After all the striving, all the stress, all the religious 'rule following'. Trying to do all the 'right things' you are left with nothing but hopelessness (you're at the end of the rope) and it is right at this moment you can 'give up & surrender to the one who 'knows best' and loves you...
The Exchanged Life
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Friday, December 24, 2010
Woman Should Be Silent In The Church - Really??
This has been an on going debate among Christians for decades.
Can it be that women shouldn't even speak in Church?
What does the scripture actually say?
Is it truly just a 'mans world' out there, or are we missing something?
There are two main scriptures:
Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.
1 Corinthians 14:34-35
But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet.
For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve.
And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.
1 Timothy 2:12-15 (New American Standard Bible)
Ok, so lets look at this problem in light of the day Paul was living in, and not confuse things by using our western world glasses, and not seeing things from a early church perspective.
First off, our idea of church is wrong. The church Paul was talking to (in Corinth) was a group of believers who met casually in one of the homes, ate together, shared together. It was not, 100% NO WAY, the idea many of us have for church today, where a leader (generally a man), gets up and we all face him as he preaches at us - that is NOT the new testament model for church.
They fellowshipped together, enjoyed each other!
Ok, so they met in homes, broke bread, ate together, shared together what next?
Now, there are many scriptures that prove that women prophesy, which is speaking.
How can they prophesy, and not speak?
This entire section of scripture in 1 Corinthians 14, is talking about 'church life'. Its discussing starting in 1 Corinthians 12 about brothers and sisters using their spiritual gifts.
Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed.
That is found in 1 Corinthians 12:1
Then he (Paul) goes into an entire teaching on gifts and love for all believers, including prophesy and teaching, which are spoken gifts.
Ok, so there are gifts for all (men and women).
There are many types of scriptures showing women prophesying and sharing, talking.
Look at the resurrection, JESUS first told the ladies, who went to tell the men - the good news, that JESUS really did rise from the dead!
Imagine, JESUS could tell anyone first the best news, man would ever receive, and HE (GOD) chose the women first!
Philip had four unmarried daughters who had the ability to speak what God had revealed.
The NIV reads it like this:
He (Philip) had four unmarried daughters who prophesied.Acts 21:9
We know that 5 women are mentioned in the Bible as Prophetesses. They were: Anna, Deborah, Huldah, Miriam, and Noadiah.
This should be ample proof, that women indeed talked and spoke as they prophesied. So, how does that leave the scripture where they should remain silent and not speak?
Let all things be done decently and in order. 1 Corinthians 14:40
When we 'do' "Home Church", one thing we have to watch out for is people talking out of order or turn. Usually its done as excitement but if we aren't careful, this gets noisy and disruptive. In the early Church (House Churches again), they had the woman sit at one side, and the men on the other. As women were being allowed (liberated by GOD) into more freedom (as they should) they were hugely excited! This enthusiasm (zeal) without knowledge can get interruptive, for which they aught not to speak.
Its no accident that this verse is right with the verses of using your gifts in order, and speaking in order and asking questions at the right time as well.
Now, 1 Timothy 2:12-15
Tells, us that women should not teach and exercise authority over a man.
Paul tells the Corinthians that they should be silent, meaning not take over a meeting.
I think that is good advise, I think that is love, I think that is exactly what GOD wants!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
I Read This (being a Dad myself) and Really Liked It!
Children Learn What They Live
By Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D.
If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.
Copyright © 1972 by Dorothy Law Nolte
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Paul's Thorn In The Flesh.
The Thorn in the flesh, is people.
You usually heard it said like this; "so and so, is a thorn in my side"
or a 'thorn in my flesh'.
Scripture backs that up because if you look at the first time it was used
it is the book of Numbers. Where GOD warns the children of Israel, to remove the wicked people from their lands or they would become thorns in your side.
'But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, those you allow to remain will become barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides. They will give you trouble in the land where you will live. Numbers 33:55
So they are still people.
But what people were Paul's thorn?
If you remember from your studies of Paul's life, it seemed that everywhere he went, there were revivals and revolts. There were an on going group of what the
Bible calls 'judaizers', who constantly followed Paul around and questioned and water down the GOSPEL. See Galatians 2:11-21
Its always people that are 'thorns in our flesh'.
And being a thorn, its a small thing (or small group) but making a big stink, a big problem.
What I Learned From My Regurgitated Gift!
We had loads of fun, at our Christmas Fellowship last weekend.
But one of the highlights, was this 'game show' idea, using the old 'gift exchange' game.
We had questions on, what else, but Christmas and when correct answers were given, that allowed you to take a wrapped (but generally regurgitated gift).
Or of course, you could take someone elses gift instead. Usually you ended up feeling happy, (that someone actually took your junk) and relief (knowing you didn't have to take the most embarrasing thing home with you).
You kind of had to be there, and if you were there, you know what I mean.
But the LORD spoke to me the next day, about my gift I got.
It was a package of sponges and a candle type decorative church building.
Not your usual gift, but what is 'usual' about a Regurgitated Gift Exchange anyway?
Here is what the LORD said to me:
"Its time for us (us believers of GRACE, and the SPIRIT OF GOD) to clean house"
I listened and said "please more LORD"...
The KING continued; "Its time to, restore the natural beauty of this house, bring out the best decorations, and throw out the garbage, turn on the lights..."
[Note: we as GOD'S children are the 'house of GOD'.]
"Its time to rekindle the passion of your first love, Its time to see the former glory and desire your own taste of that glory.
Its time to open the doors, and open the curtains and let my people flow freely in and out of MY kingdom and most importantly for your sake allow MY SPIRIT full access and control of MY house!
Can't you see that this a is holy jealousy?
I insist on having you, because you belong to ME and it is only I that can sustain you in the days to come, its only I that can heal you, its only I that can make you flourish. I have created you, I have sought you, I have purchased you, I have poured out MY very life for you.
Now is the time.
Judgement and House Cleaning is here!
I will destroy the intelligent of the intellegent and I will be her wisdom.
I will destroy the pride of the house and restore the glory.
I will destroy the false leadership and yet again lead MY people, into victory.
I will destroy the greed and love of money and put MY love, MY power back in her.
Do not settle for the worlds best.
Do not settle for the synagogue of satan.
Only desire the SPIRIT, Only desire LOVE."
Thus says the LORD!
Here are the scriptures:
For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?
1 Peter 4:17
But Christ is faithful as a son over God's house. And we are his house, if we hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast.
Hebrews 3:6
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Love Only Wants 1 (One) Thing...
Love has a goal and only wants 1 thing...
If, as we have learned, LOVE is the most powerful thing (I use the word thing for ease of understanding), in the universe. Then what would that most powerful thing desire?
What does LOVE want?
We know its of supreme power because the LORD tells us that this LOVE can never fail!
See 1 Corinthians 13:8
Now, its important to understand that there are different loves, and we can sometimes use the word love for many different things. But what the LORD is showing us is a LOVE that is outside ourselves. This LOVE for many of us seems foreign to us, we are NOT naturally born with it.
We are wired for it, (like a homing device inside us) that is constantly looking for the only LOVE that satisfies. This spark inside that GOD has given is also looking for a response.
That is why many of us are attempting to find fulfillment in millions of different ways. From our jobs, to money, to sex, to power, to the 'next thing', and for some, drugs and alcohol.
Trying and desperately searching for that 'something' that can fill the void.
This little 'love' desire in your heart keeps searching...
Its searching for something...
It should be searching for 'Someone', not something.
Because LOVE is a person, GOD is LOVE.
This kind of LOVE that is spoken of, is unconditional love full of grace and its given freely to the ones that don't deserve it! Because its wings are GRACE.
Now this LOVE only wants 1 thing - and that is its chief aim.
LOVE wants to be LOVED.
LOVE is its own reward (there is no higher high, there is no greater reward then love).
Its its own reward!
Now, GOD has place love in your heart, and you have some of it but its nothing to do with selfish love (lust), its has everything to do with HIM showering HIS LOVE on you.
In one word 'GRACE'!
When LOVE is rejected, its hurt but even then, it doesn't fail.
Paul had a similar 'love problem', with the believers in Corinth.
The story is picked up in 2 Corinthians 6 see verses 11 to 13.
We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians, and opened wide our hearts to you. 12 We are not withholding our affection from you, but you are withholding yours from us. 13 As a fair exchange—I speak as to my children—open wide your hearts also.
Want to kill love?
When LOVE manifests (shows itself) its called affection.
Stop affection, and you are attempting to stop love.
Now I hear some of you say, well Love never fails right? Right!
But if you stop affection, you stop love right? Right!
How can it be both?
LOVE lets go, and doesn't 'insist on its own way'. LOVE by its own nature will not make you respond, it only 'waits' for a response. It 'hopes' for a response.
So, then if love doesn't get a response, then it failed right? Wrong!
It never forces, it only patiently waits.
LOVE never failed here, it did everything like it was supposed to, everything it wanted to.
It needs a willing partner, its the benefactor which needs a recipient.
In the short run, it can look like 'love' fails (here and there) but its always looking for the best in the other, and hoping for greatness in the other - and although it may take time (the other may resist, may fight) its useless, because Love will endure and never fail in the end.
In the passage we read for the saints in Corinth.
Paul had been loving them, doing everything he could for their well being.
So Paul says "I opened wide my heart for you", now here is LOVE looking for a return.
Paul says "As a fair exchange, open wide your hearts also"
GOD sent JESUS to you, and loves you even in the awful mess you may be in. HE has sent JESUS and right now stands ready to help you and bless you. GOD has opened HIS heart wide for you, as a fair exchange, open wide your heart also to HIM.
Friday, December 10, 2010
What the beautiful game taught me about FAITH!
The Beautiful Game - Football, but to us North Americans we call it Soccer!
I used to play a lot, was on my High School team, and later played in an adult league while coaching the 9 yearolds.
Then in winter for many years played indoor soccer.
And its in indoor soccer I learned this lesson of faith!
When I played with these same guys for about 15 years, there was one guy that was much older than me, but still played remarkably well for being one of the 'older' ones on the team.
What we realized, was that this guy used to play in the Commonwealth games, and now older and on to other things, played and kept in shape in various leagues around including ours.
When we watched him play, he seemed to show flashes of great skill here and there. He would
take a high ball and corral it using his chest (you can't use your arms or hands in Soccer unless you are the keeper/goalie), and so control this high ball, and then deaden it right at his feet, in fluid motion to continue playing.
I only thought, how good he must have been when he was in his prime, playing for the British commonwealth.
So, what is the lesson on faith?
When this friend of mine played, he was always smiling and laughing throughout the entire game. You couldn't question his enjoyment or whether or not he was having fun.
Now there were younger guys playing, some would take the games very seriously, and sometimes I regret to say, some guys took it overboard and too serious. Anger, swearing and very aggressive play would dominate.
But my older friend through it all, would be laughing, or at the least smiling.
That was years ago and the other day the LORD gave me a quick vision of the times I had playing soccer with this group of men.
So the question, why was this older soccer friend, laughing and grinning when he played when others were arrogant and angered so often?
The answer....
My friend played in the biggest games before - this was nothing, so he laughed.
Then the LORD spoke, "when faith reaches the highest, you laugh".
Calling it the "Laugh of Faith".
You've seen GOD come through in something much bigger before, and you know
HE will do it again.
Your talking to someone who doesn't understand this 'walk by faith' that us Christians live
by, and they are so stressed about their problem and you have compassion with joy!
Because you've see GOD save and work miracles for yourself before and are resting that
your prayers are already answered and can start to laugh.
Proverbs talks a lot about wisdom, and right living, but the end of Proverbs talks about the most Godly Woman (and explains what she is like), but part of it says that she living by faith in GOD,
will "laugh at the days to come". Proverbs 31:25
I don't know how many times the LORD has asked me
"Why don't you just enjoy your life?"
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Anxious or Contented?
Being in the Kingdom, (which is another way of saying, walking with JESUS daily in
HIS GRACE), you will find that one of the benefits of this life, is that you are extremely contented with everything happening.
Now that doesn't mean you don't feel, or have compassion with those hurting around you. But that you are not in a state of constant desire, like those that don't walk with the LORD JESUS daily.
Those not walking in the SPIRIT, are what the Bible classifies as living for the 'sin nature'. You can read more in this blog about your 'sin nature'.
Anything that has to do with the sin nature wants to destroy you - and it will, just give it enough time.
There are major draw backs for living in sin, and huge benefits for living in HIS Kingdom of GRACE.
For the ways of the wicked (listening to the sin nature/flesh), is a terrible lost life. Now Christians at time, can fall into this dead life of listening to the 'sin nature', when they forget
that this old life is dead and already crucified with CHRIST.
Listening to this 'sin nature' will have one outcome; eventual death.
Living a cursed life -where you are never satisfied.
You keep craving more and when you get it, you need even more.
Restless, hungry, frustrated, searching, anxious - and never truly content.
Does that describe you?
Now if you are walking with JESUS daily, you will start to learn the greatness
of HIM making you content and not anxious anymore. Its a process, but you will get there. In fact GOD generally doesn't advance you (in HIS Kingdom) with a larger
house, or more income, or more spiritual power, until you learn that HE alone is your joy and you are happy with JESUS wherever you are in life.
JESUS is our reward!
If you are not, then you are walking listening to the sin nature which is Satan
and he will destroy, and not ever satisfy you.
Ah, that sin may seem 'fun' for a short while, but when its over, you crave more.
Not so in the Christian Life - which is real life. Because real life comes from living for the one who is LIFE - JESUS HIMSELF!
Ok, so how are us Christians different?
We are happy and joyful with what the Bible calls "Fellowship of the HOLY SPIRIT". You see, in HIM (GOD'S SPIRIT) there is incredible fellowship. A joy you receive from being united with your brothers and sisters in JESUS! Its not based on what you have or don't have. It finds its rest and satisfaction right where it is.
It knows there is a greater plan.
It knows there is joy outside of circumstances.
It knows that life doesn't consist of the things we possess.
It feels the joy, and love and that 'feeling' stays with them as long as they
keep their eyes on JESUS.
It has joy and satisfaction daily.
So, do you still crave?
Still want - More??
Not Satisfied, feel like life is passing you by?
Well, you either don't know LORD JESUS personally and so you are in a state
of what the Bible calls 'putting yourself as GOD'S enemy'.
Note: GOD is not making you HIS enemy, you are because you are living for
and listening to Satan, who is GOD'S (defeated) enemy.
Or you are a carnal Christian that has lost your first love, and think that
somehow you can get it back by doing it Satan's way.
Repent, and ask the LORD to help you.
Help you die, to all the garbage the world and Satan say
that you must have.
You will start to rejoice in what you do have.
You will start to 'smell the roses', and enjoy life.
You will start to live in satisfaction all the days of your life.
And anything you don't have (or might lack, down the road) will
be added unto you.
Surely everything Good and Loving will follow and chase you
every single day of your life!
What LIFE - What a JESUS!
But godliness with contentment is great gain. 1 Timothy 6:6
Friday, December 3, 2010
The Unpardonable Sin
We know that GOD doesn't change.
And although, we don't read 'blasphemy the HOLY SPIRIT' in the O.T.
Nor do we read "sin that leads to death", in the O.T.
That doesn't mean its not there.
"The New Testament lies hidden in the Old, and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New." - Augustine, A.D. 354-430
Really the SPIRIT of JESUS & HIS Kingdom is everywhere on everypage!
Its all about HIM!
So, this sin means that you've done something so wrong (to the LORD JESUS and Others), that you can't undo it - probably because you wouldn't want to (you are that far gone). Its no use praying over.
JESUS was warning the Pharasees of blasphemy. Matthew 12:31
In the O.T. its called the 'great sin'.
The result was punishment 'on earth', by being banished by GOD.
How the LORD explained it to me was the sin of resisting the Holy Spirit
when you are in a place to 'lead others', like a ruler, or priest or pastor
or prophet.
And instead of using that authority to lead others to a loving GOD, you use
it to push people against GOD. Using your knowledge and influence and leading
men astray.
This is what the Pharasees were guilty of. Being in the 'know' and
leading the lambs away.
Similar to what JESUS was saying 'that they should tie a heavy milstone
around their necks and drown' if they cause one of the little ones to stumble. Matthew 18:6 Luke 17:2 Mark 9:42
Ok, so where is it in the O.T.???
Its called The 'Great Sin', in the O.T. found in 2 Kings 17: 21-23
When he tore Israel away from the house of David, they made Jeroboam son of Nebat their king. Jeroboam enticed Israel away from following the LORD and caused them to commit a great sin. 22 The Israelites persisted in all the sins of Jeroboam and did not turn away from them 23 until the LORD removed them from his presence, as he had warned through all his servants the prophets. So the people of Israel were taken from their homeland into exile in Assyria, and they are still there.
Again its King Jeroboam knowing the good, and in the postion to
lead them to the LORD but deliberately leads them into rebellion.
Leads them into death not life!
Its not done by accident its intentional, its a willingness to lead
the people into outward rebellion away from the LORD JESUS bringing
and influencing the people into death (as they trusted you to lead them
into life).
A sin unto death.
So what do we do?
Just rest in the complete love of JESUS and let that love
flow out into the lives of others around us!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Growing in The Power of JESUS! Winning the little battles.
Luke 16:11
So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?
I woke up this morning with the LORD speaking this to my spirit.
Remember he who joins himself to the LORD is one SPIRIT. 1 Corinthians 6:17
So, as JESUS followers, we can easily hear with our hearts. (our spirits connected to HIM, really ONE with HIM).
What the world values GOD calls "detestable". See Luke 16:15
It is lust to put the false 'loves' of worldly things above what the LORD tells us to LOVE.
You see if you want promotion in greater gifting and true power, then it comes and increases by fruit growing.
I can see some of you shake your heads in doubt.
Here is the scripture to prove what I am saying.
CHRIST the WISDOM of GOD, the POWER of GOD. 1 Corinthians 1:24
Now how does this power come and increase?
The scripture also says, "I am not ashamed of the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST for it is the Power of GOD."
If we are preaching anything but the GRACE of JESUS its got No Power. In fact if its preaching on any part of human effort, self help or promoting man, its not righteousness by FAITH. Galatians 3:24
Its wicked unbelief in GOD, and not saving GRACE.
So, we must understand GRACE to start.
Once we do, we enter the kingdom of LOVE. The POWER increases by submitting to GOD. Abiding in JESUS.
Testing brings forth a true image and shows us our grades in the Kingdom. We pass the tests by properly 'handling' lessor things or earthly worldly things. When we do (by resting in JESUS, and ceasing your own effort), you start to the promotion.
How you handle food, shows how you can handle spiritual food.
How you handle money, determines if you are promoted in spiritual riches.
How you handle the (seemingly) 'lessor' around you will determine if or how you receive greater company. (Spiritual Visitation).
How you handle time, will determine how you operate in getting GOD'S timing - perfect timing.
Remember GOD is not impressed with worldly wealth. HE is only pleased with the fruit of the SPIRIT flowing out of us.
Now, if you think you are failing any tests, don't get 'hung up' on that, just
put your trust or faith in JESUS by asking HIM to change your wrong attitude or incorrect thinking.
As HE lives through you, you will see LOVE come alive, changing every part of you and your (improper) thinking.
Ok, so how we handle the lessor things, (thats the test), then we get promotion.
So, you are on your way to work, running a little behind. Some (so and so) cuts you off. Here's your test. Do you pray, and remind your self of HIM who loves the worst of us (loves us), and take HIS refilling? or do you re-act?
Here is your test, is patience (true riches) going to win, or worldy anger?
Are you satisfied and thankful to the LORD, for where you live? Or are you angered that you don't have a bigger place?
I once did a teaching on the fruit of the SPIRIT - patience. No sooner did it finish, I had to go to a local coffee shop and meet my Dad. I got there first and the place wasn't busy. I went in line as 2 young teenage girls arrived. The clerk asked for who was next, and the 2 girls, went ahead of me and took my spot.
My blood began to boil...
Then they couldn't decide what they wanted, and when they finally did decide, had to look through each others purse for change to pay for their order.
It seemed like this little transaction should be quick but not so for 2 giggling girls!
I was about to say something as I was there first - remember?
And the LORD spoke, HE said "do you remember your lesson?".
You see the lessons teachers/evangelists teach also apply to themselves. Or should I say primarily apply to themselves then others.
But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified. 1 Corinthians 9:27
Little things, being faithful (doing it GOD'S way) in the small stuff guarantees
you Awesome Promotion.
So, its based on my effort eh? And not GRACE?
No, your effort will be without merit - nothing.
This is are you simply allowing HIM to mold you and make you or are you going
to let the sin nature dictate how to handle it?
Simply your choices.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Want To Know The Secret To Great Get-Togethers?
When you enter into union with the LORD JESUS, and with each other, GRACE (really GOD'S GRACE) is the key that opens doors. GRACE is simply LOVE demonstrated.
LOVE in action toward all (because all don't deserve it, and if it was deserved it is effort, law, wages).
Its a matter of GRACE (undeserved love) which if you are giving because they deserve it, then its not love, rather self-effort. Its ok to reward for good done, but remember thats not GRACE - MY LOVE (which is MYSELF - GOD - I AM) gives to all freely, without cost or effort, because all effort does is lead to death and is sin.
The opposite of self-effort is faith.
Self effort on one side / Faith on the other side.
Ok, so GRACE or LOVE in Action opens the door to great get - togethers. It does it by learning that and accepting the fact that anyone in your group is
1) Sent by ME (the LORD)
2) They all make up (those that confess ME) make up part of your body/their body/ the body of CHRIST. MY BODY.
3) They are loved and not judged on race, color, creed, money, status, power, sex, background, or sins but are loved because I Created them, I Love them, they are part of you and you them!
Once GRACE opens that door, and they know they are 'forgiven and loved', then you are what the Scripture calls 'walking in the light'.
"But if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin." 1 John 1:7
That is walking in the LIGHT and everything is judged by MY LOVE.
Every teaching, Every word, Every instruction, Every correction, Every idea,
Every persons actions - they are all judged only by MY LOVE.
When your group walks that way, they are starting to walk in the LIGHT (walk or abiding in ME - JESUS) when that happens fellowship grows - it blossoms is a better word. And like a blossom its fragrance is sweet and its beauty captivating.
As the LORD taught me.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Increase our Faith - How?
Faith is always only called a
fruit (Galatians 5:22)
or a gift (1 Corinthians 12:9)
Both are not derived in and of ourselves.
If we are branches, then we don't produce the fruit, but
the fruit is produced through us - helping every around (not the branch itself).
see John 15:5
If its a gift of faith, then gifts can only be received.
So get over the fact that you can somehow 'amp it up', or 'get more of
it on your own'. (thats only mental ability)
The secret to the entire thing is the most simple yet most difficult.
JESUS said all over the place to simply 'abide'. (rest, live with, dwell with).
John 15:1-8
This is simple, anyone understands, but to do - needs HIS power.
Because we always want to do it, we never want to 'rest' and let GOD
do it - no, we want to work salvation, or miracles ourselves and never wait
and see the deliverence of GOD.
You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, 2 Chronicles 20:17
We hate waiting, and we hate wondering - we live in a microwave society
that wants everything NOW. (because its all about me anyway - right?)
GOD says to labor, to enter rest. Hebrews 4:11
GOD says in order to see miracles - believe / trust JESUS. John 6:29
GOD says when we put on our armor, we simply stand (not fight - not think what
to do with this armor on). Ephesians 6:11
But HIS gifts, and fruit -flourish when we let HIS life (we trust, HE is doing it)
flow through us - spontaneously, just when you need it.
I like what Corrie Ten Boom says how she learned faith from
her Dad. Read it here, if you haven't heard it before:
Source: Corrie Ten Boom
A girl and her father were going to ride a train and the girl was concerned and asked her father many times on the way to the train station, where was her ticket? He kept reassuring her that just before she gets on the train he will give her the ticket and she need not worry.
It is this way with our Heavenly Father. He will give us the strength and help and support to successfully learn, grow and be blessed by ANY situation that we encounter in our turn here on earth. But he may give us that help right when we need it and not any earlier, so we may feel unprepared for many things that could come our
way. But we need not worry because he will give us the ticket to ride, when we need it.
Because HE supplies needs. Phillipians 4:19
Because no one can boast in HIS presence 1 Corinthians 1:29
Because faith pleases HIM Hebrews 11:6
So, get out there, and let HIS LOVE (which is HIMSELF) flow through
you spontaneously as you need it - everything works that way.
Because real love works that way - it spontaneously lavishes on any given
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Hearing HIS Voice Part 2
Did you know that when Tsunami's hit that most animals already
knew in advance so they could run inland to safety?
Here is the link if you want to read it from BBC news.
Now if the animals could hear (or were programmed, or sensed
love warning them) why can't we hear?
What we miss, is some of the basic most important facts of life.
1) Love
2) Trust
We don't know GOD'S voice, or dont trust the fact that HE would
even talk to us. If you don't believe or use trust then you will
never hear HIS voice properly.
Now HE does talk to all of us, but if you don't trust the
fact that you've already heard before!
But without faith it is impossible to please him.
For he that draws near to God must believe that HI is, and
that he is a rewarder of them who seek him out.
Hebrews 11:6
You have to believe, coming to HIM!
Believe what?
Believe that HE listens to you/ HE hears you. Psalm 4:3
Believe that HE understands. Psalm 103:14
Believe that HE can do the impossible. Luke 1:37
Believe that HE is full of mercy and grace. John 1:17 Psalm 23:6
Believe that HE is simply "I AM", the ONE. Exodus 3:14 Revelation 22:13
But then you have to recognize and understand what GRACE
and LOVE is.
The problem is we don't understand 'love'. We think its a
warm fuzzy feeling, or something nice done to us, or words we say.
But real love is a person for GOD is LOVE. 1 John 4:8
And to understand HIS voice, you have to know HIS language and
that language is LOVE. If its not a word that is for your best
interest or better yet, the best interest of your whole family or
group (whom ever you are praying over) then you don't
understand HIS LOVE.
Now, that LOVE maybe for you - but not for selfish 'sin' nature.
That cannot work.
GOD is for you, but the 'sin' nature is only for self (never the
good, or best for you or family).
The 'sin' nature cannot please GOD and it will destroy you.
So, you have to make sure your will is matching HIS.
How can you know?
Well, like we teach to our own boys and family - use
LOVE as your benchmark.
What does LOVE say?
LOVE has a voice (hint: its GOD'S voice).
That voice is never selfish nor will it answer your 'sin'
nature selfish prayers. Love answers Love.
Simply is it a request that is 'best' for you
or 'best' for your group (others). Because LOVE is
always 'others' first (not self) the best prayer
is for others.
In fact priests do just that, they intercede for others.
As a Christian, you are called to be like JESUS our
High Priest and you are thus enrolled in the priesthood.
Note: we are not talking any church denomination or
worldly priesthood - but a royal priesthood by faith.
See 1 Peter 2:9
So practice.
Don't be afraid.
Step out on what you hear from a voice of LOVE.
And remember, some of those great lovely ideas
you've had before - were not yours! They were
given to you!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The Lessons Are All Around Us - but then so are the tests!
For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged. Matthew 7:2
What we have to be really open to, and expect, is that when we learn lessons or learn something about the LORD, or judge someone - the test comes.
And the test is the same as we measured out.
If we fail the test, just like school, we get re-tested somewhere.
Sadly there are some who never pass the tests of life - and pay the price
of failure.
And don't kid yourself the SPIRITUAL includes the physical and mental. If
it effects one part of you - it effects all of you, that is what a body is.
Ok, so what is my point?
I was tested...
It started on a Monday, I was in a McDonalds with my dad, and I over heard a lady
about my age (she was in her 40's) talking to her very senior mother.
The talking wasn't strange, but it was 'how' she was talking to her elderly mother.
As this was November, she was telling her mother, in no uncertain terms, what
she demanded her aged mother to give her for Christmas.
She insisted that her mother order online a 'kindle' from Amazon. Which allows book worms to download and read on a electronic computerized tablet and usually the e-books are less money than traditional paper books.
Anyway, the point was that she demanded her mother get her one, and no other gift would do!
The mother was very congenial, and agreed that if her daughter 'needed' one she would make sure she would order one for her. Although she reminded her daughter that she doesn't really know how to order online.
The daughter told her mother, that her brother would help her and that using a credit card, was all that it took to get this gift, and then told her mother how much it would all cost.
I laughed to myself, thinking what a crazy conversation. I thought, they were both acting like the mother was 30 and her daughter was 9.
Now if you are Christian, then its one of the HOLY SPIRITS jobs to make you grow into CHRIST. Become more like how HE is, not how you are!
So, I made judgements in my heart about this two-some, not having a clue who they where or where they were coming from.
Enter the TEST!
About 3 days later, I am going to meet my dad in a local coffee shop. Knowing he was going to get there before me, he asked what I wanted. So that when I would arrive there minutes later, everything would be ready - and paid for! Thanks dad!
Anyway we were also ordering bagels with our coffee's and tea's.
I ordered a cheese bagel, I don't eat them very often but from time to time
have a craving for them. My dad knows this.
When I arrive, everything is ready, but to my surprise the bagel was
sesame seed and not the cheese type that I wanted.
I mentioned it to my Dad, and he said, he thought they told him
they were out of them. I said 'ok', thanks.
But when I got up to get a napkin, I saw they had many cheese bagels!
I was about to ask my dad about what happened?
When the LORD reminded me, that I was falling in the same pattern as
the woman and her mother a few days earlier!
As the prophet Nathan said to David, when David was caught in a sin,
Nathan said "David, you are that man!" 1 Samuel 12:7
Re - learning several lessons:
1) Receive everything with thanks!
2) As you judge others, you will be judged.
3) As you judge or learn something (or like most often,
think we've learned something) the test comes!
Get ready for your test!
Re-tests available.
Monday, November 8, 2010
All that glitters is not gold
We had a unique Bible Study/Fellowship the other day as it landed the day
before Halloween.
Now Halloween is a very interesting time of year. When we were a younger family as Christians, we never participated in Halloween knowing that it was a pagan celebration. But know when we understood GRACE and knowing that Halloween actually means "Holy Eve". Its the Holy evening before 'All Saints Day' the day the believers remember the saints of old.
But there is something way more important about 'dressing up' that we don't realize as its more sinister and deeper than meets the eye.
You see, we all where masks, life it seems is a full masquerade. We all where false images of our selves portraying to others exactly what we are NOT! We show (either in a Church gathering, or in the world) how 'strong' we are, how 'together' we have it, how powerful, how successful, how smart, how rich, how influencial, how educated, now connected, how athletic, how beautiful - when its all fake, false.
We are not saying that nobody is smart or beautiful or athletic, but we hide what we really are behind this. We are really fearful, nervous, sinful, week, confused, and worried.
We worry if we measure up, worry if we'll have enough, worry if our children will 'make it', worry if we will make it, worry about the future, the goverment, with fears of life and fears of death. In one word - pathetic.
All of our achievements, don't really satisfy and the burden we carry trying to continually fill it with everything from money to sex to power to 'things' only to find we were left un-fulfilled, un-satisfied. But the mask, the 'dress up' shows everyone what we want to portray! Only knowing in our heart - its a lie. Never really good enough but not allowing anyone to come close, to really see the real us, for fear that 'if you new about me, you wouldn't like me'.
But that 'mess' is exactly the way GOD wants us to come.
Because HE is LOVE (the bible says that GOD is LOVE), HE wants what is best for you.
Also we read that LOVE rejoices and only seeks the TRUTH.
Again LOVE is a person
But so is TRUTH.
They are the same person and rejoice with and in each other because they complete
each other!
So coming to GOD, 'just the way I am', and seeing ourselves as real sinners, a real mess and unable to fix it or make it right. Coming to HIM who knows us better than we know ourselves, because HE made you - and only HE knows how to 'fix you'.
That is how we come to GOD, and enter the light, throwing away our masks and allowing the truth and light to penetrate all of the dark, and fearful issues we have and get healed or as JESUS promises 'Saved'.
Saved from the curse, Saved from wrath, Saved from ourselves.
Come to JESUS
Enter the LIGHT
All you have to do is come!
Usual Morning With A Lesson From The LORD
It was a typical morning.
I drank my tea.
Read some of the Bible (I was reading Isaiah 53, in the Message Translation).
Had some breakfast and sat where I usually sit, on the far end of the table.
When I was finished, reading, drinking, eating I got up and was about to leave
until I saw the newspaper left at the other end of the table.
I sat down read some of the paper and got up to leave with blackberry in hand, getting ready to start work.
The LORD spoke to me: "Do you see both ends of the table where you sat?"
"Yes," I answered in my SPIRIT.
The LORD continued: "Is that a story of your life? A little bit of the WORD, and a little bit of the world?"
The Bible on one end representing the WORD and the newspaper on the other representing the world and the things of the world.
"I guess, never thought about that", I answered again.
"Do you see 2 parts of your life - or 1 in ME?" asked JESUS again.
I was thinking - I'm never good at getting the 'right answers' when the LORD
asks me.
JESUS continues, "Don't see your self as spiritual because you read the bible and now worldly because you read the newspaper. You can be in the flesh doing both or in the SPIRIT doing both. Its not what you do or what you don't do, but who you are in ME! Or are you trying to live in the flesh which is trying to live without ME".
Living for youself, or living for others (ME and everyone else).
That was my lesson, and the picture is the exact picture as I saw it when I was
walking out of my kitchen and then heard HIS voice and now you know the rest of the story.
Monday, November 1, 2010
A haunting question/life and some help.
A Haunting
I need a little help.
First off I promise I'm not crazy. I have not been alone in some of these 'experiences'.
While I have had strange experiences in my life I have always been able to 'explain' them away but lately that's getting harder to do.
In the last three years a lot of really crazy stuff has been going on around me and I'm just not sure how to stop it.
I've experienced seeing red figures who stand and stare at me (daylight hours and 'disappear' once I notice them, once a man and once a woman. Both were dressed fully in bright red clothing and although I 'saw' them I couldn't tell you what they looked like beyond their genders). Things throwing themselves at me (apples, candles, paper even!). Voices calling my name (not voices I recognize). Sounds that can't be traced to their source (I investigate rather then quietly cower in fear). Even glowing yellow cat eyes in the dark of my hallway when there are no animals in the home (with no explicable light source or reflective surface to explain it away). Many of these experiences have been shared by my roommate (the noises, the figures that disappear, etc).
I'm the world's biggest skeptic but after a year of this I have come to the conclusion that either I'm being followed by 'something' or I'm losing my mind. Clearly the former is the less frightening possibility.
These things aren't occurring only at night or when I'm asleep and startled awake which rules out sleep paralysis, sleep hallucinations, etc. They happen whether I am alone or with others. They are far more violent when I am alone (while in church a candle threw itself across the room and slammed into the wall behind me - things being thrown at me is an experience that I have no witnesses for and quite frankly those experiences were more frightening then the red figures even because they defied all logic). This started three years ago when I moved in with my roommate and has continued through three moves so I don't think this is related to the homes I'm living in.
Ignoring this doesn't seem to help.
I have no idea how to handle this.
I hope this is the right place to ask for some help.
I am going to attempt blessing the home tonight and dedicating it to God. My roommate is Christian also so she's going to assist. We have never blessed our home before so we're not sure how to even go about that but neither of us have attended church since moving in so we have no minister we can call in for assistance
Here is the answer we gave:
Take real heart!
It sounds like your friend has something to do with all this.
We've seen demons manifest, and beds shaking and demons appearing (in spirit form) and I tell you they are all defeated at the CROSS.
Note: we are not seeking them, but they manifest when you are helping and praying for people from time to time.
We seek JESUS and HIS GRACE only!
Luke 10: 18-20
18He replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. 20However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."
Read again those precious promises and victory in Colossians 1 and 2 showing you that satan is defeated. Read them, believe them and ask the HOLY SPIRIT to open your eyes to see more of how lovely, how available and how big JESUS is!
The devils only weapon is deception and it boils down to what you believe.
(or who you are going to believe).
Don't let people tell you its not real. or you need someone -you've got the greatest SOMEONE in the universe inside you!
My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. John 14:23
How do you use HIS authority in you?
The authority is over demons never people (thats witchcraft/manipulation)
Speak your rebuke and insist on your victory (even if it doesn't leave right away) you never back down (no matter what it says).
If it speaks tell it to 'shut up in JESUS name' it will stop talking.
Tell it what to do like get out of here and it will go. Sometimes you have to insist because the demon will try to call your bluff - but we aren't bluffing!
I've never seen HIM fail.
Believe and you will receive.
I believe therefore I speak.
PS if you want me to call you, or if you think it would help to call me (either way) PM me - if that would help as we are both in Canada. I am open to that, but you've already got what I've got - JESUS!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Question on our Sinful Nature
Psalm 51:5 and our sinful nature
I'm after expert opinion from people who understand Biblical Hebrew.
Psalm 51:5 used to trouble me when I used the NIV as it stated "Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me." And that troubled me - thinking that babies who had not yet been born were in fact guilty of sin.
However, the ESV states it differently: "Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me." And that seems more acceptable as it seems to be talking about the mother's sin, not the baby's.
But which is closer to the original text? Do people know other verses talking about the same topic or our sinful nature? They way I think about it is we are born innocent but because of our nature it is absolutely inevitable that we will sin. But is this biblically accurate?
Signed ___________________
Dear _______________
The scripture intentionally uses the words 'Sin' and of course 'sins'.
Sin is personified where as sins are action words.
The first time 'Sin' is used in scripture is Cain bringing a religious (man made) offering before the LORD and of course GOD only accepts the blood and fat. Cain doesn't agree and it ends in murder.
The LORD says to Cain
But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it." Genesis 4:6-7
this sin is crouching it has desires
it wants to master you, but you must master it!
This is the very first time we see 'Sin'.
Later we have scriptures like "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me." Psalm 51:5
Now, when JESUS enters the scene in the Gospels the first things said about HIM
John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! john 1:29
Paul in Romans keeps up with the theme especially in Romans 7.
Once we realize that 'Sin' is a person and its not you - its sin living in you. If we don't realize this, then we are constantly fighting ourselves.
We are guilty, because we agree with 'sin' inside us tempting us, talking to us and we agree and do it - sins!
Sins are just manifistations of another person working through us - satan.
This sin nature or sin is the devil, we do what he wants producing 'sins'.
Paul said at different times things like this:
For sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, deceived me.
(we know who the deceiver is).
As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.
Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it,
but it is sin living in me that does it.
Romans 6:12 Therefore don't let sin reign
This person (the devil) always wanted to be worshiped, wanted to be GOD.
He wants to reign in our lives to.
Paul also writes in Romans and Galatians this:
- so you don't do what you want.
The LORD JESUS, not only washed away our sins and cleansed us by HIS blood.
HE also put an axe to the root - the sin nature (Sin itself) so that we (us represented in HIM) were crucified - severing the control and union between us and sin.
So that it opens the way for us to start to live in the reality of
the command: 'don't let sin reign or rule over you'.
If I try to stop myself from sinning (thinking its just me alone) then
we know the results - there are a million religious acts done in Christianity
and other religions, of man trying to stop himself from acts of sin.
Its impossible!
Without HIM and knowing who the enemy is.
Am I a Hypocrite?
Question that we answered...
Am I a hypocrite?
Hi, I'm a new member and I'm having difficulty. I am a recent born-again Christian and am having difficulties in loving my enemies. I have one person in mind who is trying to do everything to destroy everything that I have worked for (deliberately). I'm dealing with a classic bully in the workplace. I have prayed for him and asked God to change his heart. But deep down inside I have nothing nice to say about him and don't like him. Am I a hypocrite?
Dear ___________________
Yes, JESUS did say love your enemies and Love your neighbour as your self.
but you need HIM to do it, because your love isn't good enough, can't go far enough.
Note: HE is LOVE, and did and still loves HIS enemies. (see the cross, and how HE prayed for HIS enemies).
Pray honestly to the LORD, "I am willing but unable to forgive or love this co-worker, but can YOU -LORD make me able". And leave it at that, and watch the change come!
Christianity is CHRIST in you, and its all about JESUS living through you and you living with HIM (every day for every thing, every task).
But forgiving him doesn't mean that you have to be friends or hang around. You are free in JESUS.
How can 2 walk lest they walk in agreement. Amos 3:3
JESUS didn't call everyone HIS friends either. John 15:15
Am I a hypocrite?
Hi, I'm a new member and I'm having difficulty. I am a recent born-again Christian and am having difficulties in loving my enemies. I have one person in mind who is trying to do everything to destroy everything that I have worked for (deliberately). I'm dealing with a classic bully in the workplace. I have prayed for him and asked God to change his heart. But deep down inside I have nothing nice to say about him and don't like him. Am I a hypocrite?
Dear ___________________
Yes, JESUS did say love your enemies and Love your neighbour as your self.
but you need HIM to do it, because your love isn't good enough, can't go far enough.
Note: HE is LOVE, and did and still loves HIS enemies. (see the cross, and how HE prayed for HIS enemies).
Pray honestly to the LORD, "I am willing but unable to forgive or love this co-worker, but can YOU -LORD make me able". And leave it at that, and watch the change come!
Christianity is CHRIST in you, and its all about JESUS living through you and you living with HIM (every day for every thing, every task).
But forgiving him doesn't mean that you have to be friends or hang around. You are free in JESUS.
How can 2 walk lest they walk in agreement. Amos 3:3
JESUS didn't call everyone HIS friends either. John 15:15
A Hitler Dream
This question came our way and our response to it (as the LORD gives it to us).
A Dream about Hitler
Last night had a dream about hitler. It went like this:
Firstly I was in a house and I looked at ths painting of Hitler. He had his typical grey nazi uniform with the belt across his chest with al the nazi paraphanalia, badges etc. It was a strange painting becuse it showed him with bigger than usual eyes that made him look young, about 19. It has a glow around him and he had what looked lime a sword made from a purple tenticle, which also glowed slightly. I looked and he suddenly moved and was standing like he was standing behind a counter. the tenticle sword started flopping and he was straightening it out.
Next thing I saw myself walking out side the back of the house, which looked a lot bigger and seemed to morph into a hotel. I walked up to this old wall and to my right I saw hitler again chanting and making noises like he was amassing troops to fight. He was shouting a speech and gearing up the hordes. I looked aheads and saw thousands of black suited soldiers with red bits on their uniforms, shouting in agreement. They were a long way off, about the distance of a football field or longer and were in rows as far back as I could see. behind them was darkness and some other forms I could not make out. Suddenly i was spotted and I saw Hitler motion to the hordes to get me. They all started running towards me shouting. i turned to run and climb over the wall, but for some reason my legs wouldnt move so i tried to haul myself up over the wall but I still couldnt get my legs over.
Then I woke up.
I was then a bit peeved with myself for not calling on the name of Jesus to scatter and destroy these hordes.
Anyway thats how it went.
Comments Please signed __________
This is what we wrote:
Dear ________________
The dream is a warning (GOD always gives the way out)
Here is the scripture the LORD gave me with your dream.
Revelation 2:6
But you have this in your favor: You hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate
Nico = means to 'rule over' or 'dominate'
Laitans = we get the term 'laity' or people, the people.
Meaning to 'rule over the people'.
That is exactly what Hitler did!
Have you been thinking, or wondering about church (as you know it) and the rule of pastor or board or 'religious control'?
The house is the church building as you knew it, the vastness is (morphing into a hotel etc..) is the true size of it, with all of the devils hoards in line (all listening to this 'Hitler', which is a religious demon controlling people).
Likewise you also have those who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 16Repent therefore! Otherwise, I will soon come to you and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. Revelation 2: 15-16
The LORD is against this, and will fight with HIS Sword against it (against the devils sword) - we should too! We are told to repent over it (take GOD'S way not our own).
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Hearing HIS voice Part 1
JESUS said "My sheep hear my voice and follow"
see John 10:27
Make it your goal to hear HIS voice or better said, make it
your goal to hear HIS voice better -because you have all heard HIS voice before!
Now, HIS voice can be tricky to hear because you've got many voices
calling you. In fact, there are things that try to control you that are
all calling out to you.
My kids like video games (hey, I like to play games too), but we remind
our boys that these games 'call you'. They are calling out for you to
drop everything and play them - now!
And as people in the world, we are all slaves - all bound.
But when JESUS finds us, we are also slaves - but slaves to
LOVE, slaves into Freedom (not capture).
But in this freedom, we are challenged, "don't sin". Don't
use your freedom to sin - because sin will
lead you into more bondage.
How do you know if you are bound by something?
One way, is that you can't
go a day without it (or a week without it).
2nd) The way you get angry if you don't get it -
or it gets taken away from you.
They are all calling.
But JESUS also calls and speaks but it is so foreign
to how the devil speaks and usually foreign to our own thinking.
Its loving (what is always best for you) but saying that,
we like spoiled brats at times (me included) don't know
what is even what is best for us -so we complain.
HIS voice is also bold and un-afraid, very calm almost
quiet and comes at you often but not always as
questions rather than commands.
Its wonderful to get a word from HIM or teaching. HE
will teach you, and make it your first goal to hear
HIS voice, and the rest will come after it. But,
you won't learn or hear a thing, if you
don't understand HIS AMAZING GRACE, because
all HIS words are loving and full of grace.
For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ" (John 1:17).
I will expand on these thoughts more, but one last important
thing is that if you don't listen and believe what HE told
you last, you will not hear the next things HE is trying to say.
Make it your goal to hear HIS voice or better said, make it
your goal to hear HIS voice better -because you have all heard HIS voice before!
Now, HIS voice can be tricky to hear because you've got many voices
calling you. In fact, there are things that try to control you that are
all calling out to you.
My kids like video games (hey, I like to play games too), but we remind
our boys that these games 'call you'. They are calling out for you to
drop everything and play them - now!
And as people in the world, we are all slaves - all bound.
But when JESUS finds us, we are also slaves - but slaves to
LOVE, slaves into Freedom (not capture).
But in this freedom, we are challenged, "don't sin". Don't
use your freedom to sin - because sin will
lead you into more bondage.
How do you know if you are bound by something?
One way, is that you can't
go a day without it (or a week without it).
2nd) The way you get angry if you don't get it -
or it gets taken away from you.
They are all calling.
But JESUS also calls and speaks but it is so foreign
to how the devil speaks and usually foreign to our own thinking.
Its loving (what is always best for you) but saying that,
we like spoiled brats at times (me included) don't know
what is even what is best for us -so we complain.
HIS voice is also bold and un-afraid, very calm almost
quiet and comes at you often but not always as
questions rather than commands.
Its wonderful to get a word from HIM or teaching. HE
will teach you, and make it your first goal to hear
HIS voice, and the rest will come after it. But,
you won't learn or hear a thing, if you
don't understand HIS AMAZING GRACE, because
all HIS words are loving and full of grace.
For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ" (John 1:17).
I will expand on these thoughts more, but one last important
thing is that if you don't listen and believe what HE told
you last, you will not hear the next things HE is trying to say.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Spontaneous life of worship!
Planned Out?
Is this how we worship?
This is how I used to...
To much of what we call 'worship' is not 'worship'.
We mix 'praising the LORD' and 'worship' like they are the same terms.
I used to say things like, "we are going to worship now", or "lets go
to a worship service". But is that worship - is that what GOD wants?
In the past, the Jews would set up places where it was appropriate to worship GOD.
These were holy places or sacred places. Meaning 'set apart' where we get the word sanctuary.
But the most perfect form of worship is with sacrifice. Worship really having the idea where, one 'gives up himself/herself' to serve Someone greater. When the humble
attitude with sacrifice was connected, true worship could happen.
The first time 'worship' is used in scripture is when Abraham was going to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham used the term worship (first time in the Bible) by saying this:
He said to his servants, "Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you." Genesis 22:5
The worship that occured, was a servant giving up himself to serve the Greater. In this case there is of course no one greater than GOD HIMSELF. But the sacrifice that was made was not Isaac, but the ram caught in the thicket. This is symbolic that the best worship is the one with sacrifice and there is no greater sacrifice then JESUS (GOD giving HIMSELF up).
The woman at the well tells JESUS:
"Sir," the woman said, "I can see that you are a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem."
Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.
Its not the place - its the attitude and the sacrifice that only counts!
Worship is not a time or place, Its love and sacrifice!
The best sacrifice is JESUS and knowing what HE accomplished, the very GIFT
of GOD, for us! The only attitude is gratitude and humility (not me, only HIM).
So you have the very best in JESUS being your ram caught in the thicket for you.
When you pray, or need GOD to help you, then the best worship is JESUS sacrifice.
Lastly, worship is also bathed or covered with praise and thanksgiving. The very best way to do this is to worship the LORD with thanksgiving and praise - spontaneously. (its not all thought through, you do it on the spot as your
heart gives way to freedom and thanksgiving).
Here is the scripture: Matthew 14:33
Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."
You see the disciples, although many of them were hardend sea men, were caught in a huge storm and they were terrified. You can read the entire story in Matthew 14.
When JESUS calms their storm, and protects them and gives HIS peace they respond the only right way - worship. How did they do it? They humbly loved and 'thanked HIM' for what HE just did. It was 100% spontaneous! Not a set time or place - it never is. That isn't what GOD is looking for, its not true worship which is only in the SPIRIT and in the TRUTH.
You can't worship in your own flesh or your own self centered ego. You must be in the SPIRIT - with your mind on GOD. Loving HIM. Second the TRUTH is also JESUS. TRUTH is a PERSON (I AM the WAY, I AM the TRUTH, I AM the LIFE) those are a person and not character traits. Your worship must focus on the TRUTH, HIS sacrifice - what HE has done.
John 4:23 tells us this is the type of worshiper GOD seeks!
Also Matthew 28:8-10 has the women worship JESUS spontaneously when they see HIM who has risen from the dead!
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Romans 12:1
Here we have gratitude and sacrifice.
Gratitude (view of GOD's mercy)
Sacrifice (offer your bodies as living sacrificies)
which is really pleasing to GOD - this is how you worship!
So, recognizing what JESUS has done and that HIS sacrifice is the one that opens the way for us to worship GOD. Then with gratitude, we give up ourselves or do not let our bodies dictate what they want, instead give up our rights/ways and say whatever you want LORD.
That overflow of love, seeing JESUS and seeing what HE has done for you, the miracles, the changes - makes us want to praise HIM and that is the worship GOD is looknig for.
Just as love flows, you worship.
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:23-24
Planned Out?
Is this how we worship?
This is how I used to...
To much of what we call 'worship' is not 'worship'.
We mix 'praising the LORD' and 'worship' like they are the same terms.
I used to say things like, "we are going to worship now", or "lets go
to a worship service". But is that worship - is that what GOD wants?
In the past, the Jews would set up places where it was appropriate to worship GOD.
These were holy places or sacred places. Meaning 'set apart' where we get the word sanctuary.
But the most perfect form of worship is with sacrifice. Worship really having the idea where, one 'gives up himself/herself' to serve Someone greater. When the humble
attitude with sacrifice was connected, true worship could happen.
The first time 'worship' is used in scripture is when Abraham was going to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham used the term worship (first time in the Bible) by saying this:
He said to his servants, "Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you." Genesis 22:5
The worship that occured, was a servant giving up himself to serve the Greater. In this case there is of course no one greater than GOD HIMSELF. But the sacrifice that was made was not Isaac, but the ram caught in the thicket. This is symbolic that the best worship is the one with sacrifice and there is no greater sacrifice then JESUS (GOD giving HIMSELF up).
The woman at the well tells JESUS:
"Sir," the woman said, "I can see that you are a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem."
Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.
Its not the place - its the attitude and the sacrifice that only counts!
Worship is not a time or place, Its love and sacrifice!
The best sacrifice is JESUS and knowing what HE accomplished, the very GIFT
of GOD, for us! The only attitude is gratitude and humility (not me, only HIM).
So you have the very best in JESUS being your ram caught in the thicket for you.
When you pray, or need GOD to help you, then the best worship is JESUS sacrifice.
Lastly, worship is also bathed or covered with praise and thanksgiving. The very best way to do this is to worship the LORD with thanksgiving and praise - spontaneously. (its not all thought through, you do it on the spot as your
heart gives way to freedom and thanksgiving).
Here is the scripture: Matthew 14:33
Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."
You see the disciples, although many of them were hardend sea men, were caught in a huge storm and they were terrified. You can read the entire story in Matthew 14.
When JESUS calms their storm, and protects them and gives HIS peace they respond the only right way - worship. How did they do it? They humbly loved and 'thanked HIM' for what HE just did. It was 100% spontaneous! Not a set time or place - it never is. That isn't what GOD is looking for, its not true worship which is only in the SPIRIT and in the TRUTH.
You can't worship in your own flesh or your own self centered ego. You must be in the SPIRIT - with your mind on GOD. Loving HIM. Second the TRUTH is also JESUS. TRUTH is a PERSON (I AM the WAY, I AM the TRUTH, I AM the LIFE) those are a person and not character traits. Your worship must focus on the TRUTH, HIS sacrifice - what HE has done.
John 4:23 tells us this is the type of worshiper GOD seeks!
Also Matthew 28:8-10 has the women worship JESUS spontaneously when they see HIM who has risen from the dead!
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Romans 12:1
Here we have gratitude and sacrifice.
Gratitude (view of GOD's mercy)
Sacrifice (offer your bodies as living sacrificies)
which is really pleasing to GOD - this is how you worship!
So, recognizing what JESUS has done and that HIS sacrifice is the one that opens the way for us to worship GOD. Then with gratitude, we give up ourselves or do not let our bodies dictate what they want, instead give up our rights/ways and say whatever you want LORD.
That overflow of love, seeing JESUS and seeing what HE has done for you, the miracles, the changes - makes us want to praise HIM and that is the worship GOD is looknig for.
Just as love flows, you worship.
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:23-24
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Do you love me more than these?
PAPA: Do you want to hear MY voice more than you love your stocks?
eric: Yes, I replied, with a mindful of questions, still unanswered.
PAPA: Love's only return is love, there is nothing higher or of more value
than true love, so what other return could be greater than love receiving love
But love is tested. Because its so true, so light, so pure, it is looking
for love in return but here is where the test comes in. Does it receive love
back? or what is only thought of as love, but is rather lust or something else.
Like a young lady dating her boyfriend, she test his love against all others.
Even against all things - is he only for her? Is he responding in love back?
That is the return love looks for. Love's greatest return is Love itself!
Now the first time love was used in Scripture was when Abraham was asked (tested)
in his love to sacrifice his son, his only son (see Genesis 22) to the LORD.
Love is tested. When Abraham 'passes the test' he is told that "now I (GOD)know
that you fear ME (GOD). Fear of GOD, simply means do you love HIM the most/first place?
This is the fulfillment of LOVE "My beloved is mine, and I am his;
Song of Solomon 2:16
We also see Love tested in the life of Hosea, time after time he (Hosea) keeps
coming through for his promiscuous wife. Hosea means 'Delivered!'.
JESUS then tests Peters love by asking Peter 'do you (peter) love me (JESUS) more
than anyone else? John 21:15
Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. See Matthew 10:37-39
eric: help me see that your love is better than life. I say that, let me know(experience that).
PAPA: Once tested, you shall come through like pure gold! Job 23:10
eric: Yes, I replied, with a mindful of questions, still unanswered.
PAPA: Love's only return is love, there is nothing higher or of more value
than true love, so what other return could be greater than love receiving love
But love is tested. Because its so true, so light, so pure, it is looking
for love in return but here is where the test comes in. Does it receive love
back? or what is only thought of as love, but is rather lust or something else.
Like a young lady dating her boyfriend, she test his love against all others.
Even against all things - is he only for her? Is he responding in love back?
That is the return love looks for. Love's greatest return is Love itself!
Now the first time love was used in Scripture was when Abraham was asked (tested)
in his love to sacrifice his son, his only son (see Genesis 22) to the LORD.
Love is tested. When Abraham 'passes the test' he is told that "now I (GOD)know
that you fear ME (GOD). Fear of GOD, simply means do you love HIM the most/first place?
This is the fulfillment of LOVE "My beloved is mine, and I am his;
Song of Solomon 2:16
We also see Love tested in the life of Hosea, time after time he (Hosea) keeps
coming through for his promiscuous wife. Hosea means 'Delivered!'.
JESUS then tests Peters love by asking Peter 'do you (peter) love me (JESUS) more
than anyone else? John 21:15
Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. See Matthew 10:37-39
eric: help me see that your love is better than life. I say that, let me know(experience that).
PAPA: Once tested, you shall come through like pure gold! Job 23:10
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Family Problems With Sex....
Had a question thrown my direction more than once on sexual sins
in a Christian family.
Either its been, homosexual or adultery, lust, porn or fornication and
what the proper response is to the Christian believer that has a loved
family member that is 'caught up' in such a mess.
We tend at times as people to jump on and attack only sins that
we don't ourselves do. (Making us self righteous, because we think
that because we don't do 'that sin' we are better than others).
GRACE forgives sin but it is a stench to the self righteous.
So, in this question received (many times, but in different ways)
here is how I see it for now...
Q. Help us stop this family madness!
A. First let us understand what 'sin is'.
The reason sin is sin, is because it is only about 'self' which is the
devils nature. This Satanic nature is all about himself,
and it ONLY thinks and acts; 'me, me, me'.
They way things work in this world is through covenant.
Covenant is all about 'representation'.
Who the covenant representative is.
At the fall, we all (through our representative Adam) took on the 'devils nature'.
The bible calls it the sin nature, or flesh.
Each person at conception, receives this 'virus' in us as the 'sin nature'.
Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.
Psalm 51:5
GOD didn't create it, it is in fact Satan's nature, and it is opposite
of GOD - opposite HIS ways, of:
Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith
and Self-control
Note: if you hear what you think might be GOD's voice, or you hear
some 'pastor, prophet', give you a "word", check it against GOD'S own
Nature (HIS SPIRIT). Does it sound "loving, joyful, Kind & Good, does
it produce Faith or doubt? Would it put you out of control or self-controlled?
In this Amazing New Covenant, we switch to a new representative - JESUS,
and gain all the promises and glory, provision, healing through that representative
in the new covenant! (more on that at another time)
Anyway this sin nature makes us do what it wants.
Paul said, in fact "so that you can't do what you want"
See Romans 7 and Galatians 5.
When it tempts us, we agree stupidly thinking its us doing and wanting it and it
does the sin through our agreement - manifesting all kinds of sins.
They are sins, because they are all to do with 'self'.
Love esteems others better than it self (see Phil 2:3)
Love does no wrong to his neighbour
Love is the fullfilment of the law (see Romans 13:10)
Love of course covers all the sins, (see 1 Peter 4:8)
because it only wants what is good for others.
It asks, How can I please GOD?
This will make my Mom, my sister, my __________pleased so I do it.
NOT, the self nature saying ' I did it my way'.
No, its all about others and that is how GOD thinks of you.
Good thoughts, loving thoughts (about what is best for you) etc...
That is exactly what GOD is like. That is JESUS'S nature.
When you are saved, you die to the old nature
(it dies with you at the cross) and you are raised with HIS life, in us.
Actually the very GOD HEAD dwells in the believer!
(that is something to mediate on)
JESUS said, 'the FATHER and I will come inside you'. (John 14:23)
When we get saved, we become united with JESUS in HIS AMAZING LOVE.
That love makes us act and think different
(it is the 100% opposite of self or the sin nature, which is
really Satan himself manifesting through us - if we let him).
Those natures oppose each other. Galatians 5:17
JESUS' love in you, makes you NOT want to sin or listen to the
devil through the sin nature.
Then by giving the problem to the LORD, HE (and HE alone) will
take the desire out of you and give you a proper loving desire.
This is the method of GRACE, and it works for every sin!
If you don't want to give up your sin, you might not be saved.
Because the saint, may sin, but he knows its
wrong - and doesn't want to live like that.
GOD alone does the restoration
Your job is to be willing/believe HIM to do it.
Then put your focus on JESUS - not on your self, or sin again.
If you are not willing, although you know you should be, ask
the LORD to make you willing and take the desire away replacing it
with HIS love.
Really sin is a love issue. Because its love turned inward, when it
is something that only works outward!
Love turned inward is lust. Its perverted from its normal way.
There is only 1 Savior, HE is 100% able to rescue and your
family isn't the first family with this situation that GOD can't restore.
The first step - are you willing?
The last step - Resting in HIS complete work!
in a Christian family.
Either its been, homosexual or adultery, lust, porn or fornication and
what the proper response is to the Christian believer that has a loved
family member that is 'caught up' in such a mess.
We tend at times as people to jump on and attack only sins that
we don't ourselves do. (Making us self righteous, because we think
that because we don't do 'that sin' we are better than others).
GRACE forgives sin but it is a stench to the self righteous.
So, in this question received (many times, but in different ways)
here is how I see it for now...
Q. Help us stop this family madness!
A. First let us understand what 'sin is'.
The reason sin is sin, is because it is only about 'self' which is the
devils nature. This Satanic nature is all about himself,
and it ONLY thinks and acts; 'me, me, me'.
They way things work in this world is through covenant.
Covenant is all about 'representation'.
Who the covenant representative is.
At the fall, we all (through our representative Adam) took on the 'devils nature'.
The bible calls it the sin nature, or flesh.
Each person at conception, receives this 'virus' in us as the 'sin nature'.
Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.
Psalm 51:5
GOD didn't create it, it is in fact Satan's nature, and it is opposite
of GOD - opposite HIS ways, of:
Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith
and Self-control
Note: if you hear what you think might be GOD's voice, or you hear
some 'pastor, prophet', give you a "word", check it against GOD'S own
Nature (HIS SPIRIT). Does it sound "loving, joyful, Kind & Good, does
it produce Faith or doubt? Would it put you out of control or self-controlled?
In this Amazing New Covenant, we switch to a new representative - JESUS,
and gain all the promises and glory, provision, healing through that representative
in the new covenant! (more on that at another time)
Anyway this sin nature makes us do what it wants.
Paul said, in fact "so that you can't do what you want"
See Romans 7 and Galatians 5.
When it tempts us, we agree stupidly thinking its us doing and wanting it and it
does the sin through our agreement - manifesting all kinds of sins.
They are sins, because they are all to do with 'self'.
Love esteems others better than it self (see Phil 2:3)
Love does no wrong to his neighbour
Love is the fullfilment of the law (see Romans 13:10)
Love of course covers all the sins, (see 1 Peter 4:8)
because it only wants what is good for others.
It asks, How can I please GOD?
This will make my Mom, my sister, my __________pleased so I do it.
NOT, the self nature saying ' I did it my way'.
No, its all about others and that is how GOD thinks of you.
Good thoughts, loving thoughts (about what is best for you) etc...
That is exactly what GOD is like. That is JESUS'S nature.
When you are saved, you die to the old nature
(it dies with you at the cross) and you are raised with HIS life, in us.
Actually the very GOD HEAD dwells in the believer!
(that is something to mediate on)
JESUS said, 'the FATHER and I will come inside you'. (John 14:23)
When we get saved, we become united with JESUS in HIS AMAZING LOVE.
That love makes us act and think different
(it is the 100% opposite of self or the sin nature, which is
really Satan himself manifesting through us - if we let him).
Those natures oppose each other. Galatians 5:17
JESUS' love in you, makes you NOT want to sin or listen to the
devil through the sin nature.
Then by giving the problem to the LORD, HE (and HE alone) will
take the desire out of you and give you a proper loving desire.
This is the method of GRACE, and it works for every sin!
If you don't want to give up your sin, you might not be saved.
Because the saint, may sin, but he knows its
wrong - and doesn't want to live like that.
GOD alone does the restoration
Your job is to be willing/believe HIM to do it.
Then put your focus on JESUS - not on your self, or sin again.
If you are not willing, although you know you should be, ask
the LORD to make you willing and take the desire away replacing it
with HIS love.
Really sin is a love issue. Because its love turned inward, when it
is something that only works outward!
Love turned inward is lust. Its perverted from its normal way.
There is only 1 Savior, HE is 100% able to rescue and your
family isn't the first family with this situation that GOD can't restore.
The first step - are you willing?
The last step - Resting in HIS complete work!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Is all lying sin?
All lying just like all anger isn't sin.
There were and are times both in the Bible and
probably in our own lives where its not a sin!
But how do we know, when is it a sin and when is it not?
Now Rahab the prostitute in Joshua 2 lied to her government (and could have been killed) if you read the first few verses of Joshua 2.
She blantanly lies to government police (or what we would consider 'official' people).
Yet she is lifted up and praised in Hebrews 11:31 and a great great grandmother of JESUS
see Matthew 1:5 (also see James 2:25).
Rahab was hiding spies.
We have all known about Corrie Ten Boon and her family hiding Jews during those terrible, evil, dark days of Hitler.
Sin only becomes what it is (like in lying) if its not for the 'well being' of the other person.
Love always protects (1 Corinthians 13).
Love is the standard or benchmark.
A mother with her baby in arms wouldn't let a kidnapper take her child from her, she would probably fight to death to protect her little one. Is that sin? or Love?
Because it can only be 1 or the other.
JESUS got angry some times (moneychangers, Pharisees)
And scripture many times calls anger a sin!
See 2 Corinthians 12:20
also Ephesians 4:31 and Colossians 3:8
How do we know?
We tell our 2 boys that most of the time anger and lying is sin, because all it does is try to defend self or make me look better. it defends the sin nature (the "I") in me.
Which is the nature of Satan.
If you are defending GOD or saving people (out of love) then its not sin to lie.
The lie (if I can put it that way) must be spoken in love (what is best - not for me, but for the other person).
Interesting side note, one scripture says :
Ephesians 4:26
"In your anger do not sin" : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry"
So its possible to have 'righteous anger' or 'right anger' and I think we see that from time to time especially over in-justices in the world - gets us angry.
Or someone controlling, manipulating someone - could cause us anger.
Its not the best for that individual - its not love.
Same with a lie. How does it better the situation if I speak it? How will it build you up, or encourage or bless you? That is the question!
Love covers a multitude of sins! 1 Peter 4:8
There were and are times both in the Bible and
probably in our own lives where its not a sin!
But how do we know, when is it a sin and when is it not?
Now Rahab the prostitute in Joshua 2 lied to her government (and could have been killed) if you read the first few verses of Joshua 2.
She blantanly lies to government police (or what we would consider 'official' people).
Yet she is lifted up and praised in Hebrews 11:31 and a great great grandmother of JESUS
see Matthew 1:5 (also see James 2:25).
Rahab was hiding spies.
We have all known about Corrie Ten Boon and her family hiding Jews during those terrible, evil, dark days of Hitler.
Sin only becomes what it is (like in lying) if its not for the 'well being' of the other person.
Love always protects (1 Corinthians 13).
Love is the standard or benchmark.
A mother with her baby in arms wouldn't let a kidnapper take her child from her, she would probably fight to death to protect her little one. Is that sin? or Love?
Because it can only be 1 or the other.
JESUS got angry some times (moneychangers, Pharisees)
And scripture many times calls anger a sin!
See 2 Corinthians 12:20
also Ephesians 4:31 and Colossians 3:8
How do we know?
We tell our 2 boys that most of the time anger and lying is sin, because all it does is try to defend self or make me look better. it defends the sin nature (the "I") in me.
Which is the nature of Satan.
If you are defending GOD or saving people (out of love) then its not sin to lie.
The lie (if I can put it that way) must be spoken in love (what is best - not for me, but for the other person).
Interesting side note, one scripture says :
Ephesians 4:26
"In your anger do not sin" : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry"
So its possible to have 'righteous anger' or 'right anger' and I think we see that from time to time especially over in-justices in the world - gets us angry.
Or someone controlling, manipulating someone - could cause us anger.
Its not the best for that individual - its not love.
Same with a lie. How does it better the situation if I speak it? How will it build you up, or encourage or bless you? That is the question!
Love covers a multitude of sins! 1 Peter 4:8
Question: Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
why God created 'tree of the knowledge'
If GOD didn't give a choice, then we would be robots -forced (programed)
to love or do whatever GOD said.
I don't think anyone here believes their computer loves them?
The 2 trees represent 2 wills/ 2 people.
One is the Tree of LIFE (which they never got to it) it is JESUS. (HE is LIFE).
The one you discuss, is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
GOOD is a person and Evil is also a person.
The only temptation that could work, was for the devil to offer, what man didn't have (and that was to be god)
Because man had everything! Food, Family, Safety, Health, Life, and he walked with GOD (nothing lacking). Unless you think you can be God?
Which we can't -but that was the lie. In taking from the tree of knowledge, we learned evil (and we took on the nature of evil) which in Romans is called the 'sin nature'. Its really a satanic nature, that opposes GOD.
But in CHRIST, we start to eat from HIM. HE Is the manna, HE is the bread and the wine, HE said 'eat my flesh, drink my blood'. Sound weird?
Not really, HE is LIFE, so partake or stick with HIM, and you will be given
life and life more abundantly.
Get to understand how by GRACE this is achieved, because you don't do it
you receive it. Also, how the covenants work, I will explain more about them
If GOD didn't give a choice, then we would be robots -forced (programed)
to love or do whatever GOD said.
I don't think anyone here believes their computer loves them?
The 2 trees represent 2 wills/ 2 people.
One is the Tree of LIFE (which they never got to it) it is JESUS. (HE is LIFE).
The one you discuss, is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
GOOD is a person and Evil is also a person.
The only temptation that could work, was for the devil to offer, what man didn't have (and that was to be god)
Because man had everything! Food, Family, Safety, Health, Life, and he walked with GOD (nothing lacking). Unless you think you can be God?
Which we can't -but that was the lie. In taking from the tree of knowledge, we learned evil (and we took on the nature of evil) which in Romans is called the 'sin nature'. Its really a satanic nature, that opposes GOD.
But in CHRIST, we start to eat from HIM. HE Is the manna, HE is the bread and the wine, HE said 'eat my flesh, drink my blood'. Sound weird?
Not really, HE is LIFE, so partake or stick with HIM, and you will be given
life and life more abundantly.
Get to understand how by GRACE this is achieved, because you don't do it
you receive it. Also, how the covenants work, I will explain more about them
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?
Can I throw you some possible new thoughts your way?
First, when we say that 'bad things happen to good people' that is not a true saying in fact its a lie.
JESUS made it clear that no one is good except GOD. Luke 18:19
In fact our 'good deeds' are filthy rags. Isa.64:6
You see 'good' is not a character trait its a person - its GOD HIMSELF.
And I certainly are not GOD. (But through JESUS we can participate in the Divine nature) and we are in HIS image. More on that another time.
JESUS further teaches this lesson when HE talks about the tower of Siloam crashing killing people in the process. see Luke 13:4
HIS point, don't think you are better, then the ones that died in the tower collapse. There is none good except GOD alone. Mark 10:18
So, if we say good people are getting hurt, its not true in fact without JESUS GRACE - nobody is good!
JESUS said "how can you being evil say anything good?" Matthew 12:34
You see the law was given to Moses but GRACE and TRUTH came through JESUS. (see John 1:17)
The Law came to show us GOD'S standard and our extreme depravity and wickedness!
(its not even close). It makes it crystal clear GOD'S holiness (HIS LOVE) and our selfishness.
Their is no problem with GOD'S commands / laws, the only problem is when we pretend to keep them (hypocrites) lowering the real meaning of the laws (613 OT laws) and live a lie in our own effort.
That is the wicked sin of un-belief. That produces the curse, that was the orginial sin (doing it my way). Religion, even the Christian one, is us doing things our way. Now, we don't really admit to that, we say we are doing it GOD'S way, but we are only fooled.
We are in fact 'trying' to be good Christians.
The Gospel is recognizing the truth that I am nothing (actually less than nothing) a wicked sinner deserving hell. But seeing GOD'S kindness and love, that HE worked salvation with HIS own arm (Isaiah 63:5) by living perfectly then taking all that I deserve and taking the sin nature on the cross (becoming Sin) not only forgiving my sins but crushing the sin nature in the process. Setting me free from the law of sin and death.
Galatians 2:21 "I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly."
There are different laws, but the law most talked about in the Bible is the Laws Moses gave. There is a contrast between Law and GRACE throughout scripture.
On one side you have 'law' meaning the laws of Moses that you MUST keep.
On the other side you have 'GRACE' meaning JESUS keeping every law and you benefit like you kept them (when JESUS does for you).
So Law basically means 'self effort'.
GRACE basically means 'JESUS effort' for me.
You have all the worlds religions (including the christian ones) and all the clubs,
denominations, churches, temples all one one side...
The other side - JESUS alone.
Secondly, many christians are under the curse (see galatians 1).
They are under the curse (not because GOD put them there) but they put themselves there.
We know in Deuteronomy 28 there are tons of blessings and curses. The blessings when you read that part of scripture sound amazing while the curses sound like reading the newspaper or seeing many of the problems in your own life.
Paul talks in Galatians of JESUS becoming the curse for us.
"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us; for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13
Remember in the garden, man sinned (also Eve and the Devil) and a curse was a direct result.
We are under a curse, if we try to live our christian life, by our own self effort that cuts us off of CHRIST (leaving GRACE) putting us under satan and the curse.
The tree of knowledge of good and evil was man trying to live the 'God Life/christian life in their own way - not GOD'S tree of LIFE (which is JESUS)
JESUS is the life - John 14:6 also John 1:4
If we listen to the sin nature (which is satan himself) that operates in our members see Romans 7 and Ephesians 2:2 where it says: "the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient." We will continually try to make our Christianity work, in the endless cycle of trying to overcome the 'sin nature' (which we think is us, but its not) and trying to do right and really it boils down to 'me, me, me'.
That is independent self effort - is under the curse.
Read Galatians 1
6I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel;
7which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.
8But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!
This different gospel (which is really no good news at all) was around in Paul's time , JESUS time (on earth) and our time but it goes all the way back to the garden.
Its simply the one ingredient of all religions (including the Christian religion) and it opposes the TRUE GOSPEL (which is good news and news is past tense, we are telling you what already has been done) and that TRUE GOSPEL is JESUS' GRACE and that alone!
All your own effort curses yourself.
The only thing that matters is HIS LIFE flowing through you.
Christian means 'CHRIST in' - meaning HIS LIFE flowing through me, based on me believing (receiving) everything from HIM.
Galatians 3:2-3
This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?
3Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?
Finally vs 5
5So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?
Works of the Law - what you do?
or Hearing with Faith - beleiving what JESUS has done?
One produces the curse the other blessing.
Real curses, Real blessings.
Real death, Real life.
Real burden, Real Comfort.
Believe the Gospel -
Believe JESUS.
First, when we say that 'bad things happen to good people' that is not a true saying in fact its a lie.
JESUS made it clear that no one is good except GOD. Luke 18:19
In fact our 'good deeds' are filthy rags. Isa.64:6
You see 'good' is not a character trait its a person - its GOD HIMSELF.
And I certainly are not GOD. (But through JESUS we can participate in the Divine nature) and we are in HIS image. More on that another time.
JESUS further teaches this lesson when HE talks about the tower of Siloam crashing killing people in the process. see Luke 13:4
HIS point, don't think you are better, then the ones that died in the tower collapse. There is none good except GOD alone. Mark 10:18
So, if we say good people are getting hurt, its not true in fact without JESUS GRACE - nobody is good!
JESUS said "how can you being evil say anything good?" Matthew 12:34
You see the law was given to Moses but GRACE and TRUTH came through JESUS. (see John 1:17)
The Law came to show us GOD'S standard and our extreme depravity and wickedness!
(its not even close). It makes it crystal clear GOD'S holiness (HIS LOVE) and our selfishness.
Their is no problem with GOD'S commands / laws, the only problem is when we pretend to keep them (hypocrites) lowering the real meaning of the laws (613 OT laws) and live a lie in our own effort.
That is the wicked sin of un-belief. That produces the curse, that was the orginial sin (doing it my way). Religion, even the Christian one, is us doing things our way. Now, we don't really admit to that, we say we are doing it GOD'S way, but we are only fooled.
We are in fact 'trying' to be good Christians.
The Gospel is recognizing the truth that I am nothing (actually less than nothing) a wicked sinner deserving hell. But seeing GOD'S kindness and love, that HE worked salvation with HIS own arm (Isaiah 63:5) by living perfectly then taking all that I deserve and taking the sin nature on the cross (becoming Sin) not only forgiving my sins but crushing the sin nature in the process. Setting me free from the law of sin and death.
Galatians 2:21 "I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly."
There are different laws, but the law most talked about in the Bible is the Laws Moses gave. There is a contrast between Law and GRACE throughout scripture.
On one side you have 'law' meaning the laws of Moses that you MUST keep.
On the other side you have 'GRACE' meaning JESUS keeping every law and you benefit like you kept them (when JESUS does for you).
So Law basically means 'self effort'.
GRACE basically means 'JESUS effort' for me.
You have all the worlds religions (including the christian ones) and all the clubs,
denominations, churches, temples all one one side...
The other side - JESUS alone.
Secondly, many christians are under the curse (see galatians 1).
They are under the curse (not because GOD put them there) but they put themselves there.
We know in Deuteronomy 28 there are tons of blessings and curses. The blessings when you read that part of scripture sound amazing while the curses sound like reading the newspaper or seeing many of the problems in your own life.
Paul talks in Galatians of JESUS becoming the curse for us.
"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us; for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13
Remember in the garden, man sinned (also Eve and the Devil) and a curse was a direct result.
We are under a curse, if we try to live our christian life, by our own self effort that cuts us off of CHRIST (leaving GRACE) putting us under satan and the curse.
The tree of knowledge of good and evil was man trying to live the 'God Life/christian life in their own way - not GOD'S tree of LIFE (which is JESUS)
JESUS is the life - John 14:6 also John 1:4
If we listen to the sin nature (which is satan himself) that operates in our members see Romans 7 and Ephesians 2:2 where it says: "the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient." We will continually try to make our Christianity work, in the endless cycle of trying to overcome the 'sin nature' (which we think is us, but its not) and trying to do right and really it boils down to 'me, me, me'.
That is independent self effort - is under the curse.
Read Galatians 1
6I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel;
7which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.
8But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!
This different gospel (which is really no good news at all) was around in Paul's time , JESUS time (on earth) and our time but it goes all the way back to the garden.
Its simply the one ingredient of all religions (including the Christian religion) and it opposes the TRUE GOSPEL (which is good news and news is past tense, we are telling you what already has been done) and that TRUE GOSPEL is JESUS' GRACE and that alone!
All your own effort curses yourself.
The only thing that matters is HIS LIFE flowing through you.
Christian means 'CHRIST in' - meaning HIS LIFE flowing through me, based on me believing (receiving) everything from HIM.
Galatians 3:2-3
This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?
3Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?
Finally vs 5
5So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?
Works of the Law - what you do?
or Hearing with Faith - beleiving what JESUS has done?
One produces the curse the other blessing.
Real curses, Real blessings.
Real death, Real life.
Real burden, Real Comfort.
Believe the Gospel -
Believe JESUS.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Why I left the building when I realized we are the Church!
A few years ago, the LORD gave me this dream:
The setting was my home and we were in the middle of having a huge party with lots of guests.
I knew everyone in the dream (although when I awoke, didn't really know them all) but in my dream I knew everyone, after all they were all in my house.
We were all talking and having a good time, when a friend asked me if I had met a girl named _________________ (I don't recall her name).
I said "No, but I would like to welcome her into our home and to the party."
In my dream, the weird part was, I knew everyone in the house but not her!
So, I go with my friend and to my surprise, he brings me to a young girl, maybe 13 years of age, sitting in the back room. I then extend my hand to shake hands with her to welcome her to our home and party.
She was dressed in an over sized wedding dress that hung on her. And she wouldn't shake my hand (pulling hers away). She didn't say much, kind of like some young teenagers when they meet strangers, they answer in one word soft, hushed answers only, they don't really communicate.
She looked awkward, clumsy and 'out of place' at this party.
After that I woke up.
It took time, but the LORD showed me that this girl was the church - the bride.
HE is coming back for a woman and HE is seeing only a girl want-to-be bride.
A girl playing house.
She lacked grace trying to play the part without being grown up and being the part.
She didn't fit in with all the people around me (there were saved and un-saved at my party). She was alone - un reaching and unreachable.
Like the teenager that wants to have the 'freedom' (or so called freedom) of an adult without paying the dues, and maturing over time into what you were called to be.
As a married guy, I think men are looking for a bride that loves them, that keeps in step with them, that knows what (husband) is thinking and they act as a team working together. Someone that HE can't wait to be with because LOVE is complete with the sum of both parts.
That is the Bride - JESUS wants.
That was a few years ago, and now we do 'home fellowship' with lots of food and sharing - loads of fun and growth.
I am more convinced then ever, that HE wants HIS bride!
What man doesn't?
The setting was my home and we were in the middle of having a huge party with lots of guests.
I knew everyone in the dream (although when I awoke, didn't really know them all) but in my dream I knew everyone, after all they were all in my house.
We were all talking and having a good time, when a friend asked me if I had met a girl named _________________ (I don't recall her name).
I said "No, but I would like to welcome her into our home and to the party."
In my dream, the weird part was, I knew everyone in the house but not her!
So, I go with my friend and to my surprise, he brings me to a young girl, maybe 13 years of age, sitting in the back room. I then extend my hand to shake hands with her to welcome her to our home and party.
She was dressed in an over sized wedding dress that hung on her. And she wouldn't shake my hand (pulling hers away). She didn't say much, kind of like some young teenagers when they meet strangers, they answer in one word soft, hushed answers only, they don't really communicate.
She looked awkward, clumsy and 'out of place' at this party.
After that I woke up.
It took time, but the LORD showed me that this girl was the church - the bride.
HE is coming back for a woman and HE is seeing only a girl want-to-be bride.
A girl playing house.
She lacked grace trying to play the part without being grown up and being the part.
She didn't fit in with all the people around me (there were saved and un-saved at my party). She was alone - un reaching and unreachable.
Like the teenager that wants to have the 'freedom' (or so called freedom) of an adult without paying the dues, and maturing over time into what you were called to be.
As a married guy, I think men are looking for a bride that loves them, that keeps in step with them, that knows what (husband) is thinking and they act as a team working together. Someone that HE can't wait to be with because LOVE is complete with the sum of both parts.
That is the Bride - JESUS wants.
That was a few years ago, and now we do 'home fellowship' with lots of food and sharing - loads of fun and growth.
I am more convinced then ever, that HE wants HIS bride!
What man doesn't?
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