After all the striving, all the stress, all the religious 'rule following'. Trying to do all the 'right things' you are left with nothing but hopelessness (you're at the end of the rope) and it is right at this moment you can 'give up & surrender to the one who 'knows best' and loves you...
The Exchanged Life

"Christ who is your life.." Colossians 3:4
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Friday, January 29, 2010
I Don't Know...(Part one)
then this blog "I Don't Know...(part one)" then (part two).
If you ever read the Bible, you would be astonished at how
the saints (old and new testament) talked.
I am persuaded...
I am convinced...
I am sure...
You see, you have to get to the realization that
Our LORD is interested and willing (because love
is like that) to help, and deliver you (daily).
Is your family only interested in hearing from you
once or twice a year?
Ok, so HE wants to deliver you...
From what?
Sin and all the bi-products of sin:
Fears, worry, lack, sickness, disease, confusion, stress,
burdens, trouble to name a few.
And its only done by HIS LOVE (GRACE) and your FAITH
which is also HIM pointing you to HIS provision and
you choosing to believe it.
Because it doesn't take real faith to believe in a
future with the LORD coming back (really its called
a future hope) not real faith. Hope and Faith are
two distinct different things.
Titus 2:13
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious
appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.
What you need faith is for now, today - for the present
Hebrews 11:6
And without faith it is impossible to please God,
(here is what real faith is):
because anyone who comes to him must believe that HE
exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Its FAITH that sees you through your present difficulty,
sickness, lack, family problem, addiction, weakness.
How did you get saved, in the first place?
How do you know your sins are forgiven?
How do you get anything from the LORD?
By Faith, By Faith, By Faith!
Because HE is a personal saviour. Personal meaning with you
(not far off), but close and beside you and actually 'in you'.
HE doesn't need convincing because HE is LOVE and will always
want what is GOOD (HE is GOOD) and HE is consistently and
perpetually GOOD and LOVING towards you.
(See blog on love for more on that.)
We in our prayers are not trying to 'convince' HIM. Those
kind of prayers are really showing you a lack of faith, because
they are really trying to 'convince ourselves' more than anything.
HE doesn't need convincing!
Does a child need to beg his Mother for dinner and try to
convince her. If she is making dinner, then she is providing
for the entire family.
How does the little guy know he is going to be fed?
because it is the key to real faith!
How does Faith come?
FAITH is a person - its JESUS...
Its seeing JESUS, and who HE is and what
HE can do.
Here's the scripture to prove it:
Galatians 3:25
Now that faith has come, we are no longer
under the supervision of the law.
When JESUS came, He fulfilled the law and all
the rules, and commandments and gave us HIS new
law of love shed in our hearts. We don't need
rules and the 613 laws of the old testament anymore
(summed up in the 10 commandments).
More on that in law and grace blog that is going to
be posted soon. JESUS fulfilled every law and
gives us HIMSELF to fulfill the only law left - LOVE!
Ok, so if Faith is a person - JESUS.
And if I am a Christian, or a believer in JESUS
then I must already have faith - right? YES! Romans 12:3
The problem is with how you learned about GOD
because how I learned (when I went to Bible School and such) and
how I learn today are completely different!
We need a biblical understanding a Jewish way of being taught
and learn (not the western/gentile way of learning).
The Gentiles (Greeks) want wisdom, and the Jews require signs
but we preach JESUS the wisdom of GOD and the Power of GOD.
see 1 Corinthians 1:24
I Don't Know...(Part 2)
If you already didn't read "My Faith is a personal thing" first.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
My faith? Well, its a personal thing...
1) My faith - its a personal thing...
2) I Don't Know...(part 1)
3) I Don't Know...(part 2)
So here is the beginning of this 3 part blog.
I was reading a little bit of the life of David.
And reading between the Psalms which David mostly wrote
and the book of Chronicles and kept coming up with words
of 'saved' and 'salvation' or 'delivered'.
Reading many chapters and verses like this one:
1 Chronicles 16:23
Sing to the LORD, all the earth;
proclaim his salvation day after day
and focused on the part 'proclaim His salvation day
after day'
And the HOLY SPIRIT said to me: "David's idea of
salvation and your idea of salvation are 2 DIFFERENT THINGS!"
I was stunned for a couple of moments, thinking about
what I just heard.
And started thinking about 'Salvation' and 'Saviour'
because David wasn't thinking about GOD saving him in the way
of, David's sins were forgiven and that he was
going to heaven when he died.
Being a covenant keeping Jew, he knew that his
sins were covered (by proper sacrifices accepted
by the LORD) and knew that he was 'safe' when he
died (no fear recorded in Old Testament saints
nearing death). They knew they were destined
to be in Abraham's bosom. Job said (who spoke
and lived before David) even though I die, in
my flesh I will see GOD. Job 19:26
David would already know what Abraham, and Moses said.
He wasn't thinking that his sins were forgiven and
that he was on his way to heaven (although he was
for sure forgiven and on his way to heaven.)
What David was talking about and what the entire
Bible is talking about, is the truth that the LORD
is a personal SAVIOUR!
A deliverer, a daily - every need personal SAVIOUR.
When you see HIM daily provide, heal, 'come through'
you can proclaim HIS SALVATION day after day!
We realize that:
Yes, HE forgives ALL your sin
Yes, HE makes a place for you, with HIM when you die
But one that is personal.
One that carries your trouble and delivers you from them.
All your troubles, all your fears.
Psalm 34:4
I sought the LORD, and he heard me,
and delivered me from all my fears.
The LORD then spoke to me and said; "Do you think HE
is a incomplete Savior? or Part-Time Saviour?
Until you realize everything is by GRACE alone (and you
are unfit in and of yourselves by doing anything to make
you right before GOD).
Everything comes to you by GRACE (God's love to you
though undeserving that you and I are).
Then the next step is FAITH, to see HIM as a personal GOD, one
that is 'with you in trouble'.
He is not a 'far away' GOD, not knowing your situation.
see Romans 10:5-10
HE is close, with you, in you!
HE does all this, because HE wants to be part of your/HIS life!
Like what kind of mother/father would not want anything to
do with their children's success or trouble?
In a good marriage, does the wife want nothing to do
with the 'ups' and 'downs' of her husbands life?
Wouldn't mother do whatever she could to protect, feed,
provide, love, nurture, her baby?
That is where the LORD is trying to get his kids to understand.
HE is a present GOD, ready to deliver, ready to save!
A daily GOD, one that comes with fresh manna everyday.
Can you trust HIM to see you through your troubles of today only?
Psalm 91:15
He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be
with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
2 Corinthians 1:4
who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can
comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves
have received from God.
This is the 'key' to great faith its knowing your deliverer!
Please read the next (2) posts "I Don't Know" Part 1 & Part 2
in connection with this post to get my complete thought on this topic.
I Don't Know...(part 1)
I Don't Know...(part 2)
A Church History Lesson (you've never heard before)
Its a short history of the CHURCH and it goes like this:
Christianity started in Palestine as a fellowship,
it moved to Greece and became a philosophy,
it moved to Italy and became an institution,
it moved to Europe and became their culture,
it came to America and became an enterprise.
All Church is, is a by product, an overflow of believers
in fellowship with each other and their LORD!
The thought goes then, that if it has become an enterprise
(a business) but we know from scripture its really a body.
Any body that is a business is a prostitute.
The Old testament is 'chock full' of references GOD
uses to Israel of entering into prostitution. The entire
story of Hosea and his prostitute wife Gomer shows GOD's
relentless love for HIS own to enter into a love rest with
their GOD.
The Jews continually (as we do, them as our examples) fall
into spiritual prostitution.
We've exchanged our access 'to Abundant Life' for selling
sermons and teaching and give and receving tithes. Huge
'christian' businesses, doing their business just like the world.
What is highly esteemed in men's eyes,
is detestible in the eyes of GOD! Luke 16:15
Then this scripture takes on deeper meaning:
1 Corinthians 6:15
Do you not know that your bodies are members of
Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ
and unite them with a prostitute? Never!
JESUS Multiplies Food (another miracle) for Children in Uganda
These 2 JESUS stories, have a message of GRACE to them, which LORD willing will
share at a later date.
But here was a recent feeding miracle again.
Follow the link:
Click Here!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
CHOOSE! (if you don't choose - you've chosen).
Walking by what you see or judging things by what you don't see?
If your life consists of only making decisions on what you see,
then you are no different then the world.
1 Samuel 16:7 (New International Version)
But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance
or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look
at the things man looks at.
Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
We with JESUS in us and for us, judge and decide on what HE says,
and shows us - not by what we see.
What you see is temporary, what you can't see is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:18
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.
For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
As Peter only saw JESUS then he (Peter walked on water) when he saw the wind and waves he began to sink? Peter Youngren once said "what does wind and waves have to do with walking on water? Does that mean on a peaceful tranquil day (without waves) you can walk on water?" (Matthew 14:30)
The point is choose what you are looking at..
Choose JESUS, Choose HIS LIFE Deuteronomy 30:19
Did your life all dramatically change instantly when you got married?
Or did it change dramatically over time living the married life?
Did you read books and study (making your spouse an experiment) a topic to learn?
Thats what we do in the church building, we build doctrines
explaining GOD yet never throwing them all away, and
just letting GOD be OUR GOD!
A personal JESUS with us everyday and helping us in every need - EVERY NEED.
You chose the married life, (if you are married) and didn't know all about
it, taking it by faith in love.
When I was a younger guy dating, we would send 'love letters'
to each other, because we couldn't be together as much as we liked.
I would look forward in reading what she wrote and happily wrote back.
But when we got married, we don't write love letters or read them anymore.
I've got her now! Not the letter but the Spirit - the real her!
She is way better 24 hours per day then the letter received once
or twice per month.
Faith works through love! (or expresses itself through love.)
see Galatians 5:6
When anyone in our family starts to get doubtful, crabby, irritated,
angry (the kids or me) we often say - get back to JESUS and
HIS LIFE - choose, because you have chosen to live by circumstances
and what you see and hear by your senses and not by what HE has promised.
Hebrews 5:14
But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have
their senses trained to discern good and evil.
We often say around our house 'Remember who you are'.
We walk by faith and not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7
This is the challenge.
Do you see Goliath?
Do you see your mountain?
Do you see the wind and the waves?
Or do you see JESUS and HIS promises?
Faith takes a step in love (where it can't see) based on nothing
you can logically explain but knows when it gets there its going
to be accepted (because of love).
Hebrews 10:36
You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God,
you will receive what he has promised.
It doesn't take perseverance to walk in the sin nature (walk anyway you want).
It doesn't take perseverance to do what the world does and run after all the benefits they sell you.
It doesn't take perseverance to judge things 'as you see them'.
It does take perseverance to believe what HE says despite what you see.
Seeing the invisible and ignoring the obvious.
GOD who calls the things that are not as though they are!
Romans 4:17
the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not
as though they were.
I will end with this famous act of faith by Abraham and indeed he is called
the father of faith.
Romans 4:18-20
Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, "So shall your offspring be."Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah's womb was also dead. Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. This is why "it was credited to him as righteousness."
Running Frantic Or Seated On A Throne?
And GOD raised (past tense) us (you and me) up with CHRIST and seated (past tense) us with HIM in the heavenly realms in CHRIST JESUS!
The highest level of faith - is rest!
Kings resting on their thrones, in complete authority aren't frantic they are reigning!
Here's is what the LORD was showing me (this morning).
In Matthew 20 verses 20-28 there is an unusual encounter. This mother is asking JESUS that her boys sit at HIS right and left in the kingdom.
You see just earlier in Matthew 19:28
Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
So her request a chapter later, which was probably like a few days at most later, doesn't seem so out of line - or was it?
Matthew 20:20-21
Then the mother of Zebedee's sons (James and John) came to Jesus with her sons and, kneeling down, asked a favor of him. (the 3 of them; mom and 2 sons, kneeling to JESUS).
"What is it you want?" he asked.
She said, "Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom."
The mother's and son's request is our own sinful nature (pride) that wants to sit on thrones of power and honour.
The devil longs to be worshipped (Matthew 4:8-9) and so does our fallen, dark, sinful nature (which is really the devil's nature) that CAN NOT be redeemed or saved it can only be put to death - crucified! Because its good for nothing!
That's the part of us that says "ME" (lust, self loving self)
not "you" (love, self loving others).
The mothers and boys request was based on the fact that they were following JESUS and gave up much to do it (see again Matthew 19 :27). Peter saying that 'we (all the disciples) gave up everything to follow you (JESUS).
Those relying on their own good works, abilities (things they do as Christians) believing that by doing all the right things (going here, giving there, doing this and doing that) all religious, routine. Just like the disciples, they too gave up everything and went here and there with their MASTER - right?
Paul later said in 1 Corinthians 13:3
If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames,but have not love, I gain nothing.
I do all this, and deserve to sit on thrones, deserve to have HIM answer my prayers.
But never accepted the fact that you and I of ourselves are 'scum bags' deserving death and the good works we do, GOD thinks of them as filthy rags. Isaiah 64:6
Not to gross you out but the original idea of the filthy rags (which is our good things we do) is a menstrual cloth.
Here is the catch that cuts us off GRACE.
Because GRACE can NOT be EARNED! That is what you call a wage.
When you get paid for a weeks work, you don't ask your boss for your pay and thank him for being so giving and you so un-deserving because its a wage. If you worked it, then its yours 100%.
The only wages we expect for our efforts is DEATH! Romans 6:23
But the FREE GIFT (GRACE) from GOD is eternal life and this life is in JESUS. Romans 6:23
Here you have 2 ways : wage and grace.
JESUS said to the 2 boys and their mother " You don't know what you are asking.
Can you drink the cup I'm going to drink?" Matthew 20:21
Its only through death that resurrection comes.
Its only through humility that honour comes.
These disciples would learn later that self effort and legalism, law following, rule keeping is all self effort doesn't get them sharing HIS throne!
What you kill in the power of the SPIRIT
then you reign over it - sharing in the Throne Life!
Its for those called over comers!
1 John 5:4
For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.
1 John 5:5
Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
Revelation 3:21
The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne.
1 John 4:4
Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
What you put to death by the SPIRIT (you make a choice) then you (JESUS in you) rules over it! Sin doesn't master you no more - you (JESUS in you) masters sin!
Romans 8:13
For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live,
Bow to JESUS, and realize you've got nothing (but HIM) and let HIM teach you the way of the SPIRIT.
Want to walk in the SPIRIT?
Its easy! (as long as you have JESUS in you) then its easy...
See about this Throne Life (SPIRIT controlled life in my blog) CHOOSE
Monday, January 25, 2010
Nobody Is Going To Say "Pass the Salt"
Then nobody is going to ask you to Pass the Salt or Turn on the light!
Because JESUS already said you were 'salt' and 'light'
We explained this to our two boys like this:
They are both Canadian/ Finnish background, boys.
We said, (to teach them this lesson)
"Ok listen here, you two are going to try and start to act like
Finnish boys!"
They looked puzzled, as I thought they would.
You can't try to act like a male if you are a male. You can't act
Canadian if you are Canadian.
Matthew 5:13-14
JESUS said: "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt
loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no
longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men."
"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden."
It works kind of like this:
The sun is the greater light and the moon the lessor light.
The moon only reflects the sun.
And that is the same with you.
You don't try to be the moon, if you are the moon.
Salt doesn't try to be salt - it is salt!
JESUS in this story is like the sun (greater light) and you the moon
relfecting HIS brilliance and light.
And so with you, you are light, you are salt.
You don't try to be something you already are!
So, Let your light shine - because it already does.
Thoughts on Thoughts
Each 'ad' tries to persuade you to 'do business' with either of the 2 companies.
2 Companies you may ask?
GOD's business or the devils business.
These thoughts come at you like TV commercials or walking down a busy street or trade show with people trying to hand you promotional flyer's.
The thought triggers your mind to choose who you are going to do business with.
Are you simply going to believe the thought or not.
When you do, it will lead you down a list of 'more offers'.
Keep in mind (pun intended) that GOD's thoughts are about you (positive) and
HIS intention is to 'teach' and 'help' (like a good mother or father) but the devil makes his offer or 'ad' to you as 'temptations' because GOD tempts no one!
When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does HE tempt anyone; James 1:13
In a war, the enemy will attack your communications (to hinder the giving and receiving orders) and that is what the devil will do.
If it comes as a temptation (its not a GODLY thought)
Does it tempt you to doubt GOD's LOVE?
Does it tempt you to be afraid that you won't get GOD's provision?
Does it tempt you by telling you that GOD's isn't supplying a need, so you need to act (to get that thing that GOD isn't supplying).
Those 'ads' are not from GOD and James 1:13-15 tells us all those thoughts will do is lead us down a dark, downward slope - to kill us!
Its poison to your body and soul (mind, will, emotions)
The hard part in understanding is GOD's Voice is something good, helpful to you.
But the devils voice (temptation) is also (seemingly) good to you as well (but its a short cut) and its you doing it (not GOD).
See Abram knowing GOD was going to provide a son (eventually Isaac) but instead of waiting for GOD to provide through his wife Sarah, he got carried away in his own thoughts and took the short cut with Hagar.
Now JESUS talks in John 10 all about 'HIS sheep hear HIS voice and follow HIM'
(see John 10:4)
Ok, if you read John 10 you will see how thoughts come in and what to do about it.
This parable is full of teaching and deeper wisdom.
But here's the story,
JESUS starts off by saying "the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber (John 10:1)
We know who the thief is (the devil) according to scripture.
We also know who the gate is because that is JESUS (John 10:7)
Now only the owner, enters by the front door or main gate. Its only the thief that finds some other way to 'break in'. This is what JESUS is saying, these thoughts that break in and are not centred on the LORD HIMSELF are imposter's!
The gate is JESUS, the thoughts that come in that are consistent with HIM are HIM!
(or are from HIM) But HE is the living WORD! John 1
This is the meaning of this verse in 2 Corinthians 10:5
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Ok, so if they don't match JESUS LOVE, or what HE is about - its wrong! Wrong for you. Dangerous for you.
Verse 3 says; " the watchman (that's your decision making process/ your will) opens the gate (allows JESUS to speak to you, encourage you, teach you - lead you).
'and the sheep listen to HIS voice. HE (JESUS) calls HIS own sheep by name and leads them out.'
GOD always wants to lead you into larger area's, greater pasture. More abundant life.
The devil only diminishes, through fear and lies he wants to take away.
Fear really only takes away LIFE. The devil wants to take away - deduct life, erode life.
verse 4 of John 10 "When HE has brought out all HIS own, HE (JESUS) goes on ahead of them, and HIS sheep (you and I) follow HIM because they know HIS voice.
In verse 7 JESUS tells us HE is the gate.
In verse 9 JESUS reminds us HE is the gate and that whoever enters through ME will be saved. Finding pasture.
JESUS says this incredible fact in verse 10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. "
also verse 11 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. "
Only LOVE lays down its life for another. There is no greater love John 15:13
What are you afraid LOVE (GOD) is going to do to you?
Why are you so fearful of 'nail pierced hands'?
The devil only comes in some other way and never through JESUS.
These are all in thoughts, many times per day and the temptation has one
goal, one objective and that is to divide.
Divide you from GOD'S LOVE (divide sheep from SHEPHERD)
Divide you from the love of each other (divide sheep from sheep).
Challenge your thoughts, many of them are not from GOD, but don't let that discourage you (your human like the rest of us), but know you know what to do.
Take those thoughts that undermine GOD's promises and word, and dismiss them because they only want to divide you (separate you from GOD and one another).
But you might think, what can separate me from the LOVE of GOD?
But then how does the temptation separate me from GOD's Love (or the LOVE of GOD)?
It can't, but you can steer away from HIM (HE hasn't left you) but you wander away from HIS pasture, HIS LOVE, to lust (love turned inward) self loving self is lust.
Self loving others (is GODS LOVE).
Nothing on its own can separate us from GOD but ourselves (sin) can separate us from HIM.
Ever had an arguement with your parents or spouse? They don't leave you (but maybe at the time you wish they did) but in all seriousness, your fellowship is broken and the joy and benefit of living in love with each other is temporarily severed. And what does it bring? More sin, more trouble, more problems.
My mother has a saying the LORD gave her once - two words:
'Sin Complicates'!
The way I see it, is nothing can separate you from HIM but we can leave that safety of the pasture (where JESUS is leading) and puts us in wrong places and trouble. Does HE still love us - for sure!
Like a wayward child, does Mother stop loving him? Impossible!
What about the GOD who is LOVE? even MORE Impossible!(if thats possible).
Sunday, January 24, 2010
I AM...
I AM what does it mean?
Its everything we see IN JESUS!
HE explains all those amazing 'I AM' statements mostly throuout John.
I am the bread of life 6:48 (all from John)
I am from him 7:29
I am the light of the world. 8:12
I am from above 8:23
I am the one I claim to be 8:24
before Abraham was born, I am!" 8:58
I am the gate for the sheep. 10:7
I am the good shepherd. 10:11
I am the resurrection and the life. 11:25
"You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am. 13:13
I am the way and the truth and the life. 14:6
I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me 14:11
am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. 14:20
I am the true vine 15:1
As the Father has sent me, I am sending you. 20:21
Anything you lack, everything you need is found in the all supplying all powerful (never lacking) I AM!
Not I was, Not I will be - but I AM!
what can you lack that I AM can't provide?
- eric
What kind of son's are we?
Because Ephesians 1:4-6 says
In love HE predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.
This teaching came to me this morning as I have watched the horror of Haiti as well as the miracles and love taking place in the story after the earthquake.
Today, I watched as planes arrived carrying babies/children to Ottawa CANADA, to adopting parents. These are little ones, some only wearing shorts and t-shirts arriving in Ottawa in January, to their newly waiting adoptive parents. Beginning a new life, leaving behind all the chaos, death, ruins of their former lives.
This is what JESUS does for us.
We were living a life of ruin, destruction, death, misery, confusion and error.
Thinking we were living (or surviving) ourselves yet never realizing the lack we had and really living a sub-par life.
No hope, no life, no answers, no joy, no peace, no provision - like orphans in a destroyed Haiti without parents without hope!
This is what GOD says our lives are (without HIM) and you wont maybe realize it, until you ask GOD to come into your life and change you. Then when you realize ALL your sins forgiven and HE comes and really lives inside, you will look around and everything will seem new, new joy, new peace and new life.
Like the orphans, little black children (I say this for a reason) coming to a very new country - CANADA and to new parents (some white parents) who they don't really know yet, but will be loved and start to live a life far different to the life they left.
GOD does this for us, adopting us as sons.
Why adopting?
Because we are not by nature like GOD, our sin natures act more like his enemy than a son. Just like a little black child, coming to new white parents.
In some ways not at all like each other.
We were created the Divine is not created. And at the fall of man, we received a sin nature (contrary and is an enemy to GOD) but now because of what JESUS has done, we can participate in the Divine nature!
2 Peter 1:4
Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
Just like the little orphans.
LOVE bridges the gap and makes that adoptive son/daughter just like a real
(natural birth) son or daughter!
Just like JESUS!
So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers. Hebrews 2:11
Poverty, Past, Race, Colour, Education, has no meaning they are 'Adoptive Sons/Daughters' and enjoy all the same benefits as anyone born in CANADA.
You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:26-28
GOD does this, accepts us despite our poverty, past, race, colour, education etc.. they have no meaning anymore as we are HIS kids (adoptive) and enjoy all the benefits of HIS kingdom / HIS family!
Real adoptive sons & daughters - with all the provision and freedom of a new country but still learning all the opportunity and benefits as we grow.
Real life - JESUS called it abundant life!
It starts now, we are not waiting for it, just like the little ones coming to CANADA for the first time on an airplane (most if not all for the first time) into a new life of potential, freedom and opportunity leaving behind death and destruction!
They've already enter in to it although just beginning to learn all the benefits they now already have as Canadian citizens.
What an offer to the little ones - leave the destruction/death of Haiti and enter into the freedom and life of Canada.
If they don't - they will die.
If they do - they will live.
Here's the only question:
When you gave JESUS your life, why do you act like it is still your own?
If you haven't yet, come to JESUS then what are you waiting for, Ask JESUS for HIS life and say you want to live for HIM instead! You wont regret it!
How do we walk in this JESUS life?
I tried to walk it!
Its silly because 'Christian' means 'CHRIST IN'.
Christ in me.
What does that mean? Well it doesn't mean 'me in me' its not 'me' anymore!
Now I see that its HIM in me. HE walks HIS LIFE through and in me.
Before it was me puruing life now I see its 'life pursuing me'.
Actually HIS LIFE in me.
I dont stress myself about it, I don't try to do it.
I expect HIM to walk through me and ask HIM (many times) to speak or
act through me.
Then HE will set you up, we call them "GOD set-ups" as HE will put
us in situtions for the love of GOD to pour out to a hurting, confused world.
Its easy.
And when you live or rather have HIS LIFE, come through and out of you then the 'heats off', its not you or your problem, but HIS.
Opportunity to share JESUS will come easier, in fact many times they
will come up to you or start the conversation.
Or GOD will give you the words to say (especially if you ask HIM)
then speak.
John 7:38 (JESUS said)
Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of
living water will flow from within him."
Streams flowing out of you is not something you produce or create.
Its HIS life flowing out of a willing heart.
Do you believe it?
Are you willing?
What a JESUS Journey!
Are you willing to be willing?
We had a guy we prayed for months back, who is a Christian but had his life savings taken out of his account by a greedy sister.
Unable to forgive his sister and broke he came for prayer angry.
Who could blame him, after all, he had everything taken away in trust situation with his sister. His sister, didn't hate her brother, just that she loved money more.
Actually if you love one, you'll hate the other!
Thats another story JESUS taught on, but back to this one.
So the guy couldn't forgive although he knew he had to. Or at least he knew that it would be better off for him not to live with the anger, resentment and bitternesss of not forgiving her, but at the same time hated her! She took everything and when he confronted her, she brushed him off either unwilling or unable to pay it back.
So, he sits there wanting help, needing a prayer answered and frustrated like anything.
I asked him "would you be willing to be made willing"?
He looked puzzled.
I said again, would you be willing to let GOD change your heart, change your will in the situation?
You are told to forgive, because GOD has forgiven you but you can't do it of your self you need HIS help (GOD'S help in the matter).
He asked, 'what do I do?'
Pray (it went something like this, but please use your own words and pray from the heart) "LORD, I don't want to forgive my sister, in fact I can't - I hate her! But I am willing for you to change my heart and make me forgive her - change me, instead!."
It also happend to our son, he failed his math test and had been going on a spiral downward in math. Getting lower grades in it and starting to hate it. Other marks were alright but math was getting the better of him.
He voiced his displeasure. "I hate math, and my math teacher doesn't like me".
Finally the straw the broke the camels back was a math test failed. As he had never failed one before.
The math teacher called me and asked me if I could make him correct his mistakes at home on his math test and the teacher gave him his test to do over at home. Not a test redo, where he would get the benefits of a perhaps better mark, but just correct it at home and learn from it.
So, of course when the time came at home, this son of ours was angry and frustrated and not at all willing to do it.
This is how the devil beats us so easily.
He tells you lie like "you are no good in math"
and he repeats it often, like "you suck in math" is what he told our son.
Then loudy repeats these negative words.
Then you end up having to do hard math homework and the devil tells you again, "your math teacher hates you and you are no good in math - your the worst in the class."
Then you get rattled, and the devil is good at slowly building this lie into you for months (maybe years).
After awhile you fail your math test and the devil is quick to say, "see, you are terrible in it - the worst by far".
Then its too late, you believe the lie that is cemented in the fact that its so obvious because you just failed it!
So, he wouldn't correct his test - no way - no how.
Again, 'would you be willing to be made willing'?
Yes, was his plea.
Then to the LORD in prayer : "LORD, I hate math, I think my math teacher hates me as well, and I believe I am the worst in my class and don't even want to do math anymore - because I absolutely HATE IT! But..." he continued, "I am willing for you to make me willing, I am willing to have your heart in the matter."
Right after this he said "I feel a jolt of joy overtake me" and he did his entire test again (it took 2 hours) as he opened his math book and corrected all his errors.
Great stories, The man in the story above, found peace and left in joy.
Our son, found GOD's joy and both did something they had no planned desire
or ability to accomplish.
Great communicating - great parenting ability?
I think not!
GOD changes hearts - are you willing to be made willing?
Healing Miracle of Eric's Dad Jan 13 2010
Found him in intense pain unable to get up with stomach pain.
Instantly went to the LORD about it and laid hands on my dad according to scripture. (we've scene GOD do amazing things when we do things HIS way). What a life!
Anyway, some fear came over me as my Dad couldn't get up. After commanding sickness and pain to leave (nothing changed) I went and made him some tea.
Came up expecting prayers to be answered (because we've seen GOD work fast and expect HIM to answer prayer), but nothing only intense pain.
I asked the LORD, what do you want me to do. Its important to ask GOD "what's your take on the situation" or "how do you see it LORD" because if HE says something to you, you will be set free.
Anyway, didn't hear anything from the LORD and laid hands on my Dad again.
Still nothing.
1 hour changed to 2 hours with no answer to prayer no change.
Asked Dad what I could do for him.
Curled up in pain he motioned with his head - nothing. (like nothing I could do).
After about 15 more minutes he asked, if I could drive him to the walk in clinic. Which we did.
As we sat their waiting, my Dad hunched over in pain we were both praying and really waiting more for GOD then the doctor.
The scripture came to me from the LORD. "The help of man is worthless".
I said to the LORD in my spirit, 'I know but what do you want me to do'. As I continued to rub my Dads' back and pray both in English and in tongues. (if you don't get the tongues part, ask me or better yet, ask GOD).
Anyway, nothing changed, we were now waiting in the doctors office for about 20 minutes my dad not even able to sit upright but with his head between his legs in obvious pain.
"Surely HE took your pain" is what the scripture says in Isaiah 53
I remembered these words and that the help of man is worthless and asked GOD again what HE wanted me to pray or do?
HE gave me this word "twisted bowel"
I commanded the bowel to be normal in JESUS name.
Then a huge surge of pain went through my Dad's body (but we don't judge by appearances) and then the doctor called him in.
My dad hobbles down the hall and the doctor takes him in.
The LORD reminds me that I have my dad's health card in my pocket. He then told me to hold the health card and pray over it pleading the blood of JESUS. So I did.
Then the LORD told me to hold the card in my hand in the air.
I asked HIM why?
HE told me you were holding your Dad up to me. So I held the card about ear level in the chair I was in. As I did, the doctor asked me to go down the hall and come in.
When I did to my surprise my Dad was sitting upright and smiling!
Knowing the doctor didn't have him in for very long, I wondered.
The doctor said "I didn't do anything but check his blood pressure and it was normal" but he started to get perked up and looking more normal. She said I don't know what did this..."
I said instantly to her "the devil!"
She didn't disagree as she had no other answer.
She told him to eat lightly, drink plenty of tea and water etc..
We blessed the doctor by saying "thank-you and may the LORD bless you". She responded (to our surprise) 'God Bless you too'.
I dropped my Dad off at home, made him a cup of tea and he said "I feel wonderful, like a huge peace on me" something like that, and fell into a deep sleep.
Woke up, totally healed and put together a book shelf in our home office after that.
The help of man is worthless. Psalm 60:11
I am the LORD that heals you. Exodus 15:26
Praise the LORD!
A Real Example Of Hearing From GOD
You teach your kids to talk, but then you have to teach them to listen.
Its in that order that prayer also must be learned. First we learn to say our prayers and thats important, but also have to learn to listen in our prayers too.
We have many times we've heard GOD speak and when you act on HIS words amazing things can happen.
Yesterday, we were leaving on a family trip which would be a two hour drive and it was sunny outside. Since our move, I couldn't find my perscription sunglasses for over a month! Since I use them alot and can't use normal sunglasses it was harder driving at times.
But yesterday was a lot more than just driving around town, we are now going out of town on a 2 hour trip on the highway without my perscription sunglasses.
My wife asked me, the old, where did you look for them before and we started to re-look. Now the time I noticed they were missing I asked GOD to help me, I can give you all kinds of stories where the LORD showed us missing things -fast too!
But this time, I was more desperate (not in my plea, but my state because now I really need them!)
I went to my front closest and looked again, and saw my yellow rain/jacket (which I had looked in before). Its the type of jacket you don't wear often but is used. Now the funny thing about this yellow jacket is that when we bought them we bought 2 not one. One for me, and one for my dad the exact same size everything.
We have often worn each others jackets over the years as well.
Well this time I go to the closet and look through all the jackets again and seeing the yellow jacket I hear the LORD tell me "you have 2 yellow jackets".
Instantly I went to look in the other closest (where my Dad's stuff were) and found his yellow jacket (with my sunglassess in it!).
We were joyful, and thankful to the LORD for it was fast! And we could go on our way. Everyone praising!
Here's the thing I took out of it. I was now in a more desperate state (in other words GOD knows now I really need them) also I slowed down enough and allowed (looked for inside me) HIS voice to gently, lovingly come to me.
HIS voice was not in the wind, fire or earthquake to Elijah but in a still small voice. 1 Kings 19: 9-13
We tell our kids, GOD's voice is generally so soft, you could miss it.
The devil on the other hand yells and bosses you and brings fear and burden (not peace).
GOD gently told me "you have 2 yellow jackets".
That is all I needed!
Often only 1 word or a few sentences is all you need to then step out on faith on and GOD will do the rest.
I am convinced that David didn't know the entire story when facing Goliath but new his GOD, who had delivered before from the lion and bear would deliver again.
As David stepped out in faith the rest was history. HE didn't hear the play by play from GOD but heard a small little word or sentence that reminded him what GOD did before when protecting his sheep to the lion and bear.
See 1 Samuel 17: 31-36
Once you know what GOD has done before you step out in confidence and speak boldly.
Praise the LORD!
We Don't Do This (or do we)?
We don't do this (or do we)?
Here's the story:
Two brothers named Jack and Wayne, always enjoyed their summer holidays and part of their time off consisted of them spending time with their loving grandparents at their cottage.
These two boys knew their grandparents treated them well, and looked forward to the time they could all be together. Their parents joked by saying things like, "we think Grandma and Grandpa spoil you, they are so good to you" and "when you return to Mom and Dad, we have to deprogram you".
Anyway the two boys only about 1 year apart usually made the trek up north together and being a long ride, would talk.
One of them, it was Jack, who said "I know of a way to get more out of Grandma and Grandpa".
"What?" said Wayne.
"Yeah" continued Jack, you know that Grandma and Grandpa ain't poor, and we don't see them too often, but I have some formulas that worded right, will get them to give even more to us.
Confused, Wayne asked, "More of what?"
"More ice cream, staying up late, more fishing and getting them to even drive us into town and buying us stuff." said Jack.
Seeing it was a long trip up, Wayne said, "Ok, Jack, what's your great plan"?
Jack pulled out a sheet of paper and began to share the planned out way of being able to speak with Grandma and Grandpa and get more out of them.
"Alright, Wayne", Jack continued, "here it is, the first thing is when we are in a store or the ice cream parlor, get real loud and 'pushy' when making your demands, make sure everyone in the store can hear you, and that will increase your chances of getting more."
"Loud and pushy?" questioned Wayne.
"Yeah, it makes sure they hear you" answered Jack. "It increases your chances of getting more".
Wayne asked, "More what, what are we getting more of?"
"More ice cream, how about that? And more of everything else and how about even getting little extras, things we normally wouldn't get, like a trip into town and having Grandma and Grandpa max their credit cards for some new fishing equipment even." said a self convinced Jack.
"Now, that was rule or step One now for the Second rule or idea is this: Make sure you say it like this," as Jack positioned himself more upright in his seat to show Wayne he was standing up and speaking out. "You would say this: Grandma & Grandpa, you know how long its been since I've seen you and you know how much you miss me throughout the year and look forward to seeing us each summer," even louder Jack continued, "So, we insist that you wouldn't want to look bad in front of the customers in the store, so because you are kind and able to and love us and we your grandchildren came all this way, GIVE US MORE ICE CREAM NOW and Take US TO THE HARDWARE STORE TO PICK UP NEW FISHING SUPPLIES!"
Wayne sat there and thought this must be some kind of a joke.
Jack continued, "Ok, if that doesn't work, try approach 3".
"Approach 3? What is that?" Wayne wondered.
"Its when you are not getting it, you can say it like this. 'Grand Ma and Grand Pa we beg you, please provide us with more ice cream, one scoop is not enough, we have been good boys all year and try to listen to what you say, and although we are only your grandchildren, and don't deserve it, we beg you, please give us 2 scoops instead of one". Jack acted out.
"And, Oh yeah, I almost forgot," Jack carried on, "If your real desperate it works even better say something like this; 'Grandma and Grandpa, you know I am your favourite and that being older, and a leader, and getting straight A's in school, and sharing my lunch when others forget theirs, and giving some of my old toys away to the underprivileged at Christmas time, and making my bed everyday and doing my chores (not like some of the other kids in my area), give me 2 scoops instead of only 1 and bring us to the hardware store for fishing supplies."
Wayne sat there and thought then after a few moments said, "you make it too complicated, I think Grandma and Grandpa love us, all we have to do is ask and if it is something we need, they'll make sure we get it".
I think we make prayer complicated, and have a list of some formula's that we have to say or do in a certain way or order for GOD to hear and answer prayer.
And if we don't say it right, then we won't get it, we could 'lose are petition'.
Make sure you don't say this, make sure you don't talk out of faith. Speak faith.
What is faith?
Although not seeing the result (yet), trusting GOD in love will deliver you.
Its amazing to me, how I catch myself making complicated prayers that are either based on my performance (pride and works of the flesh) or trying to convince GOD that HE is good and loving so that HE has to do it. The funny thing is that HE is good and loving and even more so then loving Grandparents because HE is love.
HE also hears us, because the Bible teaches that doesn't GOD, who creates the ear not hear himself? Psalm 94:9
And like any loving parent, already knows what is best for us and is willing to do the best for us and others because of love. HE simply wants to! Because that what love does - it gives! John 3:16
Love is never for itself (that's lust) its always giving, that is its function that is its power it can only give.
We talk about giving to GOD - you can't.
HE gives to you and like any parent with children or their kids have friends over, they would give something and expect it to be shared. We have two sons, and if we give a game or treats, we expect them to share together not one of them to horde it all to themselves.
Acts 17:23-25 explains it all; “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him [...].”
Lets look at this (its one of my favourites).
HE does not live in temples built by hands. Your church or temple or place of worship doesn't contain GOD. GOD lives in humans not buildings. Like I've said many times before church is an organism not an organization!
HE (GOD) is not served by human hands like HE needed anything. GOD doesn't need your money, your talents, your savings, your gifts you can't give HIM anything because HE doesn't need it because HE is the source of all life, and all giving!
Don't say 'I put money in the offering plate, I gave to GOD this week'. HA!
Now I know that when you do it to the lease, you are doing it to GOD. We are taught that in scripture but you don't do it because GOD needs it but a fellow human being needs it and out of love you do it - that's like giving it and doing it to JESUS.
But remember where the supply comes from, and remember HE is the source of all blessing and remember that everything flows out of love, never compulsion but let love lead you.
Prayer is easy, but the real challenge is learning to listen not speak. We all can speak to GOD (prayer) but prayer is a two way street, you've got to learn to hear as well as speak.
The bible even tells us be quick to listen and slow to speak. James 1:19
Can you hear HIS voice - that's the key.
And can you trust HIS love and that HE hears you and is working it out for you.
HE has to deliver you what parent wouldn't?
HE loves you, and If HE (GOD, FATHER, PAPA) gives you himself in JESUS and dies for you won't HE (GOD) also with JESUS freely or graciously give you all things? Romans 8:32
Everything comes to you out of love - its all free - it has to be grace!
GOD doesn't give any other way.
Otherwise you expect to get like Jack and what parent would give to a son acting like that?
Its simply - its loving - its free!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Grace and Grace Alone!
GRACE is undeserved, unmerited favour!
If you say "I gave $30 to the church (building) in a offering (tithe) and the next day my boss called me in and gave me a raise! Boy it was a good thing I gave yesterday!
Because GOD wont take 2nd place to your own flesh and pride!
HIS gifts are HIS gifts - in fact the scripture says 'every good and perfect gift comes from the FATHER above. James 1:17
So, if something good comes your way did you know that GOOD is GOD? (GOD is GOOD)
(GOD is LOVE) etc.. that good is favour from FATHER and had nothing to do with your own merit or behaviour. If it did, then you could brag/boast or 'glory' in it because you did it (without GOD).
HE (GOD) doesn't share HIS GLORY with anyone but you can share 'in' HIS GLORY. You can praise and really glory means 'boast'. You can boast in HIM for what HE does!
More on GRACE soon and More On Glory soon!
Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit
(its a shared life you and HIM - kind of like a marriage).
Then as you let HIM control you (putting to death sinful passions because you can say 'NO' to them) and as you do, HIS LIFE comes more to you.
Your life (which is HIS life in you) will start to produce 'Fruit of the Spirit'
read Galatians particularily the end of the book for more info.
But they are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Goodness, Meekness, Faith, Gentleness, and Self Control. These are all JESUS qualities.
Kind of like telling your children to be careful who they pick as friends and who they hang around with, because they will start to act and become like them. Or, like a marriage after time, you kind of become a little like each other. Well, its the same with JESUS, as you spend time with HIM and talk with HIM and give HIM the time and expect HIM to talk with you, then you become more like HIM!
JESUS said that we were basically branches and HE was the Trunk or Vine and the FATHER was the gardener. The branch produces fruit (without trying) just by being connected with the trunk or vine. Read John 15 for more info on it.
But if the branch comes away from the trunk it is useless. And really only good for the fire.
Now how a tree is judged (how do you know if an apple tree is a apple tree)? You look at the fruit! And how do you know if its a good apple tree (again you look at the fruit). If the fruit is old and sickly with worms then its probably not good.
JESUS said you can easily judge correctly just by looking at the fruit. Notice we are not talking about un-just judgements but what JESUS teaches. Anything coming out of a persons mouth is coming out of their heart.
Out of the abundance of the mouth, the heart speaks.
Ever notice the guy that talks all about his sports team or new car but never about his family or children? He loves his sports more than his family. Because you are only going to talk about your loves.
Incidently you are judged by GOD in the end, by your own words. Read what JESUS says here:
Matthew 12:37
For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."
Now, Gifts of the Spirit are in full operation and GOD like any loving FATHER loves to give gifts. But HIS gifts are always for the common good, they are not selfishly used on ourselves - Love is always 'others focused'.
We are not judged on gifts but fruit.
Both are a work of HIS GRACE, nothing you can do to earn a gift you don't earn gifts. The same as fruit, the fruit does nothing to make itself grow - it just grows as GOD makes it grow!
More comming on the Gifts and Fruit later...
Do you want the facts? or the TRUTH?
We fear...'is it always going to be like this?
'I won't get out of this, I probably deserve it.
'I might not make it'
Or sometimes its so bad, words can't express - only tears!
We might think "where is GOD in all this"?
Doesn't HE care? (If HE is even real).
We may be struggling with a disease, or a family problem, marriage difficulty, job setback or worse.
But there is a huge difference between 'Facts' and 'TRUTH'.
As I look out my window (its a cold January day) the facts may be this:
Fact 1) its cold outside.
Fact 2) need to wear my hat and gloves on a day like today because of the wind.
Fact 3) because its below freezing, there might be some ice when walking or driving.
Ok, these are some of the facts and there is no denying it.
But if I know that as sure as these facts are real, they must give way to spring then I can 'rest' and 'trust the TRUTH'. And by faith (see ahead) to spring.
The facts are real but the TRUTH is that there is a law of seasons, (in the Bible it is called springtime and harvest). As sure as winter is a fact the truth is these facts will change to the ABSOLUTE!
Pilate asked JESUS
"What is truth?" John 18:38
What a question - JESUS at this time doesn't answer but did tell us the answer a little earlier when HE said "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE".
The right WAY - is a person
The absolute TRUTH - is a person
The abundant LIFE - is a person
It is not found in a theory, or a test tube but in the person of the LORD JESUS HIMSELF!
Ok, so how does this work in getting prayers answered, and getting out of the mess I am in?
Are you ready to see some miracles in your life? Can you believe this so far?
One hand impossible and the other hand easy.
When I say impossible, is because you have to give up the fact that you are 'powerless' to change it. (you can't make it spring in January no matter how hard you try).
But if you know what GOD is like, the same GOD who created the law of seasons also created other laws that if you only knew about them, you could believe them.
When I say laws, we get confused. Law only means unbending, fixed.
Like the law of gravity - it is fixed, it doesn't change.
The Bible also talks about the law of 'sin and death' again fixed, unbending, we all sin and we are all going to die.
But every command of GOD and promise is a law in the fact that they are all fixed in HIM. They don't change but if you don't know about them then the opposite of the laws will effect you.
If you don't know about gravity and decide to jump off your stairs you will fall.
JESUS said it this way: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but MY WORDS, will never pass away." Matthew 24:35
Notice its not Truth that will set you free its only in
"Knowing the TRUTH that will set you free. " John 8:32
Knowing what JESUS is like (HIS nature, character) and what HE says (John 17:17) will set you free!
Ok, so we have to know what HE said and what HE is like to use HIS Authority in prayer. When we hear people pray in 'JESUS name', it really is used wrong because what it really means is to pray in HIS Nature (pray what HE is like, and what HE wants.)
Like a child needing something from Dad or Mom, must ask properly to get their request answered. They have to ask something 'in line' with what Mom and Dad would want or what they have as desires. It has to be beneficial and good. The boy couldn't ask for something that would hurt his sibling for example. He could ask for any need and get answered but if the boy asks for something selfish probably not.
JESUS put it this way: "if you fathers who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly FATHER give good gifts, to those who ask!" Matthew 7:11
Do you think for a moment that you could ask your parents or someone who loves you for advise, or help and they would ignore you? Do you think for a second that the GOD of love, would ignore your request for help, healing, deliverance, provision?
He who planted the ear, does He not hear?
He who formed the eye, does He not see? Psalm 94:9
'if you ask HIM anything according to HIS will HE hears you and if HE hears you then you know you have the petition granted' 1 John 5:13-15
Now its fairly easy to know what GOD is like because HE is love and HE hates evil and loves good because HE is good! see 1 John 4:8 also Deuteronomy 7:9
Psalm 143:10
Mark 10:18
"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good—except God alone.
GOOD is a person too!
Like the winter day, if you know the truth that this cold weather will be forced to change in spring in a few months then the facts will change to the ABSOLUTE TRUTH (which GOD commanded at creation - the seasons and such).
It is the same way with your prayers, if you ask GOD to deliver you and you are asking something that is good, lovely, pure, honest then believe HE heard you and watch your circumstances change (the facts change) as ABSOLUTE TRUTH, makes the facts bow and change comes.
Once you pray, speak to your problem and tell it to go and not come back.
Believe and watch GOD work for you.
Does it take time?
It might just believe it all depends how close to spring you are!
Challenge Your Own Thoughts
And ask, why do I believe what I believe.
Why do I do, what I do?
Does my life measure up - is it my life or someone else's?
Ask Holy Spirit to reveal JESUS to you and expect HIM
to teach you - I guarantee HE will.
Because you want to - Its a desire (love) in the real /new you.
(And HE wants to as well).
All the mysteries and knowledge are all in HIM - they are all about JESUS.
see: Colossians 1:26-27
HE will lead you into all truth (TRUTH is a person again) John 14:6 and 26
For example the devil has no-truth in himself (father of lies) cant have truth (JESUS) John 8:44 its imposible.
JESUS said: (John 5:38-40)
You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.
If you are in JESUS then you already have what you are praying and waiting for just can't see it all yet. Ephesians 1:3
Only Believe
HE is the "I AM"
-what do you think that means?
The sin nature is the problem - LOVE is the answer!
Ok, so if we agree that LOVE is the key. (it is in fact the only key) and the highest command, there is nothing higher or more powerful and we are told (1 Corinthians 13:8) that it 'never fails'.
They asked JESUS what the greatest command was in Matthew 22:36-40. HE told them that everything 'hung' on this love!... See More
Love is the answer, because which law would I break if I loved you?
what wrong would I do if I loved you?
would I hurt you if I loved you?
would I take from you, exploit and manipulate you if I loved you?
would I speak hurtful things behind your back if I loved you?
would I hold grudges and unforgiveness if I loved you?
Because JESUS doesn't treat us like that.
wouldn't I share with you, give to you?
wouldn't I give you advise and help based only on what is best for you!
wouldn't I speak well of you and encourage you?
wouldn't I always forgive and - not keep track of wrongs?
You can't say 'you love GOD and hurt your fellow man' because if you love GOD you wouldn't hurt others. 1 John 4:20 and if you love others (doing good to others) then you are loving GOD as well. Matthew 25:40
Conversely if you hurt his kids, then you are hurting GOD too. Acts 9:4, Acts 26:14 also Luke 17:2
Aren't we all made in HIS image?
Love is always kind and always knows what to do.
We tell our boys, that if they are in a situation and don't know what to do then, choose love.
But here is the HUGE problem...
your love and my 'love' is no good.
For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out Romans 7:18
Every religion of the world teaches to do good.
They all agree not to hurt your fellow man, not to steal and not to lie for example.
Anybody with 1/2 a brain would want a world of good but never realizes that they are powerless to make any lasting change.
So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. Romans 7:21
Now a law is fixed, unbending and forever established.
The second problem is that we can't even love our neighbours let alone our enemies. The standard remember is GOD's standard (not our own) and HIS standard is to love our enemies
not just those that love us because even 'bad guys' do that!
He lets the rain fall on the just and the unjust -Matthew 5:45
So we remember that love has to be like GOD (because GOD is love) that is why HE said that
we should turn the other cheek and pray for those that hurt us and use us.
Did JESUS turn the other cheek when punched? Did HE not pray for those killing HIM?
see Matthew 27:27-31 especially vs 30 also see Luke 6:28 & Matthew 5:43-45
JESUS did that on the cross (Luke 23:34) and Stephen also learned how to have the same love (Acts 7:54-60 especially vs 60)
If its based on my love, then I fail because my love is flawed and selfish.
If its based on me then I must 'save' myself - I must remedy the situation - I must be good.
Sorry - love is a person so is good (Luke 18:19) also and so is evil (Matthew 12:34)
(they are not character traits they are persons).
If we are honest, we come to the conclusion that - I can't do this...I am not that loving - I (in and of myself) is no good.
But if I live my life based on me trying to do good, trying to love, then CHRIST died for nothing! Galatians 2:21
You don't need HIM - you can do it yourself.
So, if you agree that LOVE is the supreme and highest order, then the next question
is how do I achieve it? Is it based on me and what I should do, or some other love?
How was JESUS like this? How was Stephen like this?
If love is the answer, the goal, how do we attain it?
Is man pursuing God, or is God pursuing man? Because 1 is religion the other is Grace!
Maybe its the wrong question, and rather should be:
"I want to know WHO LOVE is"
Its all about HIS love! "We love because he first loved us." 1 John 4:19...
JESUS came and loved us (and still loves us more than anything) when we were still sinners even! Rom 5:8
Here's the deal, when you realize how much HE loves you , and that every sin (past, present and future) is already pardoned, and that HE calls you 'righteous' Rom 9:30 so much righteous its like in HIS eyes, you've never sinned! (that is what justification means Rom 5:16-18) - then your automatic response is to love HIM back. (when you rest in HIS love you will hardly sin).
When a child is loved by mother, it doesn't 'have to' love back it simply wants to! Love is always about 'others' (its outward) if its inward then love becomes lust. Love always wants what is best for the other person (never for itself).
Now love is a person; "GOD is love" 1 John 4:8, and HE only wants what is 'best for you'. HE thinks everything good about you (Psalm 139: 17-18), that you are already HIS forever, and that you are beautiful in HIS sight. A loving mother wouldn't say to their child 'one day you will be beautiful' but rather says 'you are already very beautiful!' (to our boys we say - 'you are precious, much loved and very handsome boys).
Want some more fuel for the fire?
Here it is in a nut-shell: "Love and do whatever you want". Augustine said it and I believe it.