When you decide to follow JESUS (realizing your life has to consist of more than what you've got and your life isn't anything close to the 'abundant life' JESUS promised) then you come to understand that you become a son or daughter of GOD.
Because Ephesians 1:4-6 says
In love HE predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.
This teaching came to me this morning as I have watched the horror of Haiti as well as the miracles and love taking place in the story after the earthquake.
Today, I watched as planes arrived carrying babies/children to Ottawa CANADA, to adopting parents. These are little ones, some only wearing shorts and t-shirts arriving in Ottawa in January, to their newly waiting adoptive parents. Beginning a new life, leaving behind all the chaos, death, ruins of their former lives.
This is what JESUS does for us.
We were living a life of ruin, destruction, death, misery, confusion and error.
Thinking we were living (or surviving) ourselves yet never realizing the lack we had and really living a sub-par life.
No hope, no life, no answers, no joy, no peace, no provision - like orphans in a destroyed Haiti without parents without hope!
This is what GOD says our lives are (without HIM) and you wont maybe realize it, until you ask GOD to come into your life and change you. Then when you realize ALL your sins forgiven and HE comes and really lives inside, you will look around and everything will seem new, new joy, new peace and new life.
Like the orphans, little black children (I say this for a reason) coming to a very new country - CANADA and to new parents (some white parents) who they don't really know yet, but will be loved and start to live a life far different to the life they left.
GOD does this for us, adopting us as sons.
Why adopting?
Because we are not by nature like GOD, our sin natures act more like his enemy than a son. Just like a little black child, coming to new white parents.
In some ways not at all like each other.
We were created the Divine is not created. And at the fall of man, we received a sin nature (contrary and is an enemy to GOD) but now because of what JESUS has done, we can participate in the Divine nature!
2 Peter 1:4
Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
Just like the little orphans.
LOVE bridges the gap and makes that adoptive son/daughter just like a real
(natural birth) son or daughter!
Just like JESUS!
So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers. Hebrews 2:11
Poverty, Past, Race, Colour, Education, has no meaning they are 'Adoptive Sons/Daughters' and enjoy all the same benefits as anyone born in CANADA.
You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:26-28
GOD does this, accepts us despite our poverty, past, race, colour, education etc.. they have no meaning anymore as we are HIS kids (adoptive) and enjoy all the benefits of HIS kingdom / HIS family!
Real adoptive sons & daughters - with all the provision and freedom of a new country but still learning all the opportunity and benefits as we grow.
Real life - JESUS called it abundant life!
It starts now, we are not waiting for it, just like the little ones coming to CANADA for the first time on an airplane (most if not all for the first time) into a new life of potential, freedom and opportunity leaving behind death and destruction!
They've already enter in to it although just beginning to learn all the benefits they now already have as Canadian citizens.
What an offer to the little ones - leave the destruction/death of Haiti and enter into the freedom and life of Canada.
If they don't - they will die.
If they do - they will live.
Here's the only question:
When you gave JESUS your life, why do you act like it is still your own?
If you haven't yet, come to JESUS then what are you waiting for, Ask JESUS for HIS life and say you want to live for HIM instead! You wont regret it!
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