said a self convinced Jack.
"Now, that was rule or step One now for the Second rule or idea is this: Make sure you say it like this," as Jack positioned himself more upright in his seat to show Wayne he was standing up and speaking out. "You would say this: Grandma & Grandpa, you know how long its been since I've seen you and you know how much you miss me throughout the year and look forward to seeing us each summer," even louder Jack continued, "So, we insist that you wouldn't want to look bad in front of the customers in the store, so because you are kind and able to and love us and we your grandchildren came all this way, GIVE US MORE ICE CREAM NOW and Take US TO THE HARDWARE STORE TO PICK UP NEW FISHING SUPPLIES!"
Wayne sat there and thought this must be some kind of a joke.
Jack continued, "Ok, if that doesn't work, try approach 3".
"Approach 3? What is that?" Wayne wondered.
"Its when you are not getting it, you can say it like this. 'Grand Ma and Grand Pa we beg you, please provide us with more ice cream, one scoop is not enough, we have been good boys all year and try to listen to what you say, and although we are only your grandchildren, and don't deserve it, we beg you, please give us 2 scoops instead of one". Jack acted out.
"And, Oh yeah, I almost forgot," Jack carried on, "If your real desperate it works even better say something like this; 'Grandma and Grandpa, you know I am your favourite and that being older, and a leader, and getting straight A's in school, and sharing my lunch when others forget theirs, and giving some of my old toys away to the underprivileged at Christmas time, and making my bed everyday and doing my chores (not like some of the other kids in my area), give me 2 scoops instead of only 1 and bring us to the hardware store for fishing supplies."
Wayne sat there and thought then after a few moments said, "you make it too complicated, I think Grandma and Grandpa love us, all we have to do is ask and if it is something we need, they'll make sure we get it".
I think we make prayer complicated, and have a list of some formula's that we have to say or do in a certain way or order for GOD to hear and answer prayer.
And if we don't say it right, then we won't get it, we could 'lose are petition'.
Make sure you don't say this, make sure you don't talk out of faith. Speak faith.
What is faith?
Although not seeing the result (yet), trusting GOD in love will deliver you.
Its amazing to me, how I catch myself making complicated prayers that are either based on my performance (pride and works of the flesh) or trying to convince GOD that HE is good and loving so that HE has to do it. The funny thing is that HE is good and loving and even more so then loving Grandparents because HE is love.
HE also hears us, because the Bible teaches that doesn't GOD, who creates the ear not hear himself? Psalm 94:9
And like any loving parent, already knows what is best for us and is willing to do the best for us and others because of love. HE simply wants to! Because that what love does - it gives! John 3:16
Love is never for itself (that's lust) its always giving, that is its function that is its power it can only give.
We talk about giving to GOD - you can't.
HE gives to you and like any parent with children or their kids have friends over, they would give something and expect it to be shared. We have two sons, and if we give a game or treats, we expect them to share together not one of them to horde it all to themselves.
Acts 17:23-25 explains it all; “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him [...].”
Lets look at this (its one of my favourites).
HE does not live in temples built by hands. Your church or temple or place of worship doesn't contain GOD. GOD lives in humans not buildings. Like I've said many times before church is an organism not an organization!
HE (GOD) is not served by human hands like HE needed anything. GOD doesn't need your money, your talents, your savings, your gifts you can't give HIM anything because HE doesn't need it because HE is the source of all life, and all giving!
Don't say 'I put money in the offering plate, I gave to GOD this week'. HA!
Now I know that when you do it to the lease, you are doing it to GOD. We are taught that in scripture but you don't do it because GOD needs it but a fellow human being needs it and out of love you do it - that's like giving it and doing it to JESUS.
But remember where the supply comes from, and remember HE is the source of all blessing and remember that everything flows out of love, never compulsion but let love lead you.
Prayer is easy, but the real challenge is learning to listen not speak. We all can speak to GOD (prayer) but prayer is a two way street, you've got to learn to hear as well as speak.
The bible even tells us be quick to listen and slow to speak. James 1:19
Can you hear HIS voice - that's the key.
And can you trust HIS love and that HE hears you and is working it out for you.
HE has to deliver you what parent wouldn't?
HE loves you, and If HE (GOD, FATHER, PAPA) gives you himself in JESUS and dies for you won't HE (GOD) also with JESUS freely or graciously give you all things? Romans 8:32
Everything comes to you out of love - its all free - it has to be grace!
GOD doesn't give any other way.
Otherwise you expect to get like Jack and what parent would give to a son acting like that?
Its simply - its loving - its free!
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